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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. The final votes have been counted. Waldemarr Rald and Denis von Weber of the Ubersteinian party wins the election. Though both men has been elected to head of gov't before, this is the first victory for the newly created Ubersteinian Party (created from out of the Rald-Libertarian party) Rald and von Weber shall be inaugurated in a in the coming weeks.

  2. Today, the Commonwealth of Ustio shall embark on it's first national elections in it's history. The reason for such a sudden election will be to create a Presidential Office to replace the original Prime Minister position as head of gov't, whereas the Prime Minister replaces the Minister of State. This will be the first change of leadership since Ustio's independence and Commonwealth status with the Welsh Empire.

    Here are the Candidates for President:


    IDEOLOGY: Christian-Democratic (Centrist)

    Platform: Anti-Communist, Pro-Life, Anti-War, Capitalist-Style Economy

    President: Christophe Darbellay

    Prime Minister: Doris Leuthard


    IDEOLOGY: Liberal (Centrist)

    Platform: Economic deregulation, Legalization of Soft Drugs (Cannabis, LSD), Recognition of same-sex couples

    President: Pascal Couchepin

    Prime Minister: Hans-Rudolf Merz


    IDEOLOGY: Social Democratic (Center-left)

    Platform: Support of other Democratic gov'ts, Support of immigration, Moderate to high levels of taxation.

    President: Micheline Calmy-Rey

    Prime Minister: Moritz Leuenberger


    IDEOLOGY: Right-Wing (Populist)

    Platform: Isolationist, Nationalist

    President: Toni Brunner

    Prime Minister: Christoph Blocher


    IDEOLOGY: Ubersteinianist (Liberal)

    Platform: State Service, Publicize all Privatly Owned lands.

    President: Waldemarr Rald

    Prime Minister: Denis von Weber

    OOC: As of 9/24/08, this poll is closed.

  3. The Ustio Commonwealth will make no statement.

    ==Unofficial Message==

    With the Gov't holed up in St. Petersburg, the KSP a bunch of murderers and the Karelians no more better to stabilize the Federation, we rely on the Reformationists and the Tver forces to win this war.

  4. OOC: So, Is the Garretian Empire is gonna slip down the path to civil war?

    IC: The Ustio gov't has condemned the KSP for their assaination of World Leaders and will be recognized as a terror state.

  5. Donald stood up from his seat "It is like I said before. Defeating terror relys not on military force, but in giving the people the promise to show them hope that things will get better. If we win their hearts and minds, then, and only then, would we have defeated their purpose." He then takes his seat.

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