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Posts posted by Ziperia

  1. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1303587745' post='2697910']
    You dont even have a million casualties, yet we're cowards and afraid to fight?

    Lets recap, mmk? I have 5 million, Pansy has 8 million, Londo and Magic have just over 6 million. Hell blazerboy has 500k and hes a fraction of your age so come back and call someone a coward when youve fought in more than one war
    Sadly, I haven't been a member of many raiding alliances, as they tend to be full of **. Thus, it's hard for me to make easy casualties without a fear for my precious infra. And for the record, I've been in 3 wars, always declared the max aggro wars, not my fault my enemies have been such a fail. (except the goons+allies. those guys did do something right.)

    At least I never run away when my enemy is greater than I am, like you guys did over here. Cowards.

  2. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1303572882' post='2697758']
    Technically, they're usually the best fighters and definitely not afraid to fight. As long as there are no adverse effects to accepting them, there shouldn't be a problem. I don't see Argent hunting each and everyone of them down, so all in all, Olympus cashed out on this little Thriller.
    While I generally agree, considering they ended the war the immediately when it seemed they might actually get hurt, they are certainly afraid to fight. It was wise decision to back down, but still a cowardly one.

  3. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1292437585' post='2540268']
    Ah, well that's a separate argument, and not one which I want to get into here.
    [quote name='Bob Janova']-Legion's definitely signed a 'more important' treaty here than the ones they dropped-[/quote]
    Are you sure? cause it really sounds like you are saying the gained of this treaty. I say that's not the case, not by a long shot.

  4. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1292373500' post='2539838']
    Wait, seriously? Legion is not that significant on the world stage, probably about at the same level as Valhalla, but it's unquestionable that NpO is a major player. You may not [i]like[/i] them, or think that they're honourable or trustworthy, but they're one of the main alliances around which other alliances and power spheres congregate. Conversely, you might like Valhalla and BAPS, but neither of those (especially BAPS) is an alliance that's really considered in major geostrategic calculations. Legion's definitely signed a 'more important' treaty here than the ones they dropped (on a similar level to the one they had with IRON, who are another significant alliance). I guess Polar saw an opportunity to link up with the NPO+Purple loose cluster, though judging by some of the reaction, it might have more the effect of pulling Legion out of that cluster.
    Geostrategically a significant alliance, but I'd rather have 1 Valhalla on my side during a war than 20 NpO's. 1) Valhalla WILL keep it's word an back you down 2) Valhalla actually knows how to wage war. There is no way legion would have made the better end of a deal over here.

  5. [center][b]Urgent Wikileaks Announcement[/b][/center]
    [center] [img] http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/Ziperia/Confidentialwaxseal.png [/img][/center]
    [i]Wikileaks has discovered information suggesting a treaty being signed between the alliances The Ninjas and OMFG. The spirit of the treaty still remains unknown as the gigantic ninja guards caught our informants before they managed to find out more. The only thing known for sure is that the treaty focuses on pants and proper Ninjas attire.[/i]
    That is all.

    [center] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b333/calderone01/Omfgflag-1.png [/img] [/center]
    [center] [img] http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/Ziperia/Flags/TNflagjapresiz.png [/img] [/center]

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