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Blog Entries posted by SirWilliam

  1. SirWilliam
    Note: I'm shamelessly ripping off and slightly rebranding the Carlos Accords' "Derp of the Day" award to present one individual with the "Herp De Derp Award".
    While I should note that The Legion (their MoD specifically) ultimately ended up handling this situation a bit more intelligently than this entry's recipient, a few of the latter gentleman's comments nonetheless warrant this recognition.
    For a bit of context, a ghost flying The Legion AA - a ghost as confirmed by The Legion on IRC - attacked a member of ours (GOONs). Upon confirmation of his non-member status he was GOONrushed, at which point KingShibby, one of the attackers, received the following gems (emphasis added):
    Lets ignore the fact that he was incorrect about their alliance not having been contacted, and that he was incorrect about the nation in question being a member, and focus instead on the fact that he felt confident enough in his alliance's abilities to threaten us, over a nation that rogued GOONs no less. What would they do, jump to peace mode?
    His fessing up is slightly redeeming, but it should be pretty clear that this is why you shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions and thump your chest. It should also be pretty clear that attacking a ghost that has attacked your alliance does not violate peace terms.
    TheManWithoutAPlan, I do hope you've learned something from this.
  2. SirWilliam
    Despite multiple, generally differing instructions on several occasions (my recollection of all instances lacking), I find myself manually typing in and joining every desired channel any time I connect to IRC (I use mIRC). I've put up with it for months but figured it was finally time to do it the smarter way.
    Keeping in mind that I'm an IRCtard, can anyone please help me set up an auto-join list (with dumbed down directions, preferably)? Would be most appreciated.
  3. SirWilliam
    As GOONS shifts from war into tech-raiding mode it has become apparent that Planet Bob needs to be informed/reminded of a specific aspect of our tech-raiding policy. From our publicly-accessible policy statement, one path to peace:
    I would like to emphasize two parts:
    1) The war will be allowed to expire and everyone goes their separate ways.
    2) Peace can be achieved sooner if the alliance accepting the target asks nicely.
    With this our tech-raiding policy should be clearer. Hopefully incidents can be avoided.
  4. SirWilliam
    I'm late here but that shouldn't come as a surprise given that I only got around to my holiday thank yous last night. :3
    Despite the fact that Kashmir was smaller than just about all other parties involved in the ongoing war, and despite the fact that we warranted the focus of an alliance several times our size (while we were focusing our own efforts on another alliance a few times our size), we finished the war with a 1.64:1 damage inflicted:damage sustained ratio (as well as the 25th most damage inflicted out of 71 alliances involved). That follows an initial blitz where we tallied a 10:1 ratio out of the gates with 76 wars declared. Ultimately we were found at one point to have the 9th most efficient war effort by Unknown Smurf’s calculations. Forgive the boasting but in a world where it’s too easy to ignore or marginalize micros $%&@ being humble, you \m/embers did one hell of a job and you should all be proud.
    Credit though where credit is due, we wouldn’t be where we are today without our fabulous allies and friends. tJL has had our backs for as long as I care to remember, this war being no exception. They were there for us and with us every step of the way this war and for that I am grateful. We may not enjoy the same type of relationship with AI but you all have been great as well and I look forward to getting closer to you in the coming months. SRA was fabulous in providing us support on The Legion when they too had no obligation to. They bent over backwards for us numerous times, without solicitation, and that we appreciate. NSO has been in our corner seemingly from our inception and this war they demonstrated just that. This despite the fact they were already actively engaging another combatant. Much love, NSO. It would be remiss of me not to mention PPO and Kaskus, you two indirectly provided us crucial relief. Props!
    I should probably thank PSpiz and Fen Dorbek of SUN and killer04 of The Legion, as well as KingWilliam of Invicta, for their efforts in securing peace and for being reasonable throughout the process. Unfortunately the only enemy combatant shout-outs I have are for Thrash and a SUN member whose name I don’t remember. It was nice the little bit of chatting we did. Kudos on a fun fight (blast your EMPs however).
    Which brings me to the apology. SRA/Kaskus: In hindsight I should have anticipated the reaction the manner in which I announced peace in the Disorder War would generate. In additional hindsight you’re both comprised of swell dudes (SRA especially, I couldn’t be any happier at how we’ve mended bridges and stand at each other’s sides) and neither of you really deserved the resultant consternation. My apologies.
    tl;dr: Thank you \m/embers, thank you allies, and thank you former foes.
  5. SirWilliam
    In this month's installment of 'I don't know how !@#$ works', I seem to be unable to find the location of the GOONS Treaties box at the bottom of our Wiki page and as a result I'm unable to edit the very damn thing that I created.
    Anyone know how/where it can be accessed?
  6. SirWilliam
    First off, to those of you amongst the peanut gallery that are tired of micro drama or that are ROFLing about this one in particular, please accept my sincerest apologies. I realize how terribly engrossing your lives are, what with your treaty announcements, milestones, and infra-hugging in preparation for your once-a-year war. If only we ALL embraced the status quo perhaps this world would be at a mere 6000 nations. Think of how fun it would be then!
    Alas, our unwillingness to simply exist means we find ourselves at war from time to time. And what an interesting little war we've found if for no other reason than neither side is budging. Uninvolved parties are rife with misconceptions, from the mild ("Both sides are saying they're winning!") to the wild ("They want wonder decommissioning!"). That's to be expected. What's surprising is when the other combatants themselves, either due to lack of communication or willful misrepresentation, seem to be equally clueless. Apparently an education is in order.
    To understand why Kashmir is unrelenting one must first understand why we went to war in the first place.
    Kashmir, you see, believes in the value of punitive actions. We generally go to war because we feel wronged and because we feel someone must pay for their misgivings. We do not go to war seeking empty apologies, reparations, or anything equally trivial or meaningless. In this case we went to war with Monsters Inc because of the sum of hostile, reckless actions that weathered the patience of members and friends alike and culminated in them hitting our close allies in SRA. Elsewhere, I eventually gave the greenlight on Limitless Nexus because Methrage was spreading screenshots from our private forums. That comes with the territory to an extent - we're an open, transparent alliance after all - but if you're going to actively work against us more likely than not you're going to get more than you bargained for.
    Ultimately, how does one judge when a punitive action has been successfully carried out?
    Sure, MInc and LN are a fraction of their former sizes (the former is 16.4% the size they were a month ago and the latter 38.4%), and sure, all but a single member in their ranks - Jonesing - is broke and/or relying entirely on aid to subsist (the number of financially capable nations triples if you include CA, who Kashmir is not presently at war with). The enemy seems to think that their out-of-context damage ratio - a whopping 1.08:1 in their favor (which amounts to 7% more damage inflicted) - trumpets winning conditions. Clearly, as subjective of a concept as winning is in this game, the Limitless Coalition is anything but.
    Truth be told, I'm perhaps a bigger white peace proponent than most. If the enemy admitted it's defeated then perhaps we would be more amenable. If the enemy though won't make such an admission then our work clearly isn't done. That these bruised and battered micros are promising perma-war is ultimately inconsequential.
    It is what it is. This is why we fight.
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