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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. To add to what Enderland said, you can always switch Uranium with Coal.
  2. I wish you the best of luck for the future.
  3. Sounds very familiar, Illuminati anyone?
  4. I wish you the best of luck guys!
  5. Congrats Lanna! I wish you a successful future
  6. www.cn-gpf.info #gpf on Coldfront.net Come down and taste our cookies! Everything you need we can help you with and we have a pretty active and lulzy IRC channel.
  7. Congrats on this achievement GOD. You were a great ally to TOH way back in the past. I wish you another successful 5 years.
  8. Just goes to show how classy you are. In the meantime enjoy the consequences of your action.
  9. Oh boy, keep it coming Facebones. This is really entertaining me.
  10. Congrats TCW, I wish you well on reaching milestone after milestone.
  11. Shame it came down to this. Anyhow I thank RoK for the military protection they have extended to us over the last 3 months through Ragnablok. Good luck in the future.
  12. Sexy looking gov. Hope this term brings ample amounts of success!
  13. GPF is the future, come and join our adventure!
  14. Truckin' on to bigger and better things!
  15. [quote name='Anson' timestamp='1325287867' post='2889320'] Let me see if I understand this right; First, an alliance claiming they protect the globe is protected (ironic, but I’ll go along with this). Second, your second in command believes that enemies are an indicator that you’re doing something right (let me remind you about GGA and TGE, to name just two). Third, your Minister of Defense has been a leading member of a rather high number of failed alliances (I’m parroting this information from numerous previous postings) I know this isn’t baseball, but these three facts are rather tough to overcome. So you’ve been around for 47 days, and you’ve amassed 51 members. Not bad, not bad at all, in theory. Of your 51 members, only 22 of them have Foreign Ministries. That means that 29 of your members can only conduct 4 tech deals at a time. Remember, tech deals make your nations stronger. I took the liberty of doing some basic calculations. You have 232 Foreign Aid slots total. You’re only using 52 of them. You realistically only have 10 buyers, so that means 41 sellers. That’s 56 slots for buyers, so 176 slots for sellers. IF you had all of your buyers conducting 3/50s, your alliance would make 14,000NS every 20 days, just from them. Going with that same 3/50 rate, that means your sellers are losing out on $380,160,000 in profits. Just imagine how much stronger your alliance would be if it was even minimally active (and your Finance person did the job). If you say that the war is inhibiting your selling capability, I say BS! Of the well over 200 alliances in this game, MAYBE 50 are in the war. Put a little effort into this, buds. Your #6 nation, 28k NS, doesn’t even have nukes. In fact, that dude has almost 7:1 infra:tech, and don’t tell me it’s because of war, cause he has 0 casualties! So yes, I sympathize with all those who have called for you to disband. Your alliance is neither economically nor militarily equipped. [/quote] So glad I read this in work. I would have hated not to have been paid reading this! Why sympathize when you can do something about it?
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