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Everything posted by Gaeta

  1. Clearly we are NPO re-entering... because the members that started Trouble are clearly NPO in SE... Also, point me to where we said anything we do is justified? TPF is too srs bsns and can't man up and deal with themselves, let alone others in the world
  2. They're busy spreading a message of hope and change to TE maybe they'll even buy everyone a Universal Healthcare system. But careful, if you call them a beauty too often they might smear their guyliner on your pillow case Now... where did their Pikachu go? You're comparing someone in TE over something that someone did in that other world known as SE?!? My friend you are absolutely delusional. Is it not possible for something to not be the same as it is in that realm? You call someone a hypocrite for what they do in another life, you must be one of those that hunts people between incarnations
  3. Wow you really like being condescending, almost as much as you like your emoticons. Maybe you should go back in your corner before you hurt your face
  4. I don't know who this King Death is, but that channel was and is currently founded by Desperado, with me having SOPs. Desperado and I founded TPF in Round 1, I still have the forum skin and everything on my photobucket (and it looks a hell of a lot better than your !@#$hole). We left after you guys decided that you would be better run by the special class and the group became pointless. We're not for war? Tell that to everyone I've blown up already today Please bring your righteous indignation to the customer service counter, all returns require a valid receipt, any attempt to return an item with an expired receipt will result in a fee payable in appropriate levels of technology. Management requests that you remove the stick from your posterior prior to entering the store to prevent poking of other customers. Should the stick be rammed so far up your chute that it will not lead to accidental pokings, then you must be from TPF-TE in which case the store has discontinued your brand of indignation and will no longer support its users and suggests you discontinue, or risk personal property damage. If we get you all riled up to the point where you post multiple topics about us, apparently we are being effective because you feel the need to do something about us. Clearly you have not yet found an effective way to deal with your Troubles with Trouble. And if you wish to stoop to OOC insults, be more creative than "OMG HAHA THEYR YUNG NOOBS" Once you're old enough to get your driver's license, maybe you'll understand It's funny to see you squirm. And now back to your regularly scheduled boring srs bsns. Excuse me while I go raid more tech.
  5. Try turning the knob on his collar, maybe it's in the wrong language. SQUIRREL!
  6. ooh, crack, can I get some? My supplier doesn't have enough tech to make it anymore, that or he fell down the well with Timmy... in which case, hot damn! another casualty.
  7. That's not eggsactly what I was going for, but what the shell...
  8. What's that boy? Timmy fell down the well? Well hot damn, add 1 to my casualties.
  9. Gaeta


    Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
  10. Gaeta


    To extend our reach to the stars above!
  11. Gaeta


    To unite all people within our Nations
  12. and you appear to be a dog in a mans world... what the hell are you doing talking in words anyway? /me looks for one of these collars The Cone of Shaaaaaaame!
  13. Funny to see both of you here, who received immeasurable help from those of us back in Elysium, who threw that to the wind and decided it was more important to go run on a power trip and forget who it was that helped you get out of jams and getting absolutely destroyed for your own stupid actions. Daggarz, you decided that instead of trying to fight for yourself in a war (which didn't turn nuclear until the very last day) you would develop a Jesus complex and spend the entire time harassing mhawk about how you would save his soul. I assure you that I was nowhere near the level of lackey, lackeys do not get aided to a nuclear nation in 2, lackeys are not the first person turned to to put down the enemies of an alliance. Instead you go to trusted members of your alliance who you can count on to get the job done. Based on your definition of relevance, I would consider myself very relevant. Over three years on this planet has allowed me to form close relations with many people, be they important or not. Granted they may not be those that think they're important in todays society, doesn't matter to me. But I'll pray for your soul (and cell phone) like you did for mhawk and maybe you'll come around and find your place. Ya know, for being not relevant, I get a whole page of replies... must've said something that caught people's attention. As far as attacking Daggarz, he was attacked after his expulsion from Rapture for being a part of their spying, he wasn't nuked until after all attacks were completed on the last day (mostly because mhawk was annoyed with his Jesus complex) I fought him through conventional tactics the entire time of the war and added a "!" at the end. And I will tell you that my brain is more intact than yours, at least your fact verification region. From my experiences with Daggarz, he lacks the cojones to do anything about what I say. I'll just keep reminding people where he came from so that they don't run into the same problems we had to deal with. But thanks for your implication that I am brain damaged, I needed a good laugh. If you care to follow through with your empty threats, look me up. Since you don't know who I am, I don't think you have the ability to gauge the level of respect I can or have gained. Starting from my early days on the planet, through my enemies in GW2 (i.e. Arcades057) and on through the rest of my three years here, you'll find nothing but a record of respect and integrity. And I guarantee a lot of people will agree with me on this. The only time I made a comment that could be construed as anti-Troy is when I referenced Monty Python's wonderful wooden rabbit, which clearly worked wonderfully. as for Daggarz, yep. Knowing his history, it's the best I can say for him. He's a coward who's not willing to fight for what he believes, and until he shows me otherwise, I will maintain my position. .... the heck with Quote tags from here on out @ Penlugue Solaris While I may not make your list, I have a few friends who have joined your AA in the recent past who would likely feel otherwise. Hi AUT and Hizzy With that all said, out of respect for Troy, I will take my leave of this thread. Anyone who cares to continue this discussion, my inbox is open. Best of luck to you all, and may you not repeat the mistakes of some of your previous alliances. -shadow
  14. Or both of you could put them back in your pants and go your separate ways... Good luck Imperium, really doesn't look like an excessively long charter... flag is cool too.
  15. For those of you that don't care that these guys hit 50k...take your clouds somewhere else. Congrats on reaching this milestone guys, any reason to celebrate is a good one, so keep on having fun, and don't let these downers rain on your parade. Everyone's gotta start somewhere, and I think that you guys working your way to 50k is a hell of a better accomplishment than an alliance that springs up with 500k already in the bank. /me pours a round for LBA
  16. I will forever be more relevant than you, no matter what power you think you have in your alliance. Hell, pretty much anyone is more relevant than you, who doesn't even know how to defend himself in a war. If you can't use your strength (however little it may be) to defend what you believe in, you're not worth that N2 molecule that just floated by. oops, I think I hear my phone ringing, looks like I used up my allotted time for dealing with self-righteous failures for the day. Anyway, best of luck in doing better than Rapture did... at least you don't have ^that guy bringing you down this time.
  17. The faster they rise, the harder they fall... now where's my wooden rabbit... er, horse.
  18. Quick, someone call mhawk! Welcome Rapture 2.0 ...
  19. While the second bloc may not have been color based to start, what I've read leads me to believe that everyone moved to purple to be on the same color... bloc of people + all on the same color... might as well be a damn color based bloc My argument is not that only PEACE may exist, multiple blocs can coexist, but they must not operate separate from each other, especially when both groups work toward goals in a similar arena. Either you work together to coexist peacefully or you create conflict.
  20. You brought a second color based bloc to a color sphere which already had a uniting bloc with no apparent desire to work with them or coexist in a friendly manner. It really seems like things would be different if you had said, "Hey PEACE, we want to come to purple and we kinda want one of the senate seats..." Instead we see this crap floating around. By not considering those present before you, you create problems over the simplest and unimportant issues. I had hoped that the windbag that was the previous discussion on this topic would have been the last of this, but instead the other party comes back with this topic. Why? Your "own motives" ? The only purpose this serves is to cause problems. You want a senate seat? Great. Go talk to PEACE, work out a deal where everyone is happy, but don't come out here and campaign for senate... especially not as an "Alliance Announcement". If getting your entire bloc to vote for 1 candidate isn't enough to get you one of three seats, then you probably don't deserve it anyway.
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