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Posts posted by Ziperia

  1. [quote name='gowfanatic' timestamp='1342264905' post='3010081']
    It's a PIAT with an "Aid" Clause... I think several people have been over that already >.> and I mean, do PIATs no longer have Aid clauses?
    When your Aid close includes military assistance, it's not loner an Aid clause and your treaty is no longer a PIAT. Not that I care much, I'd be fine if they wen't in on a NAP :P

  2. [quote name='mgregory' timestamp='1336012348' post='2962606']
    Argent will protect the Jihad AA indefinitely.[/center]
    Hmm, I wonder how indefinite this is if I'd happen to be the only one remaining here :awesome:

    [quote name='wes the wise' timestamp='1336067521' post='2962922']
    HA! The Jihadists surrender without firing a shot! [img]
    All joking aside, I'm sorry to see this happen to you guys. Best of luck to you all in finding new homes. :/
    Crusaders too stronk :3

  3. [quote name='AgentAwesome' timestamp='1327340191' post='2905563']
    Corporations are not the same as alliances. Corporations inherit debt, alliances are agreements to defend each other (not take on each others' debt). Looks like chaosclanlord needs to look in a dictionary.

    Here's a real life example for those who can't think for themselves. Let's say France sells cars to Russia. Russia sends the money but France disappears from existence! Gone!...it is no longer there (France is a great lake now). Does Russia go to the United States saying "You were allies, you owe us X amount of cars. We sent the money to France last week." .....now what do you think the U.S. would say? Let me help you chaosclanlord. The U.S. would say "HAHAHA...you're kidding right?...you're not? Well sucks to be you. We're allies, not their banker."

    Same goes to CN. Now, once again, this would be negated if there was a prior agreement to guarantee the tech from the alliance...but there wasn't. Once again, chaos, anson, etc. ...MEDIEVAL THINKING.
    When United States takes the cars/money/etc from the now non-existent france, yes, it would be them paying the bill. (or risking a global conflict)

  4. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1327041574' post='2903454']
    Right I know its old but I just saw it....Bingo has 4 x's not 6...that is all..
    WHAT? Was that propaganda piece factually INACCURATE?? LYCNH THE MAN!

    E: I'll soften my message with a smiley. :P

  5. [quote name='Diomede' timestamp='1326732922' post='2900936']
    Hey... I fought him during Christmas. He did fight back, but it was a case where turtling was actually a good idea. He couldn't even win a GA after nuking me.
    I fought him around christmas with you.. I was giving a compliment, "Hail to the one spartan who fought back" :s

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