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Posts posted by Samwise

  1. Did you guys like it at the start of this round? Luckily for you, you could skate on over to War Doves missing their first war and TEPDs in the process. ;)


    Inspector Lestrade and paul fought in TEPD's rogue wars, then came over to WDs for the D1 war where they both ate nukes. The 3rd nation, good ole boys was supposed to come over for that war as well, but it was my opinion that the stats were already not tipped in D1's favor enough, so I told him to apply after we received peace. So that one's on me.


    But now you're just using rule violators to justify your immoral move that was within rules. If you want to play like that then I don't mind, two can play that game.


    I have no problem with you hitting Auctor while he's collecting taxes.


    Everyone drops GC's before collecting and you'd be stupid not too, but only those looking to eliminate a flag running threat would stay up for hours watching and waiting for someone to drop GC's so they can put him into anarchy and then razor his nation.


    I agree, bombuator needs a girlfriend. Maybe he got one and that's why we haven't seen him lately.


    Why don't you ask yourself why exactly were TEPD hit by rogues? Its obvious it was because of all the BS you guys pulled to cheap shot your way into winning flags. You're suppose to be vets so lead by example and keep the game clean and fair. All the wrong people seem to be quitting this game and its because of the BS you guys pull to grab flags.


    Almost every single flag that has ever been won has involved at least one or all of the following:

    *Slotfills - spyslots and/or warslots

    *Collusion - backroom deals to ensure minimum damage, including non-nuke agreements for last minute collections

    *Nations turtling - fighting back costs money

    *Nations avoiding wars - rebuilding costs money

    *Alliances downdeclaring - Want to make sure your flagrunners stay safe, declare an easy war

    *Multies - For temp trades. For multiple flag attempts. To loot startup funds.

    *Casualty Farming - In rounds casualties win prizes, people make deals with their friends to take minimum damage while gaining casualties.


    There are probably more shady things that go on that I haven't seen firsthand, but you get the point. There is a reason when you call someone a flagrunner, that it's an insult. So many cheat that it's almost impossible to win a flag honestly. After round 25, one of the moderators actually had to write up a thread chastising everybody for all the cheating that is rampant in TE. Regrettably, that is the game we play, and nice guys finish last. It's disgusting, and I find my time is better spent worrying about other things until it's the endround and it's time to crush their months of preparation.


    Its obvious the community isn't in your best interest but rather gaining flags for your SE nations and it seems you'll all go to any lengths to win them including cheap shots. The faster the community realizes this and deals with your kind the better.


    Kill all flagrunners. Not just the cheating ones. The honest ones too. Everybody who wins a prize in TE should earn it. 


    And trust me, they'll thank you for it. There's no better feeling than bringing home a flag and knowing you're one of the few who earned it honestly and worked your ass off for it.

  2. The purpose was to end any chance of a flag win stevie had and he was the highest earner at the time. They likely waited for him to drop GC's, then hit him so they could put him into anarchy easy, and then they started their official war with everyone else. Its an underdog tactic and everyone who knows anything about this game knows it. Its probably one of the lowest moves you can do in TE and I hope it never gets repeated. Whats wrong with winning fair and square but they couldn't so they stole it instead.


    In SE and TE we live by you're either militarized for defense, or you are in collection mode. There are some noobs that try to do both like being in Defcon 3 or people who never militarize until they go to war, but seasoned players know how to work the system so they get the best of both worlds. Stevie had proper defenses in place, and then he chose to decommission those defenses to collect taxes and was hit. How is that as low as you can get? He made the choice to temporarily sacrifice his defenses for a better tax collection. I do it every tax collection, and yes, I've been hit while collecting taxes. Lowering your defenses is a choice. The rewards you reap far outweigh the risks, which is why every alliance tells their members to do this, but it is a risk all the same. It's the same as raiding people because they do not have proper defenses. What does it matter that it happened to be while he was decommissioning them?


    And saying the flag was stolen from him is a little much. Just because he was a top earner didn't mean he was sure to win a flag. bombuator had about 100 million more in cash than I did, and still took 2nd. It was the same with my flag in R25. There were people with far more cash than I had and I still placed higher. Anybody who's flagrun before knows there is a lot more to flagrunning than money. 

  3. Hey check it out!


    DEFCON and WARDOVES have the top four casualty slots.


    They also have 4 out of 5 of each attacking and defending casualties. Making this war a good candidate for "most terrifying, awe-inspiring war of the round" when all is said and done.


    I've been pretty depressed all round because I just can't seem to get enough casualties. I mean surely the Shire is the place for Hobbits to die?? So I went to look, and I've finally broke the top 10 casualty count. In fact, I'm 6th right now. Here's to hoping for at least a top 5 finish. o/

  4. Checked your NS like 18hrs before war. You were too weak so I made other plans. Then I  declared wars, only to find you were once again within range. Got peace from angelbeats as we had already fought. Then I put on cologne, bought some (1-0Mt yield) flowers, and came to your door...  only to find that we were once again out of each others' league!


    "Like two ships passing in the night"


    It's a story as old as time. Psychotic dictator meets Hobbit, Hobbit misses first chance with psychotic dictator, psychotic dictator realizes Hobbit's interest  and reciprocates only to be thwarted by a cruel, uncaring universe. A tragedy.


    As the thugs say, "nohomo", assuming you're a guy


    ;_; See, what had happened was I wasn't expecting our adventure for another 6 days. I planned to do 4 day backcollects to slingshot me into your range. I wouldn't have had more than a 4 day backcollect to go dutch on dinner, but I would have been in range! Just not in the stars right now it seems.



    You don't have HNMS, but because of our NS difference I cannot even console myself with the role of a peeping Tom!







    I was continuing Sam's "date" pun regarding our plans to war each other, that almost worked out but did not.


    It's okay John. We can still war each other next round when you're in War Doves. We've been known to do that once in awhile. Quite effective for training actually when you see first hand how someone wars. ^_^

  5. But you didn't make a thread about D1 having an easier war than you guys did but in all serious if this can now be used as unfair then nearly half of TE wars are unfair since many alliances have easier wars than their next opponents wars. Its a lame excuse basically, and just like what has been said, stats can be suppressed if your keeping your NS in your war chest and all the vets do it. Get your members to start spending their money and you'll see the stats equal out.


    Pull your head out of your ass. We're not sitting on large sums of cash trying to trick people into thinking we had a destructive war with Cit/RE. The stats speak for themselves. We had an awesome time, with a lot of NS destroyed on both sides and you don't normally bounce back immediately from those. D1 took an opportunist hit on us because we had yet to rebuild, and then downdeclared us on top of it with almost double the nukes, and ~2.5k avg NS on us. Take out the fact that we were yet to rebuild, and you still have a decent sized downdeclare. So yes, this war is unfair. Did I expect better? Yes, I did. I was told when we picked such a challenging war, that it would leave us vulnerable to something like this, and I figured Cowboy had a shred of honor. I was wrong. I'm not here trying to garner support for any cause. I'm here so that when D1 gets what's coming to them, I can point to this thread and remind them that they asked for it.


    What were our options? You're literally the only AA above us. You can't simultaneously be winning the round as an AA and scream "downdeclare"


    I don't get this whole "complaining about wars" thing. Yes, no one likes to be invaded. However this is a game that includes war. You STILL have more NS than us, and many more members, and almost as many nukes, after two days.


    People went early and screwed up the  blitz. This was not deliberate, however we did intend to war you at 6/1-6/2.


    If you feel this war is unfair and would like to surrender to Cowboy on the grounds that you are a weaker and less effective AA incpable of withstanding our onslaught, then talk to him! Don't post publicly that this is the case.


    However, I don't think that is true. I think you guys are effective and eventually want to do a round in your AA. I had a blast in our first wars when you guys had the upper hand, and I intend to have a blast in the second set, whether you do or not.


    Everybody has their own perception of winning in this game. I could give 2 !@#$% that we're the number 1 AA right now. I don't care that I've won donation bonuses for SE, and usually give them away to friends. What I do care about is effectively training members of neutral alliances for war. I care about maximizing damage to my opponent while reducing the potential damage I take. Could I declare easy wars and get all that done? Yes. But eventually, you're no longer training for alliance wide warfare, you're tech raiding. That's why we've striven for statistically fair wars and updeclares - so we can learn something, and keep our skills sharp.


    When this war started, you had more total NS, despite that we had more members. That means that on average, your nations were decently bigger than ours, and the avg NS reflected that. You had almost double the nukes. The numbers have shifted because both sides are destroying NS, and we're spying nukes whereas your guys are spying my cruise missiles (btw, I didn't have any at the time). 


    For the record, War Doves will not be surrendering. We've been in rougher situations that this, and we didn't surrender then. We just don't have it in us, because we fight for each other, not ourselves. I would continue to fight until there was no one else on the WD AA, and I got 40+ members that feel the same way. That's what it means to be a War Dove. Not prizes, not flags, not rankings, but dedication to each other. So be careful. You join WDs for a round, you may just end up calling it home. It happens every round. Happened to me actually ;_;

  6. ????
    You hit a hard target for your most recent war, yes, similar to what TPC did in updeclaring. Flip side of taking on a whole lot more NS means that although you took a lot of damage you were able to kill many Infras and Soldiers. In addition, much like TPC, when you have decent cash levels you can bounce right back. I guarantee you, that WD has more cash on average per nation than Defcon1.
    I dont even know why you against this. In all reality its more infra and soldiers for you to kill. There is less than 2 weeks left. You are all well out of Nuclear Anarchy. At this stage of the game arguing downdeclare based on our nukes and ANS is just childish!

    You can spin my words however you like. My nation isn't at prewar numbers, my warchest isn't at prewar numbers. Hell I didn't even make it back to my peak infra, yet my nation in still in better shape than most in War Doves. This was an opportunist hit on us, and it's a downdeclare to boot because D1 figured it'd be their best shot at getting revenge for our war earlier this round. At least when we hit you guys, we made sure the numbers were fair.

    And I'm not sure why you're sticking up for D1. You only joined them hoping they would get the top soldier/infra killed awards due to their size, not realizing you joined a Skaro 2.0. If you're in D1 next round, I'll be pretty damned surprised.
  7. Defcon 1 also purposely hit a soft target whereas we declared an actual war. Take a look at our growth charts for our previous wars and you'll see they took minimal damage and we shed half our NS. We're no where near close to being rebuilt and that's why they chose to hit now. That's okay. We can play that way too if D1 wishes.

  8. So, I guess now even you recognize how one sided this was? I don't have a problem with one sided. But I have a problem with lying. And I don't believe you're dumb enough to really believe "it doesn't get much fairer (more fair) than this)" when the differences were SO obvious. This is the only DOW that I have seen that goes by infra, presumably because you could find one statistic that was evenly matched. Gee, "The Iron Will" has as many nations in anarchy as defcon, would that be a fair fight?


    Lol, again, irdc that you downdeclared. I care that you didn't show the integrity to acknowledge it. The thing I have noticed, is everyone wants to make their downdeclare look like an updeclare, but what loses you more honor? Attacking less imaginary men with more imaginary men, or actually attempting to manipulate and lie to real humans to avoid the perception of attacking less imaginary men with more imaginary men?


    Welcome to TE, John. In my experience, if you have argue your war is legit, then it's normally not. 

  9. Or, some nations actually have an opinion and think for themselves that they might want to try out a different alliance. Non-neutrals switch AA's all the time. If because I'm GOP now means I will always have to be in a neutral alliance then FML. Someone should have told me that.

  10. Paul, you're obviously not understanding the joke. "TepiD" is not a spelling error, but rather a jab at TEPD by calling them "tepid" rather than their name. 


    : not hot and not cold
    : not energetic or excited

    Full Definition of TEPID

    1:  moderately warm :  lukewarm <a tepid bath>

    2a :  lacking in passion, force, or zest <tepid poetry>
    2b :  marked by an absence of enthusiasm or conviction <a tepid interest> <a tepid response>

    It's similar to when HDSup calls me "Samantha". That would be a jab at my masculinity if I were male. Same as when he accuses Kurdanak of wearing a skirt. Or calling someone "uncool" when their name is "cool". You get the joke now?

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