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Posts posted by Ziperia

  1. Are nations on the "ODN Applicant" AA aware that there's a war going on and that they might get attacked because of their choice of AA?

    I'd assume yes, I've never been in a massrecruiting alliance that didn't warn new recruits about an ongoing war against the main AA. That said, I'm not privy to their actions.

  2. @mogar: Why are your 80K+ nations in PM?

    @ziperia: what should i see there? It shows me nothing


    @beets: you still didn't answered my question. Why isn't anybody else doing it? Also thank you for now talking in a more civilized manner.

    I fixed the link. In there you will see many alliances declaring on applicants.

  3. Unfortunatelly i am not a native speaker. I only speek english on this forums and i think i am doing ok. If not i appologize for not finding the correct words and metaphors. But i think you all got the picture. But for conversation sake let me ask you this then:


    Do you think that it is honorable to attack a microtier nations, with 10 days of age? And i ask again, why aren;t the rest of the alliances doing it? As you avoid this question i will answer to you: because they fight with honor.


  4. Just because some people were morons long ago doesn't mean we have to continue the tradition.


    Literally needs to be used correctly or we debase the language.


    And don't get me started on "decimate."

    Just because you are too stupid to understand the meaning from context doesn't mean we have to impoverish the language.

  5. As opposed to figuratively?


    People here love to use the word "literally" in the wrong ways. Even I'm guilty of it.


    CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN. Stop the Literally- 2013. Alternatively- Literally Stop.

    The word "literally" has been used in this "wrong way" (to emphasize your point) since the 17th century. I'd say it's already acceptable in terms of grammar.

  6. they are variants on the Enron logo. Essentially they try to imply that we are a House of Cards about to collapse. Wrong of course, but quite clever in its way. 


    To scare some members, those that were born after that scandal will be 13 next year. Teenagers. 

    Aaahh.. Yeah I've heard of Enron. It was just never bing enough thing here in Finland that I'd actually recognize the logo though.

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