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Posts posted by Omniscient1

  1. The more infighting in this thread between the alliances that made up eQ, the more you prove my point that eQ (as a political movement, not individual alliances) would have absolutely collapsed under the weight of it's own incompetence if not for NPO at the helm.
    The divergence between what various factions wanted and didn't want was comical at the time, and almost sad now.
    This is what happens when a bunch of people who don't know how to win manage to not lose.

    Ummm this may be news to you, but all coalitions break up after war. It has every time post-GW II.
    We're one of the best built alliances with competent leadership and members more than willing to fight and follow orders?

    Wow, that was hilarious. Wasn't there literally a thread in these very halls about how disobedient you membership was and how they hid in peace mode?
    Yes, a low level treaty is prime for that kind of thing..like really...seriously....oh it's Omni...par for the course. Sarcasm wasted.
    Also, everything I said was true. 

    And forming an embassy a few days before war isn't trying to "kiss up". Hell, I formed an embassy with you guys just to piss you all off.

    I can't control the idiocy of your members.
  4. How can you be this ... under a bridge.... I have NEVER EVER claimed to be without mistakes. The difference, I openly admit them and not try to cover them up like a child. You could learn from this.

    Tbf, yes you or your minions claimed you never lie. It even spawned a whole bunch of sigs. So, apparently you lie only unintentionally?

    Also, I'm half joking.
    You guys can kiss my ass now. How's that for diplomacy? Next time try not to make it obvious by showing up to suck up to us a week before there is a war where you would absolutely love for us to be on your side. If I were Int I'd already be drawing up the cancellation. Why keep ties to someone who basically just said they wouldn't mind seeing your bloc rolled?

    Considering some of your members at the time described the Int-IRON treaty as a "way to control DR post-war", I wouldn't be pointing fingers claiming misleading diplomacy. I don't think INT have plans of using IRON, (and it was likely your members just running their mouths) but it's not for lack of suggestion by you guys.
    Irony is fun. IRON is literally mad at NPO for doing to EQ.... exactly what IRON did to our coalition in the last war. And... they do not even see it. It was IRON who pushed, damn near demanded for that war to end. Now they stand before us... crying that NPO demanded this war to end, despite the fact that others in the coalition had not yet fulfilled their goals. Yep, it makes tons of sense. 

    Are you illiterate or missing a chromosome? IRON specifically said they are not angry at NPO nor is "stopping the war" the reason they cancelled (at least according to IRON and I think they'd know). The highlighted situation merely illustrates that there are irreconcilable differences between IRON and Pacifica, in both demeanor and foreign policy. I wouldn't expect anyone from CnG to understand this since your own foreign policy is spread wider than an inner city's hookers legs on the first and fifteenth.

    Now if IRON wished to follow your example then they would have made a topic called "drop NPO" proceeded to discuss what has been posted here and procured promises from NPO for the ability to roll CnG. IRON's version of Airme would have announced that he saw no reason to keep the NPO treaty, but overall they would have done nothing.

    However, IRON does not follow CnG's FA policy. They're not pussies.
  7. You're more of an idiot than I pretend to be. Christ, shut up. You're not being witty.

    Besides me does anyone even read your posts anymore? It's like you have two responses. You either claim someone else is a shit poster or you claim people are being dumb on purpose. I'm starting to think your just projecting your own insecurities onto others.
  8. First off, during Grudge, we were already in a poor, low tech position due to being in a losing war 8 months earlier.  The last time ODN was in a losing war was 2007.  Int had never lost one.  GATO's was 2008.  I believe TLR had never lost one.  More tech leads to a higher percentage lost generally.  But I'll give you that point regardless.

    And what of the 15-20% of CnG nations that stayed in PM for the entire war?  They took zero damage and through that CnG was able to avoid around a fifth of the damage they could have taken.  If you are saying that the coalition as a whole agreed with NPO's push for peace, that's laughable.  If you're saying that NPO was justified in ending it when they did, that may be true, but once again, they've lost IRON over what priority they gave CnG over their wishes.

    They took tons of damage man! But TTK and Polar are crappy fighters, and couldn't do damage to them. Thank God for NPO or this strange paradox would be impossible. See Brehon is such a great monkey leader it splits the space time continuum.
    You are being intentionally dense with that. NPOs leadership is( stron leadership) is what he is referring to. Not that actual effort of pressing the red button, which even a trained chimpanzee can do.

    If war is chimpanzee level easy (all you have to do to do damage is hit a button) then leadership wouldn't be needed. Like you said your self a chimpanzee could do it. So did NG and INT get hurt? Or is EQ useless without NPO?

    Brehon may be a monkey. Idk. But your argument is self refuting.

    You brought up Polar before, and now you're bringing up this. I am not "people" and I am not "everyone around here". I am not responsible for the collective opinion of every OWF post you've ever read.
    IRON can cancel on whichever of their treaty partners they want, for any reason they want. And I am free to think their reasons for cancelling are childish; and I am also free to be mean to them in their cancellation thread because I dislike them and think they're making (another) stupid decision.
    e: accidentally a word

    Sure you are. I'm pointing out that given the circumstances your critique is empty. Your one of the better posters here though, so carry on.
  11.  Yes, and the position of allies like AI (who lost well over 50% of their NS and tech), INT (who were  on the other side), NG (who were  on the other side).. be damned. I am certain we are all very clear on this. You did not need to confirm this.

    Your friend Rsox just said that EQ were unable to do anything but scratches without NPO. Now NPO wasn't fighting NG, I don't think they fought INT. So are you exaggerating? Or is Rsox wrong?
  12. You were talking hypotheticals.
    I was talking facts.

    No you weren't. Unless you're denying you said

    "Even better, (and ignoring the obvious politics) can you imagine the bloodbath if NPO had somehow been on our side? ."

    That never happened. It's a hypothetical situation. Ignoring your empty polemics, I'll ask again. Do you believe NPO would have hid as much as the rest of you? I mean it's pretty easy to down others fighting skills if you never actually hit the battlefield. (You in the plural sense not you specifically).
  13. If I looked at your entire OWF history and quoted the relevant posts, how bad would you look for making a peace mode post?

    I never look bad my friend. I don't judge concerning war time strategies. If you want to sit in pm that's fine with me.

    I thought we were talking about hypotheticals though? Is there something about this question that bothers you? Is that why you dodged it?
  14. Watching the reactions to this thread are interesting.
    Reactions from those recently hoping for an eternal DH beatdown complain about how NPO/Brehon managed this past war are more interesting.
    NPO was the only alliance in EQ with the leadership, intelligence, and political strength to direct the catastrophe that was Equilibrium.  What Brehon wanted and didn't want is irrelevant, because without NPO, most of EQ would have continued wallowing in their own filth before taking a shot.
    Can you imagine EQ putting anything more than a few scratches in DoomHouse without the NPO to hold their hands while they fumble with the key?
    There is very little quality in CN and there was even less in EQ, (IRON, DT, GLOF, NPO not withstanding)
    Even better, (and ignoring the obvious politics) can you imagine the bloodbath if NPO had somehow been on our side?  It would have been like a soggy pinata fighting a Louisville Slugger.

    Since we're doing hypotheticals, Think they would have hid in peace mode the entire war like the rest of you?
  15. If you have no judgement, why not just say "we wanted NPO to suicide and they wouldn't"? The way you phrased it makes you sound petty and overly self-indulged.

    A GOON accuses someone of being petty and self-indulgent. It's not like you guys declare wars you lose over 18 mil or anything. That's not petty at all!!!!!
    There is a difference between lying to your coalition and thereby putting the entire war effort of yourselves, your allies, and the coalition in jeopardy... and looking out for your allies on the opposite side of a war. NPO managed to lead Equilibrium to victory while helping out NSO on the side with the massacre of Kaskus, and still found time to do what they could for their allies in C&G on the other side of the conflict. Like them or hate them, that is a fine balancing act that very few alliances could pull off. Even fewer still would see it as a reason to cancel their treaty. That Mia went on for paragraphs in the OP praising NPO for this while subsequently using it as IRON's purpose behind the cancellation can mean one of two things. That we aren't being told the whole story, or that IRON are so full of themselves they're making Narcissus weep in his imaginary grave. I'm going to go with "probably a little bit of both". In either case, IRON's act is not a case of "growing a pair" and seizing their own destiny; it is an act of petulance which will ultimately hurt them in the long term.

    Oh yes it'll hurt them, but everyone around here complains of no one standing up for themselves and then when people do stand up for themselves we get this bullshit. Why is it hard for people to understand that if alliance A dislikes the way alliance B is going they can cancel. The same arguments were thrown at several alliances, most recently Argent. This may seem like a shock, but this is how FA works.

    The peanut gallery needs to grab a tampon and quit pmsing. I get you personally have an axe to grind with them, but you can't fault them on the pure principle of the situation.
  17. I love you as always IRON.

    That's seriously your reasoning? You cancelled on them for being good allies?
    Holy shit, somehow your alliance is even more narcissistic and whiny than I had previously thought. That's an accomplishment.

    Let's think this out for a moment. Polar, TTK, and others were blasted and called stupid for placing an immediate ally above their coalition. By the same logic, why are we not calling NPO stupid? Only because they have the power to do as they wish.

    IRON made a huge move (like always) in which they've decided they'd rather seize there own destiny instead of just bitching behind the scenes like 99% of all other alliances. They'll probably pay for it eventually. But sometimes you have to sacrifice friends and power for balls.
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