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Posts posted by Samwise

  1. If WD's want someone to hit them.  Maybe we all should should give them what they ask for!  All the building and dodging in the edition wont hold up too everyone setting their numbers.  WD's we like you, we just know we are the only ones to take you on.  As a new alliance (D1) 3rd edition you guys are already weary of us, oh and revengeful.  Too bad revenge takes a part in this great game.  If you decide to build and wait for us,  I am sure I can get some takers to join in!   Day 18 and you cant find a target, prob need to get some guts.  My prediction is you will launch a soft (friendly) war against OP, SKE, Aftermath and NDO so you have a chance with D1.


    WD's has the numbers, build, dodging head quarters right now so enjoy!  Our mentions hear are only a result of reading the board and who needs to be set in TE. 



    The world needs less premature war declarations. Perhaps something with Benzocaine? Or practice deep breathing if you're too cheap to spend the cash. 

  2. Out of curiosity, in case you can share: who is "sammy" (Samwise?) and what did they "do to you"?


    (While answering would be kind of you, please don't feel pressed to do so, and thank you anyway.)


    Unless this is because I lent Blurrenza's AA a tech dealing guide, and his guys kept going inactive and/or stiffing us on tech so we asked that the guide be taken down and that we would go elsewhere for tech this is a situation where the TE world has spilled into SE. 


    Have fun dealing with Roo...



  3. Thats not too bad.


    Peak infra and NS. Some would like a shift away from "infra hugging" awards, but we always need something like this IMO.


    With the AA awards, can we move away from the NS qualifier to determine which nations get awarded from the AA that wins. Although some would like the awards themselves changed as they can "overlap", I think they are good. I forgot who mentioned but in the case of 1 AA getting both awards, that 4 different nations get awarded as opposed to 2 taking 2 each.


    I'd be for this. If an AA wins both soldiers killed and infra destroyed, instead of the top 2 getting double prizes, the top 4 each getting prizes. Sounds good to me.


    I dislike the idea of allowing only alliance-based prizes, because that doesn't discourage people from doing overzealous flag running. They're still just going to continue to build their nations improperly to inflate their NS, the only difference is that in that case their casualties don't matter and their NS becomes the only factor.

    All the flag runners would do would be to run to the largest alliance in hordes and continue their sucky building. And if the largest alliance doesn't allow it, they'll flock to the second largest and try to make it the largest, and so on and so forth.


    The fact is that having prizes is going to attract people who want those prizes. That's the entire point of having the prizes in the first place. We have the prizes to attract these people, we really need to stop complaining because we don't think they should be trying their best to earn said prizes.


    I don't think I've ever seen a flagrunner win that didn't have a solid nation. The ones that are sucky, nation builders don't win prizes. This is why the same people win round after round, and you have people with multiple flags under the belt. You have to have a firm foundation of game mechanics, and most people don't. 


    Not the "damage" that you guys wanted. But there is a very real difference in the 2 AA awards. Id say you have to win both to be crowned AA winner. :P


    I'd say infra killed is the better award for bragging rights since infra is harder to destroy than soldiers, but on the whole I don't disagree. 

  4. A big reason why War Doves grew so quickly is because we actively recruited from SE. I make a thread nearly every round advertising War Doves to my SE alliance, the GPA, and I also advertise the GPA to every academy graduate. Because of this, we have dozens of players who almost certainly wouldn't be playing otherwise. :awesome:

    The moral of the story is - advertise TE to your SE alliances! \o/

    EDIT: trs4ece has an awesome point as well - I'm honestly tempted to have someone design shirts for War Doves or for the Green Protection Agency, with the profits going to paying for forum hosting and such. :)


    I found this several months ago. I'm surprised you missed it when I posted about it. 



  5. Its better than giving it to the top 2 with the highest NS at the end.
    Here is a War Doves flag runner http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000009
    Hes been a member for 7 days so how does a late comer deserve a chance to beat out all the other War doves that have played all round? I figured hes the War Doves gov flag runner since its clear he hasn't just been accepted for his warring abilities but rather for his ability to take one of the top 2 NS spots if WD's take the alliance awards. Regardless, i still get to make a flag runner earn it rather than steal it. ^_^

    As usual Daenarys, your thought process starts sound then arrive at the wrong conclusion. You might as well accuse us of spying on Aftermath while you're at it.
  6. I understand that ANY award can be misused, and I am too new to suggest how to prevent that. I will leave that for veterans with far more knowledge than me. But what i cant understand is CN's fixation with casualties. WHY are we honoring those who are getting their soldiers killed!!


    You got me there. I participate in the threads because everyone else values casualties so much. So... peer pressure?

  7. I am fairly new to CN and this is my first round of TE so maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me the reward system is a bit flawed. As far as my understanding goes AIM of war should be to maximise damage done and MINMISE damage taken. I havent seen any war game that rewards players for getting whipped. I mean look at

    http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000156 ( no offense intended)

    He is barely fighting me at all. Just allowing me to kill his soldiers to notch up casualties. Why we reward this style of play is beyond my comprehension. Maybe any of veterans could help shed light on this.

    If there was a reward based on RATIO of Damage done/damage taken ( a minimum threshold specified like say 10000NS destroyed) then I think the wars would be more competitive and I think a lot more fun.


    Once again I say I am very new at this. Hopefully I am not making a fool of myself :P


    Whatever awards there are, there will always be an ability to game them. We've had a most destructive war award before, and the result was friends going to war with each other and lowering defenses so their opponent could do more damage and pad their damage stats.


    People have played around with a cumulative damage award going to the nation that deals the most damage throughout the round, but that could also be gamed by declaring a bunch of easy win wars i.e. raids. A way around that is instead of taking the cumulative damage dealt all round, and taking the cumulative repurchase value of the damages dealt. For instance. I'm at war with a nation with twice my infra, and the cost of his infra is much higher than mine, so essentially, 5 of his infra I destroy would be worth more than 5 infra he destroys of mine. This encourages wars against more worthy opponents rather than raids. Admin has yet to implement either ideas.


    If the alliance awards are for most kills and infra destroyed then the top 2 nations in those alliances with most kills and infra destroyed should be rewarded since they contributed the most.


    Not necessarily when wars are a team effort. 

  8. I'd just like to say, that it's a sad day indeed when you realize that disbanding, or a merger is necessary. I'm sure you went on for a good long while after that, dreading this day. Every time I ever spoke to Yuurei, he was always so proud of Terran, and what they had become. Don't look at this like it is the end, but the start of something new, and new contributions you can make to Nordreich and take pride in. Good luck to you and yours, and may they settle in well at Nordreich. 

  9. I've yet to be attacked in this war...please fix ASAP? I know one week old nations are far too terrifying, but I'm begging you. :(

    <Kurdanak> Why won't anyone fill my defensive slots??? :(
    <Kurdanak> Dammit Samwise[GOP]
    <Tyler_Canoe> if you need me to take on anymore targets let me know Samwise[GOP]
    <Samwise[GOP]> Because a 1 week old nation scares them apparently
    <Tyler_Canoe> I could work on that Kurdanak ;)
    <Kurdanak> \o/
    <Samwise[GOP]> To be fair, it /is/ Kurdanak's one week old nation
    <Kurdanak> Excuses > :(


    Better roll him D1, or we will have to.  :war:

  10. What first round wars in TEPD? Getting hit by rogues counts as official wars now? They barely did any damage.

    This wasn't your average rogue attack where you get hit by one or 2 nations. This was a highly coordinated operation that goes beyond the usual rogue attack. The only difference between this attack and an alliance war is that they hopped off their AA shortly to attacking to make them harder to track. Similar situations have occurred to Misfits and Skaro where a small group of coordinated nations hit them, and cause significant damage. Would this have been deemed a legit first war? On the whole, probably not. Individually? That depends on the TEPD nation that was hit. You can argue that his particular wars weren't legit, but to be honest, I don't care. He approached me asking to join War Doves prior to the D1 war, I told him that we were planning a war, and that he would have to wait until the war was over to apply for membership in the interest of fairness for D1. No, I did not take into consideration his wars in TEPD, or their damage stats. I figured a fair war that included almost 100 nations of TE was the only thing to be considered.

    So you're saying 24 members needed protection from 2 members? Your top nations had quite high NS and you had members threatening us with war for hitting them so it doesn't make sense when it sounded like your guys wanted to protect them.

    We were vulnerable, and had almost completely exhausted our nuclear stockpiles in the Warriors war. I'm going to try to explain this the best way I can. Sometimes when you care about people, and you see them being treated poorly, you want to help. Sometimes the best you can do is just provide moral support. You feel compelled to do something, no matter how little it helps, and in this case, they joined to deter raid attacks, and possibly draw any fire away from us while we got back on our feet. I am grateful.

    About our members threatening retaliation: These members were full members of War Doves, and we are bound by our charter as a sovereign alliance to defend our members from attacks. If you attack War Doves, you should always expect retaliation because it is our duty to defend our members.

    All these "official WD's members" do is jump between TEPD and WD'S whenever it benefits their flag run the most. They try to be as discreet as possible about it but its obvious what they're trying to achieve and it wouldn't be possible without the War Doves and TEPD memberships. The message we recieved from D1 was asking if War Doves and TEPD were in bed together and can you blame them for asking around to find any truth to it when you're both working together to win flags for the same nations both alliances back .  They were trying to rally suppor to counter an in balance in the game but they never would have even attempted it if you didn't give them any reason too. Even now you have TEPD fighting against D1, why couldn't you keep your secret treaty partners out? 

    I don't agree with the part that our members are AA hopping to avoid wars and protect a flagrun. Last round no wars were avoided as they were hit. This round 2 of 3 of the members came from TEPD prior to our first war, and have been fighting with us the entire time. The third was directed to wait to join after we received peace, and has fought alongside us ever since. I spoke about this with D1, and told them that I had no intentions of taking in TEPD nations while we were at war. I also explained the situation a bit further on why these nations were joining the War Doves AA.

    TEPD is hitting a D1 flagrunner in the last week of the round. So? We had an Aftermath nation join us, an Aftermath member hit us, and a Citadel member join D1 and hit us. It's the end of the round. People go nuts. Must be all that Christmas spirit Rayvon brings to TE.
  11. Hitting flag runners while helping other flag runners is called rouging, fyi.

    I'm pretty sure just hitting flagrunners can be classified as roguery. And if the alliance leader is doing it, it's classified as government sanctioned. Were you going somewhere with this?

    Above you say Auctor would have tech raided us, here you say you ate nukes. It was an easy war or not? The other 2 who had already moved had already "padded" your stats.

    I'll assume you mean that good ol boys is actually Auctor in-game and sidestep that one because it's irrelevant who he is.

    We ate 16 nukes, and mailed 3. Even with the nuke damage, we still did over 2/3's the overall damage. That means that either people had a tough 6 days (like I did eating 4 nukes), or some people were met with little to no resistance. Stats were fair, which included paul's and Lestrade's numbers. Nobody but you has disputed that the numbers were fair. Some people in D1 fought back, and some people did nothing. So it was a toss up really on how good ol boys wars would have went, but considering it would have added another active, top tier nation to our ranks, it's more likely we would have gotten in the anarchies in that we needed, and you really would have been D1's only saving grace.

    At this point, I'm not even sure what we're arguing here. I told him to stay out for D1's benefit, not his, and not War Doves. It most certainly would have been to WDs benefit to accept him, but we did not. Was I wrong here?

    I never said prove it, I said back up your claims. Your claim that I joined Defcon1 to win the AA awards for example. Got anything to back that up?

    I'll be proved wrong when you're proudly waving the Defcon 1 banner next round. In this case, I wouldn't mind being proved wrong. It's nice when people find a forever TE home. :)

    I got nothing against flag running. Can be a good competitive game. Attempting to slander other people, when you provide for, protect, and even run for flags yourself is extremely hypocritical in anyones language.

    I have nothing against flagrunners either. What I stated is that:

    • They should be in compliance with the Terms of Service
    • They should be in compliance with Game Rules
    • In a game called "Tournament Edition", they should not be turtling/ducking war in efforts to win prizes

    That being said, do I attack flagrunners because they're flagrunning? Yes. It is Tournament Edition afterall. I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to do. Live and let live? I think not. If I'm flagrunning, do I expect to be hit? You better believe it. Everything. Must. Burn.

  12. So you helped good ol boys avoid the first round wave of wars increasing his chances of winning a flag and you're here telling me about how flag runners should earn their flags. I agree they should earn them but i actually act on it and not talk about it.


    I agree with almost everything else though.


    No, good ol boys had his first wave of wars while in TEPD. I told him to stay put for the WDs wars because I wanted a legit first war, and his stats would've padded our numbers too much. It was me being the moralist idiot that I am and wanting to give an alliance that we knew were attempting to form a coalition against us, a fair shot at us. In fact, I never even went to TEPD or OP and told them that D1 was messaging other alliances trying to garner support against the 3 of us. The first those ex-TEPD members knew was when they joined WDs because I figured it was a WDs problem. I was probably wrong in not telling them, but I'm pretty sure TEPD got the hint last round that alliances were gunning for them. The same can be said for OP.


    You can try to spin that by trying to keep the D1 stats fair, I unintentionally helped someone's flagrun by denying them 2 first wars, but had he joined the fight he would've essentially tech raided D1, which would've helped him more. 


    And WDs has actively hit flagrunners every round since 24, most of the time with me leading the charge. Even last round after I had been talked into flagrunning by Kurdanak, I still hit flagrunning nations (who had nukes), taking the risk that it could ruin my chances. I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk. 


    Samwise, at the end of last round you approved a couple of flag runners to join your alliance so that it would have made it harder for anyone else to go after them and make them earn it. We still did though because we didn't care about your protection and i only recall 2-3 alliances from that coalition making the flag runners earn flags through out the round because everyone else was too busy trying to win them too but they weren't smart enough to realize they were too far behind. I could have flag ran that round but instead i dropped +100 mill on tech and had some fun blowing up pixels, besides i don't play TE for SE donations.


    I know you don't always believe me when I tell you I'm being honest with you, but I might as well give this a shot anyway because truth be told, as much as you annoy the crap out of me sometimes, I really do like you, and I enjoy a civilized conversation with you.


    Last round, Warriors downdeclared War Doves, and yes, we beat them back and ended up winning. Despite that, War Doves was in a vulnerable state because we had used to much of our funds fighting Warriors. They joined War Doves to protect us in our vulnerable state, not the other way around. We couldn't protect those members. They knew that, and you knew that, which is why you hit those guys anyway.


    The TEPD members that joined WDs, were official WDs members. They came to us because they saw something they didn't like, and put themselves on the line for it. You state that they abandoned TEPD this round, when last round bombuator (who had DZE from Citadel slotfill him) was asking mutual friends of ours to hit me and knock me from #1. People who know me, know how I play, and didn't appreciate his attempts to ask others to do his dirty work for him. When the word got back to me, I tried to hit him myself, but his slotfillers were in the way. What he did left a bad taste in people's mouths, which is why some of those people came to WDs this round. I still consider bomb a friend, as I'm sure the people who didn't like what he did still do as well. 



    Yes, thats right, you got a wee boost just before you hit us. They only took nukes because I put up some resistance, built an MP and countered your biggest nation who was gonna just wreck our top, broke nations. As if the war wasnt easy enough for you already!


    Is it a coincidence that all this rampant cheating which you say admin had to make a post about, happened in my absence? I think not. Speak for yourself. But by all means go on and continue to make baseless accusations to which you have nothing to back it up.


    Yes, protection from the biggest AA, not building MP, nukes or much navy. Plenty of long 10 day collects. He earned it alright! :P


    You were not the only nation we failed to anarchy on a large backcollect who bought a MP and nuked us. [url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/stats_news.asp?Page=1&Order=ASC&Field=Attack_Date&Search=War%20Doves&SearchBy=Nation_Alliance&View=A#nukes]We ate 16 nukes total in that conflict, and only returned 3:[/url]




    I don't need to provide proof for accusing flagrunners of cheating/turtling/avoiding wars. Most people have seen it for themselves first hand, so this "prove it!" retort isn't going to make people doubt the validity of my statement. It happens, and everybody knows it happens because they've seen it themselves.


    And I never said good ol boys earned a flag. AFAIK we still got a week to go here. All your arguments are irrelevant. You don't make it being a top earner by making poor nation building choices. Not buying a MP to defend himself is a risk. Not purchasing navy to defend himself is a risk. Doing 10 day swaps is definitely a risk. And yes, we do house almost 10% of TE's population. The reason anybody joins alliances is for mutual benefit.


    I thought we were friends!


    On the flipside, I also don't care if you hit Daenarys while s/he's collecting taxes. So there's that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  13. I've grown tired of this smear campaign on the part of War Doves and StevieG. Your unjustified attacks on my character have not gone unnoticed. Given the severity of the offense, I'm left with no other choice than to avoid war with yall. Yall brought this on yourselves.

    Let this serve as an object lesson to those who would slander my good name. It truly sickens me that it's had to come to this. Yall should be taking a good long look at yallselves. Remember why I am feared and I am loved!


    This thread is full of win. And if Kurdanak knew that we were slandering your brave, honorable, and secretly treatied name, he'd be most upset. Word down on Dove Street is that he has a man crush on you, Auctor.  :ehm:

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