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Posts posted by mrcalkin

  1. I miss Lord Sharpe, chuckybob, toffee, ph00ny, and 1000 other guys who disappeared over the last two years. I hope you all come back someday (and join Umbrella, of course :awesome:)!

    and I hope I am never missed, that would mean I didn't go out with a big enough bang :P

  2. Hungover selections, enjoy:

    Alliance Categories

    Friendliest Alliance

    -Mostly Harmless Alliance

    -Mushroom Kingdom

    Most Hostile Alliance

    -Vox Populi


    -New Pacific Order

    Best Diplomatic Team


    -Mushroom Kingdom

    Best Economic System

    -The Grämlins

    Best Military

    -The Order of the Paradox

    Best Recruiting Staff


    Best Propaganda Staff

    -Mushroom Kingdom

    Scariest Alliance

    -The Order of the Paradox

    Best Alliance Growth (Jan 1st - Present)

    -Umbrella (had to go with ourselves :P)

    Best Rookie Alliance (under 4 months old)


    Most Honorable Alliance

    The Grämlins

    Most Active Alliance

    -Mushroom Kingdom

    Best Flag


    Best War Flag


    Best Forums

    -Mostly Harmless Alliance

    Most entertaining IRC Channel

    - #Mushroom (Mushroom Kingdom Public Channel)

    - #Apocalypse (Apocalypse Public Channel)

    Most powerful Alliance


    Alliance of the Year

    -Umbrella (sorry, vanity wins)

    Alliance most likely to succeed in 2009

    -The Order of the Paradox

    Player Categories

    Most Powerful Player



    Best Alliance Leader

    -Bossk <3

    Most controversial Player

    -Electron Sponge

    Funniest Player

    -Ryan Reyes

    Most Active Player

    -Sceptor (o/)

    Player of the Year




    -Rebel Virginia

    -Van Hoo III

    Player most likely to achieve greatness in 2009


    Political, Forum, and Game Categories

    Most Powerful Alliance Bloc

    The Citadel

    The Continuum

    Best OWF Topic

    -Farung's thread about spying on NpO

    Best Water Cooler Topic

    - N/A

    Best Declaration of War


    Best Treaty Announcement

    - Umbrella’s entry into Citadel (damn it feels good to be a gangster)

    Best Game addition/change

    - The range adjustments

    Best Wall of Text

    - any of those RIA tl;dr's

    Best player Avatar

    - Archon

    Best player Sig

    - Doitzel

    Best Player Quote (IRC or Forum)



    <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

    Best CN Meme


    Funniest Event


    Best OWF/AP Forum Poster

    -anyone but HeroofTime55

    Best OOC Forum Area Poster

    Biggest Controversy

    -NpO attack on NADC

  3. to be honest, Gen[m]ay was not forced to disband. had they stuck it out a bit longer, they would have most likely gotten peace. so laying Gen[m]ay's disbandment at the feet of Polaris is complete bs. I have talked to several former [m]embers and the internal issues that [m] had more than outweighed everything else when it came to their disbandment. so, while you can lay \m/ at Polaris's feet, [m] you cannot.

    Also, you wish to talk bout insubordinate leaders, take a look at GOONS just prior to the UJW ending. that is insubordinate and far worse than ES. Also, this little IRC log, even if true, looks suspicious. the last line for instant could be not related or a joke. and the fact that it looks as if more conversation happened before, possibly during, and most likely afterwards does not lend that much credence to what is actually shown.

    It is not cut and dry, we did ask for peace when we could have actually gone on, by the time we got our response it was probably too late though.

    edit: though it doesn't really matter, genmay was past its prime, its probably a good thing it ended when it did :P

  4. I can only think of 3 alliances that it could be argued that Sponge made disband, and even then he only really forced one (\m/) I do not believe the second approached Sponge for terms ([M] i am not sure on that though) and the third had no intention of ever surrendering (GOONS). I can think of two alliances off the top of my head that are at war with Q and are never going to get peace (NoV and FAN). So I would say Q is pretty much right on par with Sponge on that.

    correction, afaik, we (as in [m]) did approach NpO with terms (undoubtedly either Myworld or Electron_Sponge) and were told "no, you are not eligible for terms" at that time, though maybe it would have been different if we held out a little longer, which was impossible with how fast morale and unity had disintegrated within the alliance. I considered and still consider it a forced disbandment since there wasn't any real option for our alliance at that time.

  5. Can't stress how lucky we are to have all these new alliances on black filled with people with good heads on their shoulders. I am glad to have met y'all, and I hope we can work together to make black even better. Congratulations on such an important milestone!

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