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Posts posted by Pyroman

  1. [quote name='Mephala' timestamp='1297136563' post='2625088']
    Feel free to fight on. Resign from you alliance and go temporarily join one of the currently warring alliances. Or stick around and complain.
    I think this thread exemplifies CD comradrey. Besides, resigning from CD to continue to fight isn't rebellious enough for us.

    [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1297136565' post='2625089']
    You do realize that you can rejoin the war in defense of an ally, do you not?

    Feel free to declare on one of them

  2. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1297135197' post='2625043']
    Uhhhhh, we can get cute about the other fronts, but Sparta got roundly hammered most shamefully, no argument.
    Good, you're halfway there. AZTEC hammered Sparta; Part 1, good.

    Part 2: AZTEC and co surrendered to Sparta and friends.

    Are you guys seeing the contradiction yet?

  3. [quote name='Alaric' timestamp='1297134499' post='2625028']
    who are you again?

    AZTEC fought well and hard and gave Sparta all they could handle, and more. I'm sure you won't be surprised if our history books list this war as an AZTEC victory...
    I don't know if you realize this, but for an AZTEC victory, those terms seem an awful lot more like a surrender. "wuss out" is an appropriate description of what happened.

  4. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296452464' post='2612345']
    Not on GOONS? :(
    We prefer to war with people of class.

    [quote name='2burnt2eat' timestamp='1296452407' post='2612336']
    Pyroman writes the best tl;drs in CD. Ask him.

    How rude of me to not have posted one before.

    tl;dr Using all of your resources, (including the most challenging one of all, your brain) go read OP. Figure it out assclowns

  5. Just an aside, Porcelain is far too fragile to represent Terra-Cotta on white. Not to mention that even though we've left brown, porcelain still leaves us vulnerable to toilet jokes. Awful suggestion guys. We were thinking Ivory, or Marble. Not that it matters to any of you.

  6. [quote name='BlackDragon' timestamp='1295654965' post='2589783']
    You are literally a failure. Oh well, brown will live without you.
    "Literally"? Thanks for including that, I'm so confused whenever people call me a failure, I can never tell if they mean it figuratively or not.

    Huzzah for white. For the second time I'm in an alliance that's leaving the brown sphere; happy times.

  7. [quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1293955707' post='2560710']
    And Best War Flag as Carpe Diem's War Flag:

    I would like to nominate Bones Malone for most "Stand up Guy" and "Best Observer of War Flags". Clearly he's earned them both.

  8. Good evening/morning/afternoon ladies, gentlemen and mixes of both. Several things have been happening within our glorious alliance over the past few days that I would like to bring to public attention. Do I have your attention? Do I?

    [b]Thing #1[/b]: Yes, we still exist. I realize this comes as a surprise to some of you (partially because I haven't been doing my job) that we are still a group of individual nations bound together by the same name in the hope of great conquest. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all of you for neglecting you of our winning personalities and that goes doubly for our allies who I am sure miss [s]me[/s] us dearly. If you're skeptical, which I'm sure you are, then I implore you to go to #carpediem and see just how alive we still are. Activity may vary over the holidays.

    For those of you that do not care that we still exist, please rot.

    [b]Thing #2[/b]: CD is under new management. Our beautiful and talented Sovereign, Kirsten, has decided to step down from her post, thus ending her Reign of Pink Terror. Her replacement, former LUEser and our own longtime Apostle of Defense has been appointed by her Majesty as the new Sovereign, thus beginning Bionic Redhead's Reign of Red Terror (RRT for short).

    [b]Thing #3[/b]: CD has hit a milestone that it has not seen since April of 2009. Thanks to the strong functioning finances department and the lack of gigantic wars taking place, CD has been able to once again reach the NS mark of 2.5 million. We are very proud of this accomplishment and are shooting to pass our all-time high NS of about 3 million. We thank you all in your support of this and ask that any monetary donations you wish to make to help us achieve this goal are sent in batches of 50 tech to Pyroman of Tinderscape. If you choose not to send any tech for this wonderful cause, a baby seal will die. I hope you can all deal with that on your conscience.

    That is all.
    - Pyroman the Wickedly Awesome

    tl;dr: If you were actually expecting a tl;dr from me, you can just scroll up and read it, you assclown. Not everything in life will be simple enough for your meager attention span.

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