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Everything posted by Thenixon

  1. I'm glad to see this front closed. I think that after Polar, NSO was put in the most awkward position during this (series of) war(s). I can't really fault them for the direction they've gone in, even if I disagree with they way they've portrayed it here.
  2. This review increases population happiness + 2. It requires Water, Wheat, Lumber, and Aluminum.
  3. I almost had to register to blindly support this announcement! But then i didn't.
  4. AQUAHOG RENEGED! Wait, that ain't right...At any rate, best of luck in the war IRON. We will defend Ragnarok to the very last soldier and beyond. /GO GO GADGET AQUAHOG! - nope, still not feelin it.
  5. It's true. When we're bored, we build large suspension bridges in our yard.
  6. wait we're losing but have the power to sanction? please explain!
  7. This negates one of the two reasons you aim to anarchy a player. One of course, is the income reduction. Small, but not insignificant in a tight game like TE. The other is protecting the rest of your alliance against counterattack. If you could hop out of anarchy after a day, what point would there be in blitzing an alliance to put them all in anarchy? What would anarchy even mean except a regime change? If this is put into play, aggressive attacks may as well be taken off the ground attack menu, and be prepared for long drawn-out infra-grinding wars. Edit: I was able to change my gov't type from anarchy after 11:00 PM server time tonight, shouldn't have been able to until 12:00 PM unless anarchy has been adjusted
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