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Everything posted by Drostan

  1. Haha, it's been interesting reading everyone's comments. I was busy studying latin so it took me a while to get in here. Thanks to all of you who have shown Sparta your support. We try our best to be good friends and we hope the same of others. We're looking onwards and upwards... Best of luck to Q, it's been fun. o/ SPARTA :x
  2. I am ready as soon as possible. I am in the middle of a war but I will send trades as soon as people are ready. We should set a date and get confirmation.
  3. This flag-based boost to my ego intrigues me. Now I have to learn to not die.
  4. WARLORDZ LOL. o/ I am getting beaten down right now. Little does he know soon I will sell off all my infra and buy a tonne of cruise missiles just to be annoying!
  5. Drostan's 8 Bonus Resource Guild -- Built to Last!!! I am tired of seeing players like myself without a reliable trade circle. Essentially there are only a few different kinds of trade setups worth having and this is one of the best. Sign-up here if you are committed and are looking for equally committed players to form a guild with. Aluminum, Coal, Fish, Gold, Iron, Lead, Lumber, Marble, Oil, Rubber, Water, and Wheat Resources in RED are no longer needed. Bonus Resources: Current Members: Drostan (Iron + Lead) Statistics of this Trade Guild: Citizens: +16.64% Happiness: +11 (Estimated effect on income: +$22) Income: +$6 Density before population unhappiness: +50 Infra Cost/Upkeep: -35.2% / -21.34% Tech Cost: -12.6% Land (Purchased): +38% Land Cost: -14.5% Land Value: 3x Environment: +21% Soldier Efficiency: +42.56% Soldier Cost/Upkeep: -$6 / -$0.5 Tank Cost: -8% / -8% Tank Upkeep: -16.97% / -16.97% Aircraft Cost/Upkeep: -15.21% / -25% Aircraft Limit: +10 Missile Cost/Upkeep: -20% Nuclear Anarchy: -1 Day Global Radiation: -50%
  6. Heh, I am in anarchy! Never played TE before and decided to go out in a blaze of glory before reset.
  7. I am new to CN:TE and am wondering if there is a nation building guide for TE? I figure you gotta start fighting early and in such a scenario efficiency dictates the victor.
  8. Are you kidding me? I've been in Sparta for like 4 days. I am not advertising I am giving you my 9 days worth of playing experience. Before I joined any alliance several NPO members just offered me foreign aid and trade deals that were very helpful. No nation is built in a vacuum. Except the really unsuccessful ones that nobody likes. The whole point of this game is that its a community and so I fail to see what is dishonourable about mutually-beneficial agreements between nations. Alliances offer aid packages for a reason: they want strong community nations not do-it-yourself weaklings. I don't mean to be harsh but I think CN is not the game you're looking for if your plan is to go it alone and not have any foreign aid agreements. Do you trade? How can you live with yourself using the resources of another nation like that? :/ As for subtlety. Any of my comments about Sparta were quite mild compared to "YO YO CLICK MY SIG!" and "Join us prz". Let's face it, you've got a very particular idea what you want and a chip on your shoulder. Alliances want team players. That's a fact. The more involved you get the more they want you. That includes foreign aid. That is how you get strong and so does your alliance. I am simply suggesting you join a strong alliance and avail yourself of whatever aid programs they offer as the game is a lot more interesting.
  9. You're a fool for avoiding financial programs. My nation is 4x stronger than yours and it is 9 days old. Imagine where I will be in a few months... Get yourself a REAL alliance and get built up. Sparta has been so good with their programs and the community is very give and take. It seems like many of the top alliances are like this but I must say I am quite pleased with how Sparta has treated me and I look forward to contributing to new nations like mine in the future.
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