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Posts posted by KaitlinK

  1. It wasn't a "coup d'etat" if it followed the rules.

    Here in lies the problem they didnt follow the rules :(

    I second this stance. I don't want MK's dirty laundry aired by our allies.

    I am not sure how you missed this but okay- it wasnt our allies that did? When our allies start getting questioned about the contents of that channel I think its safe to say the cat is out of the bag.

  2. In my opinion *, during the discussion in the channel it'd have been the best to make the above perfectly clear. From the discussion that was logged it appeared that you wanted to avoid the question altogether, mistakenly giving off a wrong impression to the people who in a reaction to that tried to coup you. Cooling down the people in the channel a bit might be a better idea, for the future.

    * not to lay blame to you, just trying to help you out from a neutral perspective. For everything else, see KingSrQT's post.

    Scalare, I can see what mean. Unfortunately hindsight is 20/20. You will just have to take my word for it that it was one of those nights when you have too many queries and too many people needing reassurances, and too many members leaving because they where attacked in that other channel or didnt like what was going on. I made a choice to focus my attention on what mattered most to me... those members. Was it right or wrong?... probably a little of both. But I am really glad I did because MA is better place with them in it.

  3. she ignored me, and YOU may defend that saying she is a leader she can ignore anyone she wants, but sorry my mother raised me better then that and I would think that she could at least say, sorry I wont answer that now, not ignore it

    and I am sorry but asking a question over and over to someone who doesn't answer isn't disrepectful, hey maybe she NEVER saw me ask her 10 times and thats why she ignored it how could I have known unless she actually acknlowedged the question, not just ignored it. maybe you can answer why she was so afraid of the question?

    and I 100% defend my actions and go ahead and say I made a fool of myself and I am MORE then willing to post the ENTIRE log of me trying to get my leader to answer 1 question while she ignores it, becuase she hasn't talked to who ever REALLY runs MA.

    I cant speak to how you were raised but my abuela says, "if you cant say something nice dont say say thing at all." You crossed the line plain and simple it wasnt me in that "members" channel that told you, you were being rude it was the members you claimed to be speaking for that called you on it. You can argue all day and night that you didn't. but since I determine where the line is your argument is pretty much moot.

    I couldnt give you answer because discussion had NOT reached that point. Nor do I play silly "what if" hypothectical games when emotions are on overload. Like it or dont I am past the point of caring.

    As for who really runs Monos Archein... that would be me ;) (or my Second should I ever take a vacation... hey I can hope.)

    are you a member of MA? were you a member of MA government and do you actually know ANYTHING of what was actually going on in MA?

    really? no? yet you feel qualifed enough to speak to me about internal MA going ons becuase? you read 16 pages of spin

    oh ok.

    You read hours of logs from a channel and felt that that made you an expert on the situation when in fact you were missing quite a bit of important information. For example there must have been some positive response to this idea or it wouldnt have made it from the Triumvirate to some of the Ministers and Advisors. Again, past the point of caring as I am under the impression that both sides have wished each other well and moved on.

    Supportive allies are the best kind, MA should be glad to have ones as good as you four.

    Monos Archein has some of the finest allies in this game. I know, as do our members that we are extremely fortunate.

    Look we can continue sit here and play semantics all day, my opinion, it became an attempted coup the minute those in the channel started coming up with less than honorable ways of of achiveing 100% support for impeachment ie firing gov't officials, lobbing nukes, impeaching those that opposed, or unavailable, and arranging for someone to step down only to regain his position after a vote.... wow losing track of how many time this has been pointed out in this thread.

    Bottom line those individuals that supported what happen in that channel have moved on. Those that didn't call for the ebil dictators head, are still at MA doing what they have always done, building our Alliance.

    I cant count how many of you have told me this this will be fine and not to focus on those that left. At the time I couldnt see it but after this weeked there is such a strong sense of loyalty, pride and determination amoung our active members that I have never seen before.... Sorry I doubted those of you that said this is a good thing my stuborness gets the better of me sometimes.

    Anyways, we have gotten back to work and look forward to crossing 4 million NS... again... We hear its even better the second time anyway.

    Edit grrr can't spell to save my life.

  4. TOOLies, I love the Curse too, but please don't mess with MA today. They had a lot of internal stuff happen yesterday, and I'd prefer if we didn't laugh at that.


    :wub: Bama

    Very classy TOOL thank you! We wish you only the best in the Sanction Race.

  5. Thank you to all for the support shown in this thread, I and the members of MA appriciate it deeply.

    You are not seeing my alliance at its finest hour. What occured in that channel disgusts me and is not what MA is based on. It simply happend due to panic, inexperience and deception on the part of a few. Attempted coup or not an attempted coup seems to be the question today. After a review of the logs there is little doubt in my mind that’s what was happening. Perhaps I am being naïve in my belief that, that wasn’t the intention of some in that room. I believe it started with good intentions, as a place for discussion nothing more and spiraled out of control very quickly with some government officials grabbing torches and pitchforks. MA’s grand Code provides for my removal with the consent of EVERY government official. They began to look for ways to circumvent that such as possibly firing individuals who wouldn’t agree with them, impeaching a Minister whose only crime was happening to be on vacation while this was going on, and by allowing those that did not wish to vote for impeachment the chance to step down while a vote took place only to be reappointed after the vote concluded. As a result of what occured in that channel MA lost three of its finest members, MilaAmo, Vladisvok Destino, and Lord Derfel.

    Yesterday we were still shell shocked. Today its back to work for all of us. Some of the losses we experienced are going to be felt for some time to come. Make no mistake I am not done cleaning house yet. I expect that we will see additional losses over the next few days, but this doesn’t bother me, because we will be left with some amazing, loyal, and dedicated members.

    I need to offer my apologies to Ragnarok and its members on behalf of MA. The comments that were made in that channel do not reflect the feelings we have for you. You have been amazing allies to us and we honored to call you such.

    Edited for clarity

  6. As Diplomat to Monos Archein, MCXA has pooled their resources to purchase the wonder 'Milk Factory' to supply them with the much needed love that a cookie needs.


    We wish to congratulate those who have achieved their prominent place within Monos Archein's government and know that they will all aspire to perform their duties with honor.

    Now that MA got milk, which has increased demand we will be employing Princess Kali of Amore as our second Cookie Ambassador.


    Thanks for all the support from our allies and friends!

  7. MAflag13.png

    An Announcement from Monos Archein

    According to the Grand Code of Monos Archein we are required to tolerate a limited amount of democracy when it comes to alliance affairs. Therefore the people have spoken and have determined that Cake is a lie and Pie is nice but Monos Archein will become a Cookie Alliance.

    All Hail the Cookie!


    Now while our members were voting on this important issue they also took the opportunity to elect a new Mistress of Internal Affairs, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Trade. At the same time reelecting their Ministers of Justice and Recruitment.

    Monos Archein Governement


    KaitlinK of Kastay

    -Triumvirates of the Alliance-

    Hickersonia of Hickersonia, Least Holy of Triumvirs

    The Evilest Eye of Neftyaniki, Most Tenacious Triumvir

    Er the Mighty of Zeldane, Most Corrupt Triumvir

    -Minister of Foreign Affairs-

    Tiberius Lupus of Terra Fortis

    -Minister of War-

    CptGodzilla of Kong Army

    -Minister of Defense-

    Mojo882 of Kolsara

    -Minister of Finance-

    Sarkin of My Hero Party

    -Minister of Justice-

    Jutopia of Jutopia Land

    -Minister of Recruitment-

    The Fox of Leningrad

    -Mistress of Internal Affairs-

    Wenulu of Wensteria

    -Minister of Education-

    Welshgazza1992 of The Welsh Empire

    -Minister of Trade-

    Nitroburn of Speedland

    -Mistress of Commerce-

    mamaduck of MamaDuck

    -Government Advisors-

    Dan123123 of lgtromm

    Sirettx of Siretopia

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