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Dr Suave

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Everything posted by Dr Suave

  1. Blackwater likes its recruitment
  2. God Damnit VE ¬_¬ Yeah, I just saw this, dont blame me for being behind the times.
  3. Sounds interesting. Personally though I would never use first strike nukes, but then again this is your party.
  4. As I said before.... Chomp chomp chomp chomp....
  5. I must be stupid - what did he do wrong?
  6. The mix of colours isn't great, if i'm honest. It hurts my eyes slightly.
  7. I cant believe we lost score. Especially with the aid fall just gone.
  8. 'twas my sarcasm. Thor Gold has gone on about it a bit.
  9. Make sure you dont take 'em early though. They dont work if you do.
  10. Woooooooaaaaaahhhhhhhh Wacky wacky bump, for my old friends.
  11. Personally I dont like Red and Black. But it does look nice. I'd remove the wavy effects, and any shiny stuff. Other than that it's fine. I love the Kindgom of Yugoslavia flags though.
  12. I have Alum and Furs...but you probably dont want the furs.
  13. 1. GGA? 2. CSN might have something to say about that.
  14. Aluminum: Elbows Cattle: Fish: Furs: Elbows Iron: Lumber: Marble: Pigs: Spices: Sugar: Water: Wheat: I really need the trades.
  15. Impossible. We only ever crank the growth UP a notch. It never slows down, it only gets faster and faster.
  16. Damn you people who update at the WRONG MOMENT.
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