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Posts posted by Saladjoe

  1. Again, you're factoring in land and militarization when you just go by raw NS, as well as infra heavy nations. At least use a real NS measurement (tech and infra only) plus adding up the amount of each respective military wonder and dividing that by the total # of nations. A nation with 100K NS but a <0.5 t/i ratio that's boosted by land/full militarization and doesn't have a WRC isn't worth half of what a nation with a t/i ratio approaching 1.0 with full military wonders. Not to mention the impact that warchests would have on this, but that's obviously not something you can just pull from a nation listing.


    So something like ((total infra + total tech)/total nations) + ((total WRCs +total MPs + total SDIs + total Pentagons +total SLSs + total AADNs + total FAFBs +total HNMSs + total CIAs)/total nations) but that would take more work than just counting nations in certain NS rankings ;) You could even weight either the real NS or wonder "strength" categories if either one starts to be too large. Also the CIA thing would take looking at spy odds and some of those wonders might not even be worth factoring in like the air related ones or horrible mil wonders like FSS and IMS.


    Edit: flipped <

  2. Your equation is flawed because you take into account land and militarization when you factor in ANS. If you're going to weight things, do a proportional ranking system based off a particular statistic or building's impact on damage output. Aka, weight tech heavily and account for military wonders, like Auctor said.


    You know, I did, but -- at this point I just want to find out if my alliance mate's brother can play safely.

    That was hardly the place to have a discussion on something of this magnitude.. At the very least that should've started an official discussion on it prior to implementation. Again, this has serious potential for abuse in my opinion and does little more than exacerbate the current problems we're facing.

  4. Well then I must be confusing The Order of the Paradox with another alliance, because I most certainly received a recruitment message about the "Newest Sanctioned Alliance" When do you think I started playing this game?

    We've literally never sent out recruitment messages in the 7+ years I've been here.

  5. We don't send out recruitment messages Sax so I don't know what you're talking about. Also I echo the sentiment that micros pull away active people from the overall game and that micros more often than not are more of a liability than an asset. This is because, typically, micros:


    -Are desperate for attention/relevance, so jump into conflicts to try and make them escalate so they can say "Yeah man I started a global war". 

    -Don't taking responsibility for their actions (look at these ridiculous limitless nexus and RIOT threads of late to see a pristine example of not taking responsibility) and blame everyone but themselves for the situation they're in.

    -Don't care about the consequences of their actions, because big daddy protector will bail them out if things get hairy. Or better yet, the micro will just wield the name of their protector to scare people into action/inaction without letting their protectors know the situation into which they were prepared to throw them. With less to lose the micro will often make poorly thought out or blatantly idiotic moves just to alleviate boredom and not care what happens as a result.


    These are generalizations and don't apply to every micro out there, and in fact there are plenty of well run, competent micros around today. But in general I've found the above to apply in some capacity to a majority of them, so micros aren't the answer in my opinion. 

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