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Yevgeni Luchenkov

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Posts posted by Yevgeni Luchenkov

  1. [quote name='kriekfreak' date='20 June 2010 - 05:26 AM' timestamp='1277025984' post='2343569']
    I'm hoping the reps are waived because one of the two parties is disbanding.
    Unkind of you, kriekfreak, to openly wish for Ronin's disbandment. Other alliances have been rolled for less. :v:

  2. Yes.

    Do you do group deals?

    I mean, there's 335 of you. That means 1005 millions, at your basic rate. Do you do discounts if we hire all of the alliance, for example?

    'Cause, for 750 millions, next war, I'm seriously hiring all of GOONS. We'll have [i]plenty[/i] of legitimate targets, I'm sure.

  3. Two gentlemen have just agreed on a side bet regarding the World Cup.

    Should the DPRK (North Korea) reaches the semi-finals, Yev (that's me) will pay Sandwich Controversy the sum of 1k tech.

    Should they be eliminated before reaching the semi-finals, Sandwich Controversy will be forced to send the sum of 1 tech to a nation of Yev's choice.

    Signed on June 11th Juche 99,
    The man known as babyjesus

  4. On one hand, congratulations to the winners and runner-ups, even if I think the true winners will be shown only in the coming months, as the recruits either stay or leave.

    On the other hand, flooding tech sellers with recruitment messages is bad. I, too, have heard of horrifying tales about hundreds of messages a day.

  5. At least, our names are somewhere in the announcement. Also, I can't help but laugh at the idea behind the two children's picture.

    Awesome work, gentlemen*.

    *: Note that considering we account for 45% of your post war growth, we're essentially congratulating ourselves. :smug:

  6. I'll simply say that it's rather strange, even if they were a group of friends, that not a single one of them decided to stay in the game. When they "decided to get deleted", they did it en masse, in groups of 8 to 12, who had all collected in the same hour, on the same day. It's not so much their building structure that made us suspicious, it's their total lack of presence anywhere else, very secluded boards and their time connections. They also never replied to PMs. No matter what they did (collect, attack, buy nukes), they always did it in groups of 8 to 12.

    I play with friends. I proposed all of them to adopt the same building setup. Still, they will not connect all on the same day, during the same hour. If one of them deletes, he'll go alone. Likewise, if I ever delete, my friends won't necessarily do.

    Anyway, point is moot, Kongo was simply wondering where they went. He got his answer.

  7. I kinda appreciate the double standard: if the President of FOK (using you as an example, Tromp) speaks here, he's but a member. A few of us speak their mind and it's suddenly "TOP making a thread", "TOP whining", etc.

    [quote]The debate is tireless, pointless, and frankly reflecting poorly on TOP for their apparent whining over a long past war.[/quote]
    The war has been over for six weeks, going into the seventh. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    [quote]We only want the official stance if it has any bearing, but I think many would find your official stance a political hypocrisy at best. [/quote]
    Nothing official but I'd say that OOC, I'm neutral to their disparition. IC, I'm rejoicing. I don't think our official stance - IC wise - would be hypocrit in any way.

  8. [quote name='supercoolyellow' date='19 May 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1274251497' post='2303109']
    Oh, so it was the semantics game you/he was getting at. The thing is that you required 90 mill from Methrage and others paid it on his behalf. This is assuming that TOP members didn't approach Goons Gov and say "Hey, can we pay you 90 mill to take Methanger off PZI?" Such a scenario seems very unlikely.
    It happened that way:
    I went to Sardonic and asked him if he would consider money reps, instead of tech reps, as Methrage was unlikely to ever accept to give out his technology. I argued that it made it unlikely they would get anything from Methrage since he would be ZIed/ZTed if they continued to fight. He came back 20 minutes later with an offer we both found acceptable. I waited for the targets and now we're close to be done with the payments.

  9. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' date='19 May 2010 - 01:53 AM' timestamp='1274248386' post='2303064']
    But but but... didn't you read!? It wasn't TOP that did it! It was just members of TOP acting as friends to methrage! How DARE you accuse TOP of this!
    I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish in this thread, NFLGeneric. It seems a lot of people are making the mistake and I can understand why there was some confusion about it: I probably wasn't clear enough when I spoke to Sardonic.

    I understand that you're trying your utmost to bash us at every opportunity but I do not think you can find a way to do it this time. We simply wanted to help a friend in need and put an end to a pretty useless conflict. We expect(ed) nothing of it. Methrage is free to go where he pleases.

    As far as GOONS detractors go, I think most alliances would ask for minimal reparations too. We weren't shocked with the number and were happy that tech reps were dropped, along with the OOC ones (drawing a comic or a short story, etc.).

  10. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' date='18 May 2010 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1274235686' post='2302774']
    So he's not joining TOP? You mean people actually [i]paid money[/i] to release the most mentally unstable person on Planet Bob, and he's not joining the alliance that paid it off?
    I think that, first, you're close to cross the OOC/IC line with that "most mentally unstable" comment. Second, I already clarified that it wasn't TOP, as an alliance, that is paying the money. Government wasn't involved in this. A group of us were concerned and wanted to put an end to this so Methrage could achieve peace. I dealt with Sardonic directly and we settled on the 90m figure. I am not TOP's government, in fact none of the senders are.

    Our reasoning is fairly simple: Methrage has been a stalwart friend, ally and comrade in arms while in Citadel (the bloc) and he deserves a second chance as a free nation.

    He will be free to go wherever he wishes.

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