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Nathan Flech

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Everything posted by Nathan Flech

  1. Nice update. I think FAN and NATO will be coming back to the race by october.
  2. Won't get your nation destroyed in a large war, we only have a few treaty partners like ARES, but raids are allowed to keep up skills.
  3. If you are already in a circle on another sphere and wish to stay in that, that is Ok with us. If you don't you should probably switch to Blue for Blutiny benefits but we won't force you.
  4. You get $3,000,000 when you join the UINE! Every 10 days you get $3,000,000 as part of our UINdEvelopment program! We also do lots of tech deals and trading circles!
  5. Come an be awesome. You get UINdEvelopment program which is like getting 3mil everday until you get to 10K NS.
  6. Oh yeah we're looking for a Minister of Education so any 40K nation who's looking for a high gov spot. . . Also we are very secure now that Jenn died.
  7. He got back in war mode. . . anyway I keep my eyes peeled for him. XD
  8. Gopherbashi just kills the alliance who lost most every day. Eventually when half of alliances are gone even a small gain may be fatal.
  9. Also, we have secret plans for tech deals and UINdEvelopment, so you're score will go up almost as if you were in a huge alliance.
  10. Well, really its more like if you ask for aid on forums you get it. I don't know if that is obsolete or no.
  11. Also, we are very homie. And our gov is nice.
  12. Yes our IRC channel is extremely active for a 70 member alliance. There's typically 30 people in there, with 1 or 2 that are actually typing. And our forums are very nice and they are also active.
  13. I think there will be only a few medium sized red alliances (100-200 size) on the sphere. United Earth Directorate is doing well and the others are also growing. Pacifica won't own the sphere, but still be partially in charge to me.
  14. Not until another two months. Also uine is awesome. But I guess huns would be cool too.
  15. We also are in Blutiny so if you are on Blue, unlike me you automatically get the advantages of that like trade circles. Plus the tech deals are nice too. Lastly We have open gov spots!! Minister of Education if open if any 20K nation would like that. XD
  16. Oh yeah and the person who recruited you also gets 3mil and we also have the UINdEvelopment project which gives you 3mil like every 10 days.
  17. o/ Destiny even though I don't really get this very much. Edit: 1st post
  18. Yeah, XD Nice update but the purple is weird. >_>
  19. Red, and Pink suck sooooo much. Yellow and Orange are very awesome.
  20. WTH? Why did you post the update from page 1110? Can someone delete that update clone you made please?
  21. )): Red sphere )): Good idea, maybe we all spheres should outlaw tech raiding, or force red to legalize it.
  22. Maybe blue is suffering the same fate. Congrats aqua.
  23. I found three VE Applicant members on one page.
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