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Posts posted by Ziperia

  1. Haha you have a WRC, down declared on non nuclear nations. Yeah good job. Give me a minute to get down to your size and we can turn that ratio around.

    I'm sorry, I'll make sure next round not to downdeclare in order to give the goonies a fighting chance. I've got 3 defensive slots, deal with it.
    None of that still changes the fact that FlogYou really too stupid to read.
    If you read my original post and the crymson post it was a reply to, you might notice it was a tongue-in-cheek reply to his callout.



    TIO Damage TAKEN: 2,899,836 Damage INFLICTED: 2,064,559. That's a ratio of .711 second worst damage ratio in the war only to your mates RnR.


    You are not stomping anything!

    Reading comprehension ftw! Then again, what can you expect from a paradoxian...


    Speaking of talking out of one's ass, everyone's still waiting on TIO and NATO! An attack on one is an attack on all, right?

    Sure is, why do you think I'm stomping GOONs now?



    That's a logical fallacy. You can't argue against me when I have the required information to cast a valid judgement, and you don't. Yes I see the logic behind what Alex said, but it still doesn't change the fact that his conclusion is wrong. You can't expect me to give the specifics at this point in time, but they will become clear as the war unfolds.

    If the reason your conclusions differs is that you have different (more) information, that doesn't make his conclusion illogical or wrong. Conclusions are made from the facts *at had*. Unknown variable do not make the logic wrong, or otherwise no one would ever be correct with anything.

  4. Oh TIO is attacking us now!


    God thats so great, a pathetic alliance so terrible it has to follow NATO around is countering us with no declaration. I love it.

    Awww man, and here I was thinking we were following NPO. Well atleast we have a quality alliance like GOONs to show us the ways of war.

  5. Meatshield? No. 


    Taking it to NPO on our own free choosing? Oh hell yes.


    Keep tryin' to spin it, though. I see you have yet to improve since EQ on your terribad Conspiracy Theories. :Goodjob:

    I think you should read the post he was replying to, then read his post again. If you still don't understand his point, I'd recommend just staying away from tasks that involve reading.

  6. Avoid wars? You realize that TOP hit NSO knowing that NPO and NG would hit them right? How the fuck is that "avoiding" anything... As for triple teaming, you realize you are allied to NPO who went in with 4 other alliances against Umbrella the last war correct? Should I also note who NG actually hit in eQ (hint it was TTK, an alliance that was much smaller than NG). So I suggest you bone up on your history before you start throwing a tantrum mate.

    So you are saying that NSO had the upper tier that matched NpO, TOP and MI6 together? Cause I think you of all people should remember why we did it.

  7. Ninjasflag.png

    Dear my sweet baby, Mushroom Kingdom

    Your time on the planet bob has come to an end, much like our time came over two years ago. We had our differences during our mutual existence,
    we even warred over your former vassal state GOONs. You were a strong and fearsome enemy.

    Now that you are finally free from the corruptive stench of that pile of manure,
    We, The Ninjas, extend our guiding hand in a gesture of forgiveness and mercy.

    May your death be more prestigious than your life.




  8. I have two nations willing to accept donations to nuke IRON im looking for a third. Been told this will widen the war and im ok with that im just interested in seeing IRON brass nuked. :)

    Just so you know, if you actually have two nations that have messaged you saying they are going to help you: they are fooling you.

    a 30$ donation is not worth it for a nation with nuclear cababilities. the 10,000,000.00 cash would only pay their bills for a week at most. They would lose hundreds of millions in rebuilding costs, and the rebuild would take months of their time. That's if they get an easy peace for their roguery. Receiving 600 levels of Infrastructure before a war would also be a total waste since they wouldn't get any benefits from it as they would lose it in the war, right after receiving it. The same with land and the measly 60 tech.

    IF you are going to donate someone for attacking, you'd better atleast wait until they send their first nukes cause otherwise they will just scam you.

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