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Everything posted by Erixxxx

  1. Congrats! Looks like some party you had there.
  2. Is that guy still around? We expelled him from VA more than a year and a half ago for general !@#$%baggery IIRC.
  3. Just having left my bed, I must admit I only skimmed through most of it. Congrats anyway! o/ TPF
  4. I fail to see how keeping on dead topics accomplish anything. Terms were removed, deal with it. EDIT: Seems like Conner was faster o/
  5. I answered the question, please do not put it on Conner.
  6. We didn't say "reps or ZI!". Voldorish proposed it and agreed to it himself.
  7. Once again, the ZI was chosen by Voldorish himself. Our initial demands required higher reps.
  8. Fair? By who's definition? The parties involved or un-initiated bystanders such as yourself?
  9. I had a feeling log dumping was being looked down on. Are you now asking us to do such things? After telling us how bad we've been with restricting their movements? Which is it, do things right, or do things that are looked down on? And we have nothing to hide. Some individuals might just not like these things on the forums.
  10. An apology for our military might (or lack thereof as some put it)? I'm kinda confused on this one.
  11. As said earlier, we'll be more than happy to discuss the reason for RIA's presence on that list in private.
  12. "Other two". The latest attacker was not a part of this rogue attack. He's just a good old-fashioned rogue and will be dealt with.
  13. Congrats on an awesome announcement! o/ NEW
  14. I like the style of this treaty, it reminds me of something I've seen before. Congrats!
  15. Congrats with the anniversary! And good luck to Veneke! 57th
  16. San, for crying out loud! Get in your embassy on our forums!
  17. Know that some of us do want you rather than Jenko.
  18. Thanks for supplying him! We have many plans for him. :evil-smiley-I-don't-know-the-shortcut-for:
  19. I am so sorry for this. Next time, I will make our required six (and a half) announcements in less than a month.
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