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Posts posted by Omniscient1

  1. Are these the back channels that in the last war VE announced ignored the agreed coalition battle plan & full deployed. Then informed us they've all peace out if other alliances didn't save their arses? Or the ones that after we threw a needless amount of NS into an area of the war we knew we were outgunned in they announced they'd be peacing out with or without the rest of us?Calling C&G out for being bad allies when defending VE is one of the worst arguments I've ever heard. How many times do I have to tell people to stop listening to the zombie alliance. What is dead should always stay dead.

    So you hate VE for not hiding in peace mode? Well, I'm convinced. They should move to yellow shouldn't they! Such cowards!
    B) Nothing we did approaches what you did, either on the level of being creepy or being game crippling or being just over the line for a game.


    I was not "in the know" during UJW (and certainly not before), so I could have missed a few things. Some I heard stories about. However, I watched and spoke to people on a regular basis after that and never did I see anything more creepy and over the line than the events of BIOdad. I mean....just how did we get to that point, and how do we never return?

    Oh and digging into people's criminal records, stealing RL pictures to use as avatars, and there were a few other minor things I found disturbing.

    Overall IC wise? Yea NPO way worse than MK. Of course is it because MK knew they couldn't get away with the same crap? Or was it because they didn't want to?
  3. Everyone is given their chance to join the Platysphere. Some make the right choice, and others choose not to join. One day, the light of Johan will fill your soul, and then you shall be pure.  :ehm:

    While I appreciate the snark, it really does seem like sometimes we're one of the few actually playing the game of thrones anymore. I mean, when's the last time Argent did something without their parents holding their hands, 2010?


    Holy shit we have parents?!? Lowsten always told me we fell from rainbow with the task of bringing Planet Bob the power of friendship.

    Hey man, kudos on your move. I like it, but what I don't like is everyone hopping on your dick as if they've never seen a political move before. I mean, I love Polar and they know it, but I've fought with them before. They are far from anything special. TOP certainly has a good war machine, but good war machines have been beaten before. Oh yea, your lower their sucks though. I could have had more fun watching paint dry.

    But hey what happened to "Argent is so dastardly for betraying us and killing PF". When did it switch to "you're boring and make no moves"? You better edit that post before Feanor, Crymson, and the other shadow gov smush you for not toeing the line.

    Thanks to Gibs who got this started by inviting our diplomats over for a beer.  I realize is was just a few months ago, but hey, feel like we've been building this relationship for a good long while.
    o/Spies with Nukes!

    Gibs caused this? Well fuck, I despise this treaty now.
    Hey Bobby boy, wasn't it TOP only 5-6 months ago who was wagging down our tail that we rejected (like the time before)? What was the plan, to ally us so that we couldn't directly defend NPO or something? Such gumption with some of your new buds :P
    Honestly, most of us that read this will smile. We all like this as much as you do (if for different reasons) :)

    But....but....but TOP is so clever for signing with that Blue alliance...and they have Ardus...... And I can't believe you have a bad opinion of TOP! They're the only ones playing the game!

    Am I doing this right folks?

    Oh but hey congrats to Chimey, Reyas, and friends and NPL!
    Did you seriously just suggest C&G ever cried for peace? Not even you can be that stupid. Can you?

    No, I suggested in event of war, I'd rather have VE at my back than a collection of alliances, notorious for their long commitment to dodging wars and avoiding conflict. Should we go through my list again? Given it would be a far shorter once since INT has finally wised up and left your toxic encirclement.

    Besides one of your member alliance did get peace leaving their allies on the battlefield after a period shorter than two weeks. (The joke time given in the post).

    If you want to waste time arguing you're a better ally than VE go ahead. I know who I'd take in a martial situation.
  6. ROMA is protected officially by The Terran Empire and The Sandwich Comfederation.
    I think most people who are paying attention can see what is going on here. The OP joined 11 days ago.
    Former MK members have a history of this sort of thing. Had to deal
    with it last war.
    ROMA is also unofficially protected by me. I dont care who, decides to try to misuse the ROMA AA for what
    ever reason. I've recruited most of them and I'm protective of them so unless you want a
    "Mama cougar protecting her cubs" type of situation out of White Chocolate, don't tread on ROMA.

    Weren't they protected by NEAT once? I remember helping them out when a bunch of nuke rogues hit them.

    I've never known WC to harm small nations. So, I'll trust her judgement on whatever this is. Carry on folks.
    That sounds terribly unlike something I would say.  I strongly support the Friends>Infra strategy.  So long as a friend continues to treat me and mine right, I'll stick by them.  That doesn't, however, mean I will extend that to all other alliances.  I am more than willing to throw outsiders under the bus to protect myself and my friends.

    I was almost certain it was you. Oh well then.
  8. neutrality is existing without any provocation, i exist solely for my own alliance and nothing else, simply because i can change my ideals from this does not mean i never meant this logic in the first place, TDO is the target because GPA and WTF could match a solid resistance, TDO doesn't have the same ability to defend themselves as a top tier alliance can.

    Act upon what you would believe in any world, that is all I do, and all I ask for anyone, I am someone who stands for those who have no defense, if you'd sit and watch the weak burn, feel free to sit on the sidelines like I expect most to do, my goal is not to convince the masses, only those who believe in morality no matter the plane we're on.

    Plus, I believe it has been telegraphed before that FARK and VE would not tolerate an attack upon WTF and GPA respectively. I mean, I can't say, but this has been said in the rumor mill before, so why chance it.
  9. Instead of writing out long articles, we can do bullet points of how we remember things going down.  For instance section 42, PB-NpO:
    - Leadup to PB-NpO, SF as a whole voted to side with PB which RoK agreed to
    - There was an influential member revolt in RoK (including very high profile members like Hoo) and defended NpO at the 11th hour
    - RIA made a last minute deal with PB where RIA would counter IAA (taking the Synergy counter) in exchange for the right to attack SLCB and keep RoK from being countered
    - DT wasn't invested in fighting for the NpO coalition and asked for early peace.  Goose, believing DT was trying to bail out early, asked for massive reps, believing that not offering peace to DT would be bad PR (oh the irony) and that he would offer grey peace when the war was over.  DT went public with the huge reps and CSN then decided they had to now enforce the huge reps or be humiliated.  Oh how we begged them to back down...
    - The CSN issue caused The Brain to peace out with everyone, leave Maroon for Black, and leave Chestnut Accords
    - Eventually CSN forced DT to accept the massive reps.  Even though most of the reps were waived the damage was done.  This would eventually lead to us all being rolled by Mjolnir in the Grudge War

    Wow, I had forgotten all my hate toward CSN until now. Interesting......
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