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Posts posted by kpcurley

  1. flage.jpg


    It is with crispy and succulent resolve That I, Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine of BACoN anounce the commencement of "Operation Greece Fire" against the nations of IRON. IRON saw fit to declare war against Sparta's allies. As many of you are aware; Sparta is our protector and valued ally.

    In accordance with "The BaconGreece Protectorate Agreement", I hereby commit the nations of BACoN to throw themselves mercilessly into to the IRON skillet. It is our intent to overwhelm and distract the foe with flavor and arousing odor. We will ignite a grease fire that will scorch many unsuspecting IRON nations.

    I wish our IRON well in this conflict, I fought with them in Karma (Nearly ZI'd) and respect them as a whole.

    And now for a statement in Pig-Latin (our traditional language)

    "D'Goo kluc lal. N'Baco sprevail"


    His Supreme Succulence, Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine - Kpcurley

    The Big Bad Wolf (Military)- AimmeMann

    Membership Piggy - Triviuum

    Foreign Affairs Piggy - Darknight6

    Finance Piggy - Ghuxalia

    EDIT: Sigh, sorry mods, got a bit excited and posted in the wrong forum. Move please?

  2. First Off, great job! I know you and the staff work hard to provide thousands of players with countless hours of free entertainment, and that should be commended.

    My perspective on the forums: It's not so much the layout, its the colors. I prefer a theme to utilize colors that are similar to each other. Not this teal green color on a navy background. if the green color another shade of blue that would be so much more attractive.

  3. If a boxer would hit a 12 year old boy, he would get suspended from boxing and arrested by the police. See you in jail NpO -_-

    So you admit that \m/ has the mental maturity of a 12yr old boy? I agree.

    This analogy is flawed. I am the leader of a small alliance, does that give me the right to go angering every AA bigger than me? I mean after all i'm small and I can always cry bully on the OWF.

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