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Posts posted by mrcalkin

  1. :huh:

    Me thinks you miss the basic point, which is that people can make mistakes in whom to consider a friend.

    The VE is no different in this than many other alliances: Gramlins being among them. Maybe you should consider NPO to be one? Legion? GATO? Vox?

    Maybe everyone should be a bit more vigilant then. I guess I will bow out of this thread, I don't believe my presence is accomplishing anything whatsoever.

  2. You should go ask your allies about FnF :)

    Hmm, I seem to recall my allies taking care of FnF before they did any real damage. Ephriam Gray killed alliances and basically ran free precisely because VE protected him (an Invicta member posted before that they would have taken him out without your protection). To compare this situation to FnF makes you guys look even worse.

  3. .. and furthermore, you give a friend the benefit of doubt makes an alliance irrelevant in your eyes. I'm sure you, nor any of your allies have never, ever, done that. :rolleyes:

    Way to make yourself look relevant.


    Umbrella and myself could not care less about relevancy really, we have had an OWF ban for almost our entire existence, and I went against my own better judgement to post in anger earlier, and I regret stooping to do so, but, only slightly. The irrelevancy comment was probably misplaced, and probably just a bad habit. However, I stand by my comment that you allowed your friendship to blind you. Those previous logs were extremely suspect. Many said so as well. I beg you to watch your allies better. I have no real issue with the VE, but I do have an issue with people who ignore suspicion in the name of protecting friendship. Maybe I am just paranoid, but I would have never stood silently on the side while someone used screenshots of notepad, especially for something so out of the ordinary as the "hello" spam. As former allies of Andromeda, I, as well as many other players of this game hold you responsible for not asking the questions that should have been asked. Blind support of these actions has killed my image of VE, an alliance I had no opinion of before (hell, I still feel bad that I had participated in the original Vitricide). What it boils down to is something fairly simple, as those who supported Andromeda in the past, and even merged the alliance within your ranks, you had the responsibility to not blindly trust logs that were considered suspect at the time, and you failed.

  4. Does he have a shred of evidence to support what he's saying? Him and Vox members had access to VE forums for MONTHS, did they ever find a single post that suggest anyone in our alliance had any idea of what Ephie was doing? The answer is no, because we did not know until recently, and when we did find out we took this action. Schatterman has been someone who constantly opposes VE in all it's threads for no good reason at all, so the only necessary thing for me to say is that he is a joke.

    It is called blind trust, something the VE is guilty of, and why many alliances will never trust you from now on. Thanks for sheltering someone who was hell-bent on lying and cheating just because you were good friends. I havent trusted him since the jerdge "hello" repeated logs and you are extremely foolish for doing so. By saying you had no proof, you are further digging your grave. Yet another reason this VE is irrelevant.

  5. You were in the runner-up section (approximately 8-9 more alliance) for top 10, top 50, and 5% nations. I know it's not percentages, but you were still up there even with a low member count.

    someday, someday! These threads motivate me for growth more than anything else haha.

  6. Because MK would clearly dominate the field in a military conflict.

    I really appreciated the "blaze of glory" last time around. Failkingdom.

    Not really sure the point of this post. Doesn't really seem to be on topic with debating the votes at hand and more of a pot shot against an alliance you dislike. The "Failkingdom" was also a pretty cute effect there, chief.

  7. umbrellacrestcopywl0.jpg

    It has been an amazing year. We have had our Austerlitzs and our Waterloos. Every moment, both positive and negative, has contributed to who we are today. To the members of Umbrella, you have made me proud. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve with and lead such amazing people. I cannot imagine an alliance with a better mix of individuals and, for this, I am deeply grateful.

    Thank you for 2008, and I look forward to our success in 2009.

    With that said, I would like to give some informal recognition to those that have truly gone above and beyond in the service of the Parasol. If your name is not on here, work harder and I will be sure to include you for 2009 :P

    Roquentin - What can I say, I think Umbrella would be dead if it was not for you. You have been the single greatest asset to myself and the alliance for these last few months and your insane level of activity puts me to shame. I see great things in the future for you and am grateful that you stuck around even when things were looking down. If I could use photoshop, I would be giving you a medal as big as my head.

    Xav| - You are a bigger asset than you probably realize and I am going to make the prediction that you will make triumvir within the next year. I know I haven't said as much as I have for the others, but trust me, I appreciate you just as much,

    Ochocinco - You were Umbrella from inception to May. Anyone who denies this clearly was not paying attention. Though we have not always seen eye-to-eye, you have been a great inspiration to me and I cannot tell you how happy I was when you told me you were going to come back to us. Bravo.

    KevinJB - I hope you get on to read this :D Kevin, you brought me into the fold when we were just floating by after the UJW. Without you, there would be no Umbrella, there would be no flag, there would be nothing that has kept me playing this game for the last year. I am going to keep repeating it until I am blue in the face but "COME BACK FULL TIME!"

    Zerileous - I still remember the night Sceptor told me about this guy who was basically doing everything on the financial side of things and I am so pleased you came out to help like that. You are a stand-up dude and someone I have always felt would be an awesome friend even IRL. Thanks for being one of my co-triumvirs!

    Domisi - #stoners rocked, enough said. Happy early birthday to Katelyn too :wub:

    Pieman - Thanks for listening to my lessons, I will give you another one soon.

    godfather - best. new. member. ever. It is a shame university has to steal all your time away, maybe we can get you a salary to play CN full-time

    Exaotus - My leader! If Umbrella ever folds I assume I can rejoin you in AAO :awesome:

    Treefinguy - Your ninja turtle hand kicks #$@ and the Umbrella on the map was pretty cool.

    Napoleon - I know everyone seems to have a love/hate relationship with you, but you were probably the single-handedly most active member we EVER had and maybe ever will have. I definitely miss talking to you more.

    Bossk, Trepidation, MaoKhan, drugmule - Thanks for leading us, you were all amazing in your own way and each of you left an indelible mark on the alliance. We all owe you big time for doing your duty :wub:

    Sceptor - If I had gone through with my original idea of giving out awards, you were going to get the "Umbrellan of the Year" and I think it should be pretty obvious why to anyone who knows you. You have been my partner-in-crime for at least 10 or 11 months now and I always considered myself lucky to be able to rely on someone like you. How you have had the stamina to be our leader through these last 7 months, I will never know. I cannot thank you enough man.

    And last but not least, thanks to all those members who have faded away over the last year. I miss you shimrra, ballz2thewallz, MaoKhan, VladTemplar, toffee, and all those whose names I can no longer recall :P

    edit: <NuclearPoweredKimJongIl> add a shoutout to #dick, mrcalkin

    This is to my homeslice lolibot, may you live forever

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