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Everything posted by Cakes

  1. Added Devinous, thanks a lot Just need one more!
  2. Added SirBombAlot, thanks for joining. Sig, there's not really any way I could fit you into this, sorry.
  3. Added, thanks for joining!
  4. Resource list: - Aluminum - Telalun - Cattle - Telalun - Coal - - Fish - Zander - Iron - - Lumber - Monica III - Marble - FoXXRoam - Oil - Zander - Rubber - Cakes - Uranium - Monica III - Water - FoXXRoam - Wheat - Cakes Bonus Resources - Beer, Construction, Asphalt, Automobiles and Steel. Initial infrastructure cost: -42% Infrastructure upkeep: -26% Population increase: 21% Citizen income increase: $0 Population happiness increase: 9 Initial land cost: -25% Purchased land area increase: 35% Natural growth increase: x0 Technology cost decrease: 0% Environment: 1 Soldier increase: 38% Soldier cost decrease: $-6 Soldier upkeep cost: $0 Tank cost decrease: 0% Tank upkeep cost: -10% Aircraft cost decrease: -16% Aircraft upkeep: 0% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missile cost decrease: 0% Cruise missile upkeep: 0% Nuke cost decrease: 0% Nuke upkeep: 0%
  5. Fish: Sugar: Marble: Chancellor Ben10 Silver: Chancellor Ben10 Aluminium: thesnowfell Cattle: thesnowfell Iron: Lumber: Pigs: XBRYANX Spices: Water: Wheat: XBRYANX Fast Food Beer Construction Initial infrastructure cost: -33% Infrastructure upkeep: -18% Population increase: 27.5% Citizen income increase: $2 Population happiness increase: 11.5 Initial land cost: -15% Purchased land area increase: 8% Natural growth increase: x0 Technology cost decrease: 0% Environment: 1 Soldier increase: 35% Soldier cost decrease: $-3 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: 0% Tank upkeep cost: -5% Aircraft cost decrease: -8% Aircraft upkeep: 0% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missle cost decrease: 0% Cruise missle upkeep: 0% Nuke cost decrease: 0% Nuke upkeep: 0%
  6. Resources needed: Aluminum - kenai Coal - New Eaglin Lumber - kenai Marble - Rubber - Oil - Iron - Gold - Gems - Silver - Lead- Wildcard: Pigs - New Eaglin Bonus Resources: Steel, Construction, Asphalt, Automobiles, Fine Jewelry, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, (Scholars with 90% literacy rate) Initial infrastructure cost: -42% Infrastructure upkeep: -23% Population increase: 0% Citizen income increase: $6.5 (9.5$ with Scholars) Population happiness increase: 14 Initial land cost: -10% Purchased land area increase: 35% Natural growth increase: x0 Technology cost decrease: -13% Environment: 10 Soldier increase: 38% Soldier cost decrease: $-6 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: -8% Tank upkeep cost: -18% Aircraft cost decrease: -16% Aircraft upkeep: -25% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missle cost decrease: -20% Cruise missle upkeep: -20% Nuke cost decrease: -20% Nuke upkeep: -20%
  7. Now isn't this a nice break from all the war topics? o/ Nebula-X o/ Fear None Kill All
  8. The point is, Nebula-X is amazing. We can all agree on that, no?
  9. o/ Nebula-X o/ Invicta o/ Purple o/ Content-less posts o/ Generic congratulatory messages
  10. TCB is suspiciously close to TCBY. Coincidence? I think not!
  11. What Luda said, it's nothing personal. o/ To our delicious frozen yogurt foes
  12. I apologize, we just had this crazy idea that we might want to give a hand to our purpley-friends. Also, these frozen yogurt fellows have dropped about a million NS in the last little while. Not very menacing. Nothing against TCB though, I'm sure we'd be great friends if not for the being at war thing. Except Cowboy. I do not care much for him.
  13. Who's your protector? Do you guys have a charter, flag, etc. etc.?
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