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Posts posted by kpcurley

  1. [quote name='Newhotness' date='26 March 2010 - 12:04 AM' timestamp='1269579835' post='2237068']
    i think you have it backwards. it takes more of a man to go attack a whole alliance on their own or with 1 or 2 friends than it does to try and hide behind their alliance after attacking...

    You are both wrong. This is internet text based game, no manliness is required in any circumstances.

  2. [quote name='Vladimir Spencer' date='13 March 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1268511833' post='2224615']
    Thank you for the advice. This has been a great learning experience for me. It just made me angry because you seemed like most people were blaming me for the wars when it wasn't my fault. I really appreciate how nice iFOK has been in setting everything straight. I thank everyone who has offered advice, and especially ikMark and Baldr.

    It was your fault, since you didn't contact the alliance government first.

  3. It is with great succulent pleasure that I announce BACoN's first official treaty outside our protectorate with Sparta. So with out further ado I present to you the following ODP/PIAT with RIA! We have been united in our love of bacon and bacon related accessories. And, we shall cherish this new bond.


    [b]The “Breakfast at Cactuar’s” accords.[/b]

    One fine day after an all nighter, the governments of RIA and BACoN were seeking to cure their hangovers with the best known remedy, a greasy plate of bacon. While they were chowing down on Emperor Oinks private reserve, they got to talking and the following agreement was written down on a slightly used napkin.

    [b]Article I: “Give grease a chance”[/b]

    Internationally renowned bacon lover John Lennon, said it best with his hit lyric. “All we are saying…, is give grease a chance!” In that spirit RIA and BACoN agree to a peaceful coexistence as friends and allies.

    [b]Article II: “Loose lips sink ships, but are great for enjoying bacon.”[/b]

    If either signatory catches wind of intelligence that affects the other signatory, they should share it over a plate of bacon and cool glass of cactus juice.

    [b]Article III: “Break open the Piggy Bank.”[/b]

    Both signatories are encouraged to aid each other in times of need if possible. Piggy banks are made to be broken!

    [b]D: Florida: “If you can’t stand the heat; Stay out of the kitchen!”[/b]

    While bacon is delicious and cacti a prize to behold, it should be noted by any would be aggressors that an attack on one may be seen as an attack on the other. In that case either alliance is encouraged to come to the defense of the other.

    [b]Article V: "Becoming Vegetarian".[/b]

    Should either side get a hippy girl friend that won't let them eat meat they are required to give 42.5 hours notice to the other party.

    for the Blatantly Awesome Coalition of Nations,

    Kpcurley, Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine, His Royal Succulence
    Darknight6, Foreign Affairs Piggy
    Triviuum, Membership Piggy
    Ghux, Finance Piggy

    for the Random Insanity Alliance,

    ~Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Puppetmaster of Chaos
    ~Thunder Strike, Triumvir of Stuff, hater of cats, and recently got violated
    ~Ogaden, slave to pork, Head of Fried Affairs
    ~C-zom, Democratically Appointed Commander in Chief of all things related to Warfare in the game of Cybernations, from the deployment of troops and structuring of battle plans to the organization of war aid and staggers. Alternately, Head of Military Organization.
    ~Gangs20003, Ham of Recruitment, pork...pork...porkporkporkporkporkporkporkporkpork
    ~cctmsp13, Viceroy of Economics

    [size="1"]Fine Print: All pigs must sign a liability waiver. Neither BACoN nor its subsidiaries are responsible for any of the following related side effects. Obesity, Massive acute coronary failure, arterial blockage, and grease stains. Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine is not affiliated with Emperor Moo: The Divine Bovine. Any resemblance to the mentioned character is purely coincidental. It is likely that many pigs were eaten during the writing of this treaty. Void where prohibited, copy right 2010. This has been an official announcement of BACoN.[/size]

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