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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. A statement from President Rald at the German reunification parade:

    We applaud our Germanic & Nordlandic friends and brothers for the successful and (near) bloodless annexation of Lubeck, the Prussians, the Uberstein Sacndinavians, the Poles. We like to congratulate them for their successes and hope to foster better relations with those people in the future.

    OOC: Yup, that was a surprise you did Kaiser. But right now, I'm just caught between a rock and a hard place and totally scared for me to be totally shocked.

  2. OOC: Then again, any attempt of siege by modern warfare standards is every bit of obsolete.

    IC: A message from General Han Willie:

    Ustio's troops are mobilized and are prepared for war. Our objective is to assist the Prussian military against Lubeck. It's time to bring honor to the Ustian people.

    ==Secret Message to Kaiser Martens==

    Our forces are ready, just say the word.

  3. "Mr. President, A package has been delivered to you. We don't know where it came from" The aide said before putting the package on the table. Rald, who recently sent most of his military and all of it's air force minus one helicopter off to the Jutland region, pondered on how he can help get people friendly to him to power. "Hmm, I wonder what this package is." President Rald said before he opened a package revealing a clam. "Hmm, lets see. Maybe it is a clue from the former emperor. A clam, that's it!!!" The President hurried to his desk to make a phone call. "General, this the President, I think we found him. Have our transport head to these coordinates."

    OOC: I have a hunch where you are Ranather. I can't specifically say where though.

  4. OOC: Ok, well, I'm going to bed. Before I go....


    The small republic plans on sending 8000 troops (OOC: using the multiplier unless it is not needed.) of the military's 1st and 2nd Brigade. As well approx. 50 tanks and 25 howitzers of Ustio's 1st Armored Brigade. They will be sent over to the Southern Front via Prussia. The Ustio Air Force, launching from the Directus AFB near the capital city, shall consist of the 2 Spitfires of the 66th AFU "Galm" and the 5 Mi-2 Hoplite Attack Helicopters of the 31st AFU "Fenrir".

  5. OOC: Ustio will go to war against Lubeck.

    IC: A statement from President Rald:

    Due to our pro-Germanic and Ubersteinian stance, the Ustio Senate has finally voted 6-2 in favor of military support for the reunification of Greater Germany. Ustio's Air Forces shall be deployed to the region. And hopefully, with permission from Prussia (OOC: If it is okay Kaiser) we shall send troops to the Lubeck Southern Front via Prussia.

  6. President Rald was wondering what has become the situation the Empires of the World, apparently, 2 of his closest friends have abdicated, though one of which, Ranather, has abdicated under unusual circumstance. A gentleman opened the door, and took a seat on a chair. "Mr. President, the helicopter is ready for takeoff." Was all that the man had said. Rald responded "Excellent, knowing him, he will be looking to regain power soon. Dispatch the helicopter over Ranather's last known location, I believe he is somewhere in the Northern Pacific. You will find the former Emperor and bring him here!" "Sir, Yes Sir" the man said. "And General....try your best to be undetected by Tahoe, they must not know of the situation."

    OOC: In other words, Ustio will plan a coup with you.

  7. OOC: If you hate it so much, just get your air force to destroy the superweapon, it has been done before (with rail guns and all.)....too many times to count.

  8. The Republic of Ustio has drawn up a proposal.

    1. Both the Ubersteinian Empire, and the Slavorussian Empire, to share the disputed territory.

    2. To ensure protection and that no one violates this plan, troops from the various RUSSIAN countries are to protect the disputed territory.

    3. Both sides will agree to talks which will be held within Ustio in the coming weeks, to discuss the future sovereignty of the disputed territory.

    I hope that all sides can agree to this proposal.

  9. My fellow Ustians, I have an important announcement to make. The Republic of Ustio, seeing that there unity in Europe is no longer possible, effective immediately, withdraws from the United European States. The UES is unable to bring the peoples of Europe together and with two of it's major supporters gone. Ustio sees no reason to stay in what appears to be a dying organization.

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