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Posts posted by MercyFallout

  1. I was actually Emperor for nearly a month, and after I became Regent you would be surprised how much reputation was attached to me, since I handled our foreign affairs March onwards. The reputation I induced was generally positive, unlike that of other senior officers. Reputation is a valuable asset, and I wanted to replace the negative reputation associated with IAA and it's terrible foreign policy with a new era and a new face. For IAA to have any hope to survive and thrive would require this.

    Thus I tied my reputation to a plan for IAA's future. Was I ambitious and political? Certainly, I do not deny I desired to exit the war with a more authoritarian alliance under my direction. But my ambition extended to the success of the entire alliance. I was less concerned with community and more concerned with IC advancement of the alliance.

    1. IAA's horrible foreign policy? You mean the foreign policy of honoring our treaties to the very last letter? Are you mad? That is IAA's biggest saving grace. BECAUSE we are willing to die for our allies regardless of what they did, BECAUSE we are willing to march our armies into the lowest pits of hell for each other, and BECAUSE we aim for the honorable path IAA was able to reform without a hitch and become stronger than ever before.

    2. You tied your reputation to a plan for IAA's future. Sounds dandy. Then why the bloody hell are you a leader? You seem to fail to realize that the LEADER is the one who is supposed to epitomize the qualities the alliance/community exudes, the LEADER is the one that is supposed to take the fall. You sir, are no leader. You are simply a ball of hubris wrapped in flesh who wishes to be called one. I spit on your name.

    3. What the HELL is the point of IC advancement of an alliance if there is no community to back it up? I can give you a point of reference. MCXA. The community died because its leaders were so bloody concerned about their stats and their position. Merger after merger after merger and power plays with larger alliances made it a power in CN but its community died. If you really wanted success, you would have looked at NPO. Sure they're evil and whatever, but they know how to build a successful alliance. They emphasize the community of Pacifica and from it spawns forth the loyal legions of Pacifica that create its success.

  2. The reason I favored disbandment was because peace would require a crippling of my, and by extension, the IAA's reputation, which I had carefully built throughout the war.

    You were Emperor for just around a week. I daresay that IAA's reputation was never based on you. Also thank you for proving once more why IAA has disowned you: all you care about is your own reputation and your own doings. You have no care for the community nor honor nor anything else.

  3. I'm sorry you can't open your mind to the truth. Perhaps when I get a working computer I will show you the logs I spoke of.

    I can tell you that IAA has incontrovertible proof (OOC: a certain address unique to individual networks) that Rebecca and YouMaka are not the same person. Also, you must realize that some people are--quite frankly--human beings. They have flaws to them but each and every bloody one of them is unique.

  4. However, the ooc definition of an alliance does not fit the criterion for an IC alliance. The term alliance in cybernation is (I think unfortunately) used to describe an organization with a central government-like authority (although due to the principle of voluntary membership CN alliances are closer to RL corporations or non-profits than governments). As such the standard ooc definition cannot be used in CN for alliance any more than the definition of a cruise missile can.

    Uh, no.

    Also, whatever keeps your e-malebodypart going.

  5. *double facepalm*

    If we were given secret terms, I wouldn't have thought he'd know about them.

    Because they'd be secret.

    I don't know if you've noticed, but this thread isn't anything to do with Polar, or those terms.

    Eh. I'm probably just to used to NPO/Allies (prolly more Allies than anything else) denying giving Polar secret terms.

    Also, you'd be surprised how fast stuff leaks. :v

  6. You know, the last time I checked, Count da Silva was trying with everything in his power to remove his current IC character from his old one.

    I guess this defeats all of his past arguments.

    Also, I love your nice miniessay. The leader is never the alliance. The leader is simply the one chosen by the community to represent the alliance (regardless of it being a democratic alliance or not). The community has always been the alliance. I'd love to see you try to run an alliance without a community. As Bama said, "a supposedly living alliance with no sense of community is far more dead than a disbanded alliance whose members have kept their bonds intact".

  7. Horaah for the Empire! Piece of advice, board up that pesky Exhaust Port.

    Way ahead of you.

    Corinan, perhaps if you knew anything of honor, loyalty, or friendship you would understand that sometimes people do things because they want to and not because they're trying to please someone or because they have some kind of agenda.

    Refer to the definition of sycophant, if you don't have any clue what I'm talking about:

    A sycophant (from the Greek συκοφάντης sykophántēs) is a servile person who, acting in his or her own self-interest, attempts to win favor by flattering one or more influential persons, with an undertone that these actions are executed at the cost of his or her own personal pride, principles, and peer respect. Such a manner is called obsequiousness.

  8. I don't recall Palpatine running away and disappearing during the first week of fighting, and leaving command to such a "horrible" officer he endorsed in elections. -_-

    He did entrust the Death Star to a certain idiotic Grand Moff that refused to see any other possibilities.

  9. IAA always did love to power trip whenever it could. Glad that trait has carried over to your reincarnation.

    Now forgive me in the event I'm missing something, but why are you declaring war on this person for attacking iFOK? Would you like to tell me why this has anything to do with you?

    We aren't declaring war. We're saying we haven't ended our war.

    I just like that picture.....a lot. >__>

  10. DoWDS.png

    IAA Official Announcement

    For crimes against the Empire and her members, both present and former, the Imperial Assault Alliance reiterates its state of eternal war with Grand Chandelier (Rebecca) for as long as she remains in Cybernations.

    For reference: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1689559

    Also for reference on the imminent "OMFG YOU SIGNED THE NO EZI PACT" argument: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1690265, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1690333

  11. I find it silly that MercyFallout is breaching the Pact of Faith he signed a few months back.

    You said YOU added me to the list, if I'm reading it correctly... "I never want to add ... eternal open season list again..."

    You are in a position of power and you have put me on an EZI list. Nice work.

    http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=52123 <-- for reference.

    Yes. I signed the No-EZI Pact. I still remain against EZI. EZI for IC reasons. EZI for OOC reasons, is a completely different story. However, as Chimaera puts it above, what you have done has earned you EZI. If you were just another IC character who rogued on IAA for ages, I would have your nation attacked and attacked again but never put on an eternal destruction list. The spirit of the EZI Pact was to end EZI's for being a certain IC Character. What you have done, I fear, has reserved a special place in the land of fiery sulfur and brimstone for you here on CN. Or in this case, green turbolasers and blue torpedoes.

  12. This is ridiculous.

    You know what is ridiculous? Your inability to post a coherent argument supported by facts and evidence and your constant "BAWWWING" at IAA. If you really want to have a go at us, grow a pair and do something more than just make extremely horrible attempts at trolling us.

  13. Awesome, congrats guys. Here's to many more millions. :wub:

    But what's the deal with "eternal open season"?


    The most severe punishment that the Empire can deal to an individual and one we will only use if our hand is forced. Rebecca will remain on IAA target lists for hitting so long as she plays this game.

    I hope to never add another name to the "eternal open season" list. :v

  14. Phaser set to effing vaporize.

    Carry on with your day.

    (oh and I'm moving this to AA)

    Live Long and Prosper.

    Also, if you ever need help with any crazy Romulan captains with a large ship from the future, feel free to drop a line. The Imperial Fleet is more than willing to assist.

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