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Posts posted by KaitlinK

  1. Rebel Virginia while elloquent, is mistaken.

    This has nothing to do with with, warns bans or mods. This is a simple matter of a group tracking for months our Minister of Defences actions. Then when confronted about it lied about it some more. If he was under order not to say anything then he should have done just that and kept his mouth closed and let his alliance leader speak for him.

    The first conversation with the leader ended with him threatening another alliance leader which he has already admitted to doing earlier in this thread.

    I hope this clears up any and all confusion.

  2. Wow. All early indications say that MA failed hard on this one. 48 hours to come out of Peace Mode? Not to mention that putting someone in Peace Mode on perma-ZI is pretty silly. Finally, one of your members was deleted for extremely offensive content in their nation bio. Why is TAC being punished for his mistake?

    Okay 48hours was a copy paste error...remember I said this is my first time be kind.

    THIS IS NOT IN RESPONSE TO THE REPORTING OF PLAYERS. This is admins' world...we just play in it.

  3. Kandria your situation is unique and you have already come to me to explain it prior to you entering peace mode. We of course make an exception in your case. Thank you.

    Also throw whatever reasons you like up there this action is strictly due to your leaders insults and threats that he made. Guffey you should have been honest from the begining lying is also a big no no.

  4. Monos Archein Announcement

    Due to repeated threatening behaviors, and, more recently, direct threats against the security of our alliance, we, the Triumvirate of Monos Archein, have unanimously decided to recognize a state of hostilities between our alliance and the organization called “The Avenguard Crusade.â€

    Nations that are in peace mode as of the time of this announcement shall be considered to be notified as of this moment that they are on a ZI list. Refusal to disable peace mode before changing AA, will result in a perma-ZI status.

    Avenguard nations that commit to further threats against Monos Archein shall be handled accordingly.


    Ace072199, First Triumvir & Archein

    KaitlinK, Most Troublesome of Triumvirs

    Third, and Least Holy of The Triumvirate, Hickersonia

    tl dr version: AGC leader threatened a triumvir of Monos Archein though IM’s when tensions already existed, this is a big no no, now we are going attack them.

    We now return you to more interesting wars already in progress. Thank you.

  5. They first reported the player in questions' Nation Name, and his Ruler name the mods dismissed their report. Then they reported his nation bio (which stated what should be done to Osama Bin Laden) the mods issued a warn. The player then changed his bio and sent a message (basically bashing) to the person that reported him and the said player was banned.

    Now the player in question never had a warn before this incident but is now banned I am curious as to how he hit 100% with only two reports against him. Perhaps a mod can explain how this is possible for future refrence?

  6. Oh King of Water

    Thank you for the many laughs your have provided during this thread. There are so many foolish statements that you have made I cant fully comments on all of them as they so richly deserve.

    I will say this though you are a bully who is now getting slapped around by me. Since you feel there is nothing wrong with attacking someone smaller than you, you shouldn't mind if I do the same.

    Enjoy ZI.

  7. Thank you Nananana for the tl dr version!

    Even though I am mentioned a couple of times I failed to follow or see the point of this post.

    My Cliff version:

    Stuff happens, some not so good...again.

    Everyone is reminded to stay off Xiao's lawn...again.

    CN Widow is brought up...again.

    Someone discovers he was played by a former player in this game...again.

    We are subjected to a post that serves little purpose...again

    Oh and Monos Archein has 17 former USN members not 27 (accuracy FTW)

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