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Posts posted by Hymenbreach

  1. I was briefly leader of the Legion (in a Triumvirate),

    I was the first person to successfully lead the membership to ignore the disbandment order of a major alliance. (LEGION)

    I negotiated the Vice Royalty of Legion by NPO which helped to turn (slowly like a battleship) Legion. Luckily, I was no way responsibility for the actions after that.

    Famy or infamy. I dunno.

    Now, I'm in semi-retirement.

    I'm still a bit miffed that I didn't get a medal, commendattion or anything for doing the above for Legion (especially as Sinatra did, for being good at elections). Oh, well.

  2. You bring a tear to my eye, Legion. Well done!

    Also Bob, to beat an old horse with an old whip: the disband/not disband was decided by two different groups, not one indecisive group.

    More Also to the Legion: Listen to Pezstar. Don't screw up the PR victory by getting into pointless arguments with die hard Legion Haters (who can't be persuaded out of their opinions because they weren't persuaded into them).

  3. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1317768813' post='2816460']
    Yes, NSO with all its big friends. I think all our allies are the same size or smaller than we are with the exception of TPF.

    Also, have you seen alliance politics lately? Something's going on that you might want to check out.

    Yeah, I edited. Though, I don't think I can be blamed for not expecting war from Legion. And I count myself as a Legion lover.

    ps: it's not my fault you lost allies since I was last interested in world affairs, is it? :P

  4. [quote name='Vellocet' timestamp='1310298615' post='2753830']
    You were late, Hymenbreach. NPO has dropped Legion. Better luck saving face next time.

    Yes, modern concepts like time are probably beyond you, but just in case a moment of mental clarity attacks you while you aren't looking, I'll let you know that this thread was opened before the cancellation.

    Also what face am I saving? I'm not in Legion.

  5. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1310132236' post='2752407']
    Poor Legion, not a friend in the world.

    I'm sure that if the choice is between you and none, none would get invited.

    I wander into the land of monkeys sure that my words will be translated from the Human Tongue. Well done, Legion. Should have been done at the Fall of NPO from Grace, but loyalty was ever our Flaw. We owed NPO a debt and paid it back until we beggared ourselves.

    One further piece of advice: All of Legion's flaws are excesses of virtue. In the case of Free Speech, perhaps it is time Totem brought down a firm but heavy hand down on those who aim bullets at enemies but walk off the field limping.

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