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Posts posted by mrcalkin

  1. You have decided to lead your nation a certain way. You want to be a one man alliance even though you are alone and therefore not an alliance but one man with a different AA to none. You lack any of the elements that define an alliance. You have no alliance forum that I am aware of. You have no government (besides yourself). You lack the numbers (5) that most people require an alliance to have to call itself an alliance. The only policy you seem to have is you will retaliate against attackers with nukes, now that you have no nukes your policy is invalid. You have no written treaties with anyone and have no protectorate agreement. All of these things are your right, but that does not make you an alliance anymore than I am 6'4 because I say so.

    Even though you have decided to lead your nation differently to almost everyone else you have decided to use the same political process as everyone else. When you get attacked you post here as is your right even though it doesn't fit your maverick approach to the game. When you post information about your attack and are questioned you attack the credibility of the person questioning you rather than explain why your one man alliance should be treated differently to all other single nations who are questioned or unfortunately get ridiculed when they come here to say they have been attacked.

    You have many friends in CN who come rushing to your aid by sending you money, defending your right to post here(even though I have never seen anyone try to deny you this right only question your motive or unfortunately troll your post) fighting with you in their own alliance or walking out on their own alliance to fight with you. This is the result of your posts so its only natural people might question whether this is the real motive behind your posts.

    If you explain why you keep yourself in a position to be attacked in raids. (one man alliance, no protection & in war mode) "War is an option for Pittsburghistan" Then post when the inevitable happens and expect people not to question why you don't try and protect yourself better then perhaps people will respond differently to your style of leadership.

    I think I understand the situation just fine, however If I am uninformed its because you haven't informed my properly.

    I think you are an absolute idiot. I was a member of BAPS until I realized you guys were stupid enough to elect Tumin and I guess y'all haven't improved much in the intelligence department since then. So Opethian is well liked. So people respect his opinions. Why do you even waste your freaking time clicking on the thread if you don't think they are valid. People will keep doing things the way they have. If you think your patronizing posts are going to change Opethian's or anyone else's mind you are even more dense than I thought. DON'T LIKE THE WAY OPETHIAN PLAYS? DON'T CLICK HIS THREADS. It is actually really freaking easy and will enable the rest of us who think they are entertaining or amusing to not have to deal with your text walls posting the obvious. You really aren't adding anything, no matter what you think.

  2. Your technology level: 3,562.73

    Your cost / technology level: $443,716.55

    Do you have the following resources:

    Gold: no

    Microchips: no

    How many University improvements do you have: 2

    Do you have the following wonders:

    Great University: yes

    National Research Lab: no

    Space Program: no

  3. Firstly im not writing this because im from Poison Clan...In fact this is my own personal opinion and NOT representative of Poison Clan

    But I'm quite frankly discusted with the amount of trolling and bullying that goes on here in the OWF

    I seem to remember a particularly good post where a kid with a lot of potential was bullied out of the CN Forums... How many people here remember Real_Ice_9...Probably one of the best threads ive ever read...

    Sure he wanted to be a mercenary but what do we do, instead of gently letting the kid down we bash him and bully him...In fact...if you'll go back to that thread and look at all the threads that CONSTRUCTIVELY (not destructively) critisized him you'll notice that on the left it said Poison Clan

    And now, a lot of us thought that that kid had a lot of potential on the forums but has anyone seen him here since then? or has he just become a whisper of a legend

    Why dont you ask yourselves who the real bullies are, who the real arrogant people are...because it is NOT people like Ephram Grey

    Lots of people probably should have been hugged more as children.

  4. Lucky, I don't want to get off on the wrong foot as you seem like a cool guy. So I apolgize for the sarcasm :)

    Also, a 16 man alliance should have very few going after it. Most alliances cease at around 5 members.

    And I heard a rumor that The Grämlins hate when people raid their dealers. *wink wink*

    Might want to talk to Onyx Hand, 11 members and they were raided within their first few days, before they signed a treaty with TAB. Though, most raiders are amazingly easy to deal with nowadays, all you need is a little respect, punctuation and patience.

  5. How do your goals now compare to your goals from one year ago? Did you ever expect Ragnarok to grow to the size it has?

    Do you regret any decisions you have made? If so, which?

    What was the biggest factor in choosing aqua as your team color?

    Who is responsible for your graphics? I have always been impressed.

    edit: I guess I am lucky for never seeing someone write "persay", think I would smash up my screen.

  6. While we didn't make any of these lists, I am proud of Umbrella's wonders.

    We have:

    52 Manhattan Projects

    9 Weapons Research Complexes (would have been 10 if one of our member's didn't end up quitting last week)

    41 Strategic Defense Initiatives

    21 Pentagons

    Not bad for a 75 member alliance who has spent the better part of the year playing catch-up! Someday I hope we can make the proper lists, need to get some age beneath some of our nations before we stand a fighting chance, though.

  7. This is not the best way to go about trying to find a protectorate.

    Brilliant political move...

    Yeah, the correct way would be to suck up to some dudes on IRC for a few days until they become "friends" and then convince them to give you one.

    Anyone else tired of the same old clichés? He posted eloquently, laid out all the downfalls and benefits to taking on his alliance, and is effectively putting himself on the market. Sure, now if he is unable to find one the raiders will probably pounce, but I think he is well aware of that. Some things warrant private channels, some others don't. I don't really see why this would necessarily have to be the former.

  8. At least in Umbrella, there is going to have to be a pretty significant reason not to defend any ODP partners we sign with. Ideally, I would like to only sign ODP's or MDoAP's in the future. Though, Umbrella has made it a point to consider out treaties extremely binding, which is why you don't see us signing any often. We need to be really close to the alliance before we would even consider a treaty. The sarcastic replies about MDP's really being ODP's in practice, there are still alliances out there that don't feel this way.

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