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Posts posted by Teriethien

  1. [quote name='lebubu' date='08 February 2010 - 02:48 PM' timestamp='1265640498' post='2168717']
    NpO is actually the most discussed topic on our boards, so I'd say our members [i]do[/i] care. The first part of your post is spot on, though.

    Well, it is only my personal impression after all, and I don't have the full picture. Nonetheless you'll forgive me for saying that words alone are not going to be nearly enough to convince me otherwise. Of course, I realise that my opinion on this matter is rather inconsequential.

  2. [quote name='HellAngel' date='07 February 2010 - 04:45 PM' timestamp='1265561116' post='2166922']
    Good, then its not working, I dont hate polar either. I probably dont like Grub now because he is spinning on his feet throwing wtf-cakes at everyone, but i guess the general membership knew as much about this as TOP.

    Yeah, I know I don't pay a lot of attention to alliance politics during these times (OOC: summer holiday), but this DoW was a complete surprise. I don't think the general membership expected to see this.

  3. Yes you do. It would be wicked, but you can reject it.

    Maybe you can. But it's precisely why Polar can't and won't.

    Grub had all the reasons to pause for a short period, after metal alliance accepted the deal all the sudden after days of negotiation, and after he covered all the bases that were in play, and of which he knew, on his side which was his responsibility as the primary antagonist-- shake hands and call it quits.

    What, in practical terms, (does compromising by going back on our word in my view, but I accept that you'll think it's little details not worth staying true to) prolonging the war for a 'short period' accomplish? I agree that we should have made sure everyone on our side know first before the announcement was posted. But beyond that, how exactly does it help anyone? TOP and IRON would still be at war with CnG whether Polar is at peace with PC and \m/ or not. Peace on the other fronts of the war still need to be resolved by the alliances actually on those fronts.

    The only way this would have mattered would be if TOP and IRON was planning to post their declaration after \m/ communicated its desire to end this war. In that case a notification that the war have ended at the core could/might halt their entry. But since the two events occurred at roughly the same time, whether the peace declaration was posted 45 minutes later or 2 days later doesn't change the fact that TOP/IRON are now at war, while \m/ have accepted to end the war with Polar. Not unless, again, Polaris was to go back on her word.

    In short you're arguing about something that have absolutely zero bearing on the actual outcomes of Polar and \m/ reaching peace.

  4. No, really, it isn't. No problem at all. Though I always enjoyed semantical words plays, on a childish level. They have certain, innocent naivety to it.

    If you made an offer to someone and they accept it, you don't get to choose to accept or reject their acceptance - you're obliged to fulfil your end of the offer immediately. By making the initial offer, and leaving it on the table for \m/ to take, Polaris pledged to end the war as soon as \m/ accepted her terms. It was not an invitation for \m/ to come negotiate a peace settlement, it was an unilateral offer of peace if \m/ were to agree to Grub's conditions. The timing of the peace was therefore entirely \m/'s choice of whether and when to accept the offer. To claim that Grub accepted is to falsely imply that Grub had a choice where none existed as long as Grub was to remain true to his words.

    It's an important distinction that gets glossed over when people want to twist the situation to suit their propaganda needs.

  5. He could, of course, say "Lets agree to a cease fire, and we'll work out the details. I have some folks I need to talk to".

    That would be a fairly normal way of handling things, I believe.

    What details? Peace was offered and accepted, there was no more details to work out. Besides TOP and IRON have already declared on CnG by then, I fail to see how calling it a ceasefire changes anything as far as their present situation is concerned.

  6. Let’s see, Grub was so eager to accept peace that he did it without prior notification of one of his closest allies NSO, maybe because then the words would reach IRON, maybe not. Personally I don’t think the war stressed Polaris so much that he couldn’t wait a day or even some hours. Also it is rather interesting that Grub didn't make an official statement about the peace agreement as it was announced rather vaguely via some IRC logs without signatures or anything, allowing for a gray period of time and that the peace was agreed almost the time TOP / IRON declared. Of course these are only circumstantial evidences so obviously everybody can decide for himself. Personally I am disappointed of Polaris either way but I don’t matter. They have decided their future, sacrificing some alliances in the way, but mehh...at least they have their thirty pieces of silver :awesome:

    The problem with this theory is that it wasn't Grub who accepted peace, but rather \m/ that accepted Polar's terms. What do you want Grub to do, go back on his word while leading a moral crusade?

    NpO: Say this and you'll have peace.

    \m/: OK 'this'.

    NpO: No wait let us kill you some more!

    That'd go down well.

  7. To let other alliances burn around you while you retreat setting up your true allies for a war that will bring them to their knees? Yeah, good job! You also showed you've a mediocre military, leader and alliance.

    Mission completed. "I am Polar, see my bandying of words and behold the lack of resolve behind them."

    Was meant at the anti-tech raid crusading part. As for TOP and IRON, I really don't know what's going on, so =/

    But I hope it's white peace all round.

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