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Posts posted by Ziperia

  1. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1322527247' post='2855192']
    If people are going to get defensive when holes in their propaganda are pointed out I guess we might as well not have this thread either.
    You don't waste time pointing out holes in Propaganda. If you do, you don't understand what propaganda is.

  2. Welcome to CN!
    You should be careful about telling people your real name. This is internets after all :s

    [quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1313868449' post='2785207']
    Sup girl, you hot?

    [quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1314024394' post='2786165']
    As the mod said, this is about Ej evaluating his chances with the new chick so you all can get out.

    Sup girl, you cook?
    LOL! you are too lazy to change your AA ingame/get trades/do anything really, but you hang around the OWF all the time? :D

  3. Aww man.. :(

    R.I.P Dingo, you were a good friend. One of the best ones I had in CN, I'm gonna miss talking to you.
    My condolences to everone else who knew him. He was, as some other said befoe, a real wild card, but that's what made him so awasome. :/


  4. [quote name='WalkerNinja' timestamp='1311946351' post='2766919']
    Hey! Why don't you take your facts, historical examples, and legal definitions Pee Forcefully on them, alright! We know that Purple Fetishists like you guys could never be anything more than Pedantic Followers of our Paradoxian Fellowship. To say otherwise is Perfectly Farcical.

    + I guess I'm supposed to write something insightful here. Like HAIL PURPLE FOLLOWERS o/

    Edit: changed the pic for a smaller version..

  5. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1311940154' post='2766894']
    By all means, feel free to prove me wrong. But I ain't holdin' my breath.

    Lets not forget that TOP happily jumped in on the last NoCB crusade. So you can forgive me for not really feeling what you're telling me here.
    [quote]3. In case of a vote that does not produce a majority in favor of the military action in question, the declaration of war shall be considered solely the realm of the alliance(s) involved. This shall not, however, suggest that the action is opposed by the bloc.
    4. In case of a vote of only the requesting signatory voting in favor and all remaining signatories voting against military action request, the alliance in question shall abstain from the planned military action.[/quote]

    Yeah, I can see why these wouldn't matter in that case at all. After all, OMFG proved in the last war that we are pure TOP lapdogs by declaring on, wait for it, [i]no one[/i]..
    But then again, we are a sole alliance, you still have the chance of Gre, Bn and Argent TOPping us in votes, and allmighty admin knows no of those have brains of their own. :rolleyes:

  6. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1311878121' post='2766300']
    Gremlins came back, and was touting their "The world needs us because it's broken!" nonsense. For a second, I thought they just might be serious about bringing change.

    Rather sad to see them so happily nestle themselves in at the top of the power structure. But I suppose that's to be expected. Everyone's a liar and a hypocrite these days.
    I'm sorry to tell you this, but "Grämlins is broken so we are here to fix it" does NOT equal to "The world needs us because it's broken!"

    [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1311885905' post='2766383']
    In which case, Janova, I wish you all the best of luck.

    It's refreshing to not see some kind of pointless posturing in the formation of a bloc for once. Or from you for that matter. But still, good to see. Good luck in whatever it is you plan on doing.

    Ah, right, in case I missed it, do you lot have a public IRC channel?
    #OMFG #Paradox #BN # Argent #Gremlins ;)
    you can also use #prostatefailure, but it might be a bit empty at times...

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