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Posts posted by jimbacher

  1. Dear Pacific,

    I like you guys, a lot. However, I think your decision to continue fighting is stupid. Getting your nations out of peace, surrender and rebuilding would be a much much wiser decision. Face your enemies when you can win. The world will go on, and there will be a chance to take them on once more.

    The point of this whole thing argument is we have not been given surrender terms yet. So we pull our nations out of pm and we still get pummeled for another two months. What is the point in that if the whole alliance will be pretty muched zied either way.

  2. No, these are terms. They just aren't peace terms. Let's not have a semantics argument please.

    So if you are trying to end a war you don't give peace terms...seems logical. Where is NPO's incentive to agree to your pre-terms. You can't do much more damage anyways. Most of the non-pm nations will be zied soon enough.(Check my own nation out if you don't believe me.) And we are happy to ride zi too :).

  3. Pm NS-----------------Pm infra-----------------Pm Tech


    Total NS----------------Total infra---------------Total Tech




    Only 2.5 million NS of pacifica lies outside PM. Which implies around 5k average NS for non PM nations. If you think you can "drop" us to below 5 mill NS, it is not possible. I am not here to argue or anything, just posting stats.

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