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Everything posted by Darkova

  1. You can apply. But you'll have to peace out those wars and clear up any issues you might have with previous alliances before you'll be accepted.
  2. Judging by your war slots you seem to have ruffled a few feathers and jumped to several different alliances in the last few days. We don't admit people with unresolved issues from former alliances, so you'll have to clear that up before you can be considered.
  3. Grats on winning stage 2. I wish 65k NS players would join us randomly
  4. Bump. We offer $6M or 200 tech to larger nations.
  5. bump. Sitting at a healthy 150 members after stomping out the inactives and ghosts, but still looking for more.
  6. no idear man but probably a slide show + text + pics. thanks for the compliment though I agree it is very snazzy
  7. We've got new forums set up at the same url: http://www.wearepertharmy.co.uk/phpbb3/index.php Register and sign up in the Recruitment Ministry to join.
  8. Check out We Are Perth Army. We're a mid-sized alliance but we're strong enough to protect our own. Our elections are occurring right now, so you could probably get a spot as a deputy for one of the newly elected ministers. Pm me if you need some more info.
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