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Posts posted by Drai

  1. Tam, you should at least talk to Seerow or Anthony or Elmnt and get some lessons in how to properly slag off your old comrades before you contribute. You and Kamoozy must feel so left out.

    Produce whatever witty response to this you can create, but was that really necessary to comment on his lack of experience in slagging somebody. In my opinion, it looks like you just failed to produce an insightful comment to respond with and were forced to simply harass him with no real meaning.

  2. Right on, see you guys out there.

    Too bad the closest nation to me in your alliance that isn't in peace mode is 48k smaller.

    I'm editing this because really I did not mean this as an insult, but that the declaration of war is almost in a way redundant at a time when the majority of your members are unable to actually fight. I understand strategy, it just struck me as slightly humorous. Anyway, I'm sorry if I caused any offense.

  3. I've heard of this problem before and unfortunately the result was that nothing could be done about it, because if that ip address was allowed multiple users it would be very easy for any of the people there to run more than one nation

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