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Posts posted by Saladjoe




    Hi Salad, one has to be a top level stupid to buy the above, but we all say alot of !@#$ and we're all surrounded by smart and stupid people who may or may not buy the above. So let's get past the hubris and put some facts on the ground.




    Apart from the obvious slap on your little face, another important point to note is that the following conditions have been true when a global war has begun:

    TOP nears 30 score, and IRON is in 52-58 score or ~78-80 score range.  Based on this, we can conclude that another Global war is highly likely.


    Another thing when aiming for milestones Salad is how good you are at growth. Since end of Disorder, we've grown by 20.31 score while you've grown by 6.67 score. On % basis, we're at 35% growth, and you're at 29%, but hey, the milestone in question is an absolute number. So, not only we've fought harder then you, lost alot more than you on absolute and % basis, but we also rebuild faster than you. We've lost more pixels than any alliance ever has in a single war in history of bob and we've rebuilt to the highest tech any alliance ever has had in history of bob. Besides that, we've got a score of 1-0 with you in war we've been on opposing sides. We have more nations over 10k tech than the entire number of nations you have and you call yourself 'elite' alliance, might as well call donkey a spade. tl;dr, We're better than you. Read the above again and print that in your tiny head. I dont really have anything against you, but seldom do you get oppurtunities to deliver a sick burn.


    Have a good day gentlemen.



    If I have the time I'll add on UjW and WoTC stats and base things off just the score. I took NS where it was easily available instead of fetching for scores on Gopher's stats thread.

    I do appreciate that you actually used numbers to counter my claim. Your stats would be more meaningful if 


    1. We had actually fought in a meaningful way in Karma, a war in which you guys did indeed fight hard. A 70% to 0% difference in net % skews the end results pretty hard.

    2. The last war that you lost more net % was Dave, which was two and a half years ago now? Something like that. So again, I said I got my years wrong in my follow up post.

    3. Proportionality vs Total numbers. Our alliances are built differently and we tend to end up losing target availability after the first month or so of a front (see Grudge) so our impact is more immediate than long felt. A long felt participation in a war by an alliance that actually possesses a middle and lower tier will have a greater statistical impact overall, regardless of the actual impact of damage dealt during the war. This is also in reference to your claims about growth. It's a lot easier to supply your upper tier nations when you have a large pool of tech farms at your disposal, but if anything that should be a credit to your macro growth since the war. As for how many 10K tech nations you have, we currently have 84 members to your 343. That's kind of given that you'll have more of something when you have over four times as many nations. :P


    As for berbers I'm not going to even justify your peace mode comments since you've repeatedly made these asinine comments.

  2. You're right hart I overestimated my years. As a long term Paradoxians I tend to compare things in pre Bi/post Bi terms and that's a fault of mine. :P Either way, if you're going to accumulate stats it should be under the assumption that you actually use them. That's been our philosophy at least ;)

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