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Posts posted by Drai

  1. I would go with great monument. then your people will ALWAYS want monarchy. Which is in a sense, +6 happiness compared to back in the days when they didn't want monarchy and you chose it before. Right now, if I chose monarchy and they DO want it then I get a +2 happiness. If I were to chose monarchy and they did not want it then the -1 happiness for choosing something they didn't want would be offset by the +1 that monarchy gave me. So now it is almost like having +6 happiness. which depending on your infra/trades set up could make it anywhere from a 9-14 dollar per citizen boost.

    I'm not going to explain in great detail, the difference between the two is almost the negligible. But the great temple is more worthwhile. The great monument is not a +6 wonder. Yes, there is a +4 happiness, yes, your people will be happy with the religion you choose giving +1 happiness, and yes monarchy provides +1 happiness. But in almost every single case a nation will already have one of the final two options in their favour already. How often will your government be set to something your people do not want and not be on monarchy? Never. So now that we've settled on the fact that it's a +5 happiness wonder, consider the scenario where your people want monarchy anyway, now it's a +4 happiness wonder. This is what gives the great temple an edge, as it is always a +5 happiness wonder whereas there is a slight chance the monument will only be a +4 happiness wonder.

    Where you may have be going wrong is saying that for having the correct government provides you with +1 happiness and not having the correct government is -1 happiness, but in reality there is no bonus for having the correct government, and choosing the wrong one is -1 happiness.

    Also, it has already been said enough, but another wonder is the best choice.

  2. The only thing I can suggest is that you guys all delete your nations, start new ones, and only play from at home, that doesn't mean you can't go on the cn and alliance forums at work, but as far as the actual cybernations.net site goes, only access it from your house.

  3. I never pay for trades. Instead I will make a deal where I will pay 3 days of my trading partners bills if I am the one to cancel the trade so they can have enough time to find a new trading partner and make a profit at the same time.

  4. Agreed, 300 is extremely low, I would actually like to see 3000 tech eventually since that's where the great university bonus stops.

    Tech Heavy nations wouldn't do better in war if this was the case, because they would be in a nation strength range where if they were fighting a balanced nation (tech-wise) the infrastructure advantage from the other nation (more soldiers) would counter-act the tech bonus held by the tech-heavy nation.

  5. I see 400 GPA members in Defcon 1 and with stockpiles of military, that's not neutral now is it?

    It's called playing smart and being prepared incase they get attacked, at this point it would just be plain stupid to not build a military (including going to DEFCON 1)

    Just stop trying to change the public's perception to provide an advantage for you guys. NPO always seems to do this to their enemies leading up to, and including times of war.

  6. How much time has flown by since you've started playing this game? I just realized it. It just suddenly made me feel really old. I've only played for a year, but it feels like 3 or 4. I just realized it was October already... It seems like I got stuck in this rhythm. Since the downfall of \m/, it just seems pointless and I'm not even paying attention to my current alliance. Anyways, I've been ignoring this game for the past 5 months and made my first irc rounds in a long time and I think I really missed CN for once. Anyone else been feeling like that lately?

    I'm not trying to argue your post, but you said that time flies by quickly when playing CN, however you stated that the 1 year you had been playing felt like 3 or 4, meaning you feel as if time is going by slower than it actually is. Don't the two statements contradict eachother?

    However, I can understand what you mean by the first statement, I agree.

  7. Two banks next.

    I've got a question for you folks. My current improvements are 5 banks, 5 factories, 1 harbor and 4 stadiums. So, should I get a 5th stadium or should I get a labour camp? The upkeep on my infra is killing me...and a 10% reduction on it would be WELL worth the -1 happiness. So should I go for that or the labour camp?

    Get the last stadium, the net income will be well worth it, then you can go for the 5 labour camps, or at least a couple then get 3 schools and 2 universities.

  8. MHAil!!

    Personally I think we're in very good company with Atlantis and NATO - we've got a nice little 3-way race for the top unsanctioned alliance going on :P

    I think TPF wins that actually, but we can always go for 2nd highest unsanctioned alliance.

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