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Posts posted by kpcurley

  1. I can't say I support this blatant mugging of another alliance, but I suppose the fault equally lies with the Knights of Ni! for not signing any treaties.

    If we keep on signing treaties eventualy all of planet bob will become one giant alliance! Boring.....

  2. It's all just semantics <_<

    Across Athens, and across FoB, there were wars declared on Knights of Ni!.

    Across the alliance. Alliance-wide.

    Excuse me? We don't appreciate sound logic here in CN! Take your fancy "city thinking" on back to where it belongs. Ya here?!...

  3. I liked it. Could have used a different title, but honestly the original was overrated anyway.

    Thanks heft, people get way to serious around here, and cant even recognize a parody that pays homage to TWIP. I thought it was obvious that I was not trying to be original just satirical *face palm

  4. Right here you give an argument against your own Point of View.

    It's the same action, yet you don't treat it equally. So I take it that you like to bully 5 nations instead of 40... Which leads me to the conclusion you are a bigger bully than these Athenians. :P

    Except that there is a common consensus on planet bob that alliances under 10 are not really sovereign alliances. I don't know if I agree with that consensus, but since by Athen's own charter they agree with that consensus, they are hypocritical on this occasion and thus deserve a character hit.

  5. Except it's not on a larger scale. It's individual nations with a common bond choosing to raid other individual nations with a different bond.

    What? Do you think by redefining the situation it changes its nature? Lets apply that logic to Alliance wars in general

    "Its not war. It's one group of nations with a common bond choosing to fight another group of nations with a common bond'

    The simple fact that it was a coordinated and targeted attack on a specific group of nations makes it a larger scale.

  6. Yes! Great work Athens! Keep it coming! You know who really is at fault? The Knights o Ni! How dare they be vulnerable to attack and have lots of tech. Only Athens had the grecian balls to stand up to KofN and their arrogant and immoral tech hoarding. Way to show them who's boss. In fact KofN should be thanking Athens for taking technology out of their hands. Having technology is an invitation to be attacked by much larger groups of arrogant, boorish nations totally unconcerned about the welfare of small alliances. KofN wouldn't want that to happen!

    Those criticizing Athens are only doing it for political gain. Come on! Athens nations knew they would have to face the consequences of attacking other nations even if it meant ending up with more tech than they had before the war. It's always been an okay practice to attack small vulnerable communities just because you can. There's nothing wrong with that. Why isn't it happening more often? Don't think of it as stealing tech think of it as exporting fun. KofN is having fun right? I'm sure they're celebrating their dropping tech supplies right now.

    I salute you Athens


    Here, Here! o/ Athens

  7. No.

    I think, if I interpreted you reply correctly that is, that mixing OOC with IC is a bad thing to do.

    Which is why I was being sarcastic.

    Oh, Okay. I thought for a minute we were totally serial about this. :P While IC on Planet Bob I'll be sure to suppress my sarcasm.

    You and KPCurly have officially won this thread. Congrats. Also hi hyperion, first nation you linked to was mine being raided. Slighty funny, but odd nonetheless.

    Oh Mai god! I won the internets?! :D

    Also, It's nice to see that Athen's has a fully functional reverse gear. After all, this whole action was seemingly against their charter which states that tech raiding should not be conducted on alliances with more than 10 nations.

  8. The only thing that really matters in the end is the enjoyment of the nation ruler, and I feel that reasonably fair contests of skill and strength provide for this admirably.

    I get this. I often find my self stealing lunch money from elementary school children. I feel picking on a target a 5th of my size is a reasonably fair contest of skill and strength. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of it too; and although the children may be crying whilst I raid their lunch funds, I think, deep down, they enjoy it as well.

  9. Note: This is a parody of a parody. I make no claims of originality, wit, or cleverness :P

    Hello and greetings!

    Welcome to the first edition of This Week In Athens! I am your host Kpcurley, and I'll be bringing you the latest and greatest news from the that pillar of cyber civilization, Athens!

    And now for our top stories...

    Doin' fine in '09!

    2009 has been a resounding success for Athens! Athenians have established themselves as a presence on planet bob by demonstrating continued growth, prosperity and moral judgement.

    Citizens on planet bob really started to take notice of the righteous Athens when they boldly stood up to the evil forces of the hegemony during the great Karma War. Athens propelled themselves as moral leaders in the political ideology of a "New" Planet bob! A Planet Bob where tyranny and oppression of large alliances would not to be tolerated; a Planet Bob where oppressive exploitation from larger alliances would be a thing of the past!

    All and all, this commentator can firmly say that 2009 has been a resounding success for Athenians. They should be safe in the knowledge of their moral superiority and national dignity!

    Glorious Athenians March Into a Prosperous Future! "All your tech are belong to us!"


    The Athenian leadership boldly and bravely cast aside their tech raiding policy this week, and joined with their righteous brothers FoB in a surprise raid on the puny and unprotected Knights of Ni.

    Athenian leaders apparently felt their former Tech Raiding policy was limiting to the growth of their proud alliance. The stated tech raiding policy specifically prohibits raiding sovereign alliances of more than 10 players. However, the Athenian leadership demonstrated moral courage by casting that limiting policy aside and raiding the vulnerable Knights of Ni.

    The Knights of Ni, though medium sized with almost 40 players, are largely unheard of and uninvolved in the politics of Planet Bob. This foolish lack of political character and clout clearly justified the coordinated raid by the brave and dignified Athenians. Athens should be praised for taking the time to teach medium sized alliances an important lesson. Nations now know that it is not enough to be part of alliance; one should also make sure their alliance is tangled up in a plethora of treaties ensuring their sovereignty. With any luck this raid will mark the end of small to medium sized alliances that have been plaguing Planet Bob. I for one salute the heroic actions of the Athenians!

    Well, Thats about all the time we have today on TWIA! Be sure to tune in next week for another exciting installment! Thanks for tuning in!

  10. Are you creating our policies now? If anyone wants to have some revenge on any tech raiding nation then those nations will duke it out until peace is given on both sides or the war expires, please stop the slander.

    HaHa, lol. It's not like Athens follows there own policy anyway. Isn't this whole business against your tech raiding policy.

  11. What purpose would that serve?

    We are raiding them for profit, not attacking them for destruction. This is a mass tech raid.

    It would appear that some of you would find this MUCH more kosher if we faked some IRC logs stating that KofN were plotting our destruction and beating kittens, rather than just raiding and sending peace.

    bwa haha! Great logic! If i ever decide murder someone I will use similar logic in my defense. "Well, your honor, at least I am not Hitler, Stalin, or even Pol Pot; I hear their crimes were much worse."

    The point is, and I am NOT defending NPO, is that Athens is not being held to the same standard of morality here. If IRON or NPO had committed this act or raiding everyone would of been "oh mai god! how ebulll! stawp ett now!" right now Athens seems to have more support in this matter.

    What concerns me, is not the raiding per se, it's the blatant fakeness of the CN community, false morals. It's only wrong to commit crimes when you are not our friends.

    On the other hand, Athens did read the political climate right, and deserve credit for committing the perfect crime.

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