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Everything posted by wke235

  1. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1324647701' post='2884822'] Exactly, that's what he was saying. He's not saying the people fighting Polar suck, he's saying Polar is cowardly for hiding in PM while their allies burn for them. [/quote] That's SOP for Polar. The larger players hide in PM, some even heading there before the fighting starts if they can. They do this so they can be "bankers" to help give funds to all the lower level polars to help them rebuild once the war is over. Then they give some rah-rah mails to the troops, assign the smaller players to attack groups, and sit back to watch the carnage. Even as the smaller Polars get ground into the dust, they keep sending out mails of encouragement that if they all stand strong they can win, and once they get a peace rebuilding will commence. And once enough smaller players get bill-locked out of existance, and the others can head into PM, then and only then do they get realistic in peace negotiations. Once they get peace, the smaller nations who lost a lot of tech become tech sellers in their pyramid scheme. So now the PM bankers start giving their new crop of tech sellers money to help them rebuild. But they mention to many of them that hey, since you're so low in tech, why not send tech back to us ... you can get it so cheap now and while you rebuild Infra, lets do tech deals as it will help make Polar stronger in the future. So the top 30-40 Polar players don't lose anything in the war, and end up actually growing tech off the debris afterwards. In the meantime the low levels never recover as another war just happens to come along as they reach the recovery point. And the whole cylce starts anew.
  2. It was nine months ago the last big war happened. In that war, the New Pacific Order and New Polar Order both were severly mauled. They've never recovered from that. But on the flip side, with both of those alliances weakened and down in the alliance lists, there has been peace. Well, not complete peace of course. Little brush fire wars here and there, and individual fighting of course. But no huge conflicts or world wide blow ups. Is this because the instigators (or cause or source or whatever you want to argue) of the last three big wars (the NPO and NpO) are in such a position that if they try to start something they'll be soundly beat? Or is this a mere coincidence? I mean look and the New Polar Order. Once boosting 370+ members, now down to 268 (and it seems to slowly bleed a few people away every few weeks). New Pacific Order was once the powerhouse in the game. But their overall tech levels are still WAY below what they once had, all that tech burned away and wasted in wars. Thoughts on this?
  3. So lets see if we have this straight 1) Polaris supposedly sold out NSO in the past. This angered Lennox. 2) During an online chat, Dajobo (2nd in command for Polaris) spoke with Lennox laying out concrete plans on how someone could infiltrate VE or a second related alliance. 3) Lennox took the whole conversation to VE 4) VE worked with Lennox to provide materials to send to Dajobo 5) Dajobo willing and gladly accepted the materials and was happy to do so. I think what this all shows is how incompetent and/or corrupt the Polaris leadership is. I mean, they sold out an alliance (which may or may not be true, I can only speak to how Lennox reacted). Then they try to convince someone from the sold out alliance to spy for them in VE. And when they get caught breaking their own codes of ethics and rules (with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar), they cry set-up. The TRUTH here is Polaris would not be in trouble if Dajobo (likely with RandomInterrupts OK as he doesn't take a dump without prior approval) hadn't been SO damn willing to not only agree to such spying but help work out the details on how it could be accomplished and then accept the stolen goods. If they weren't so hypocritical between what they say and their own actions, there would have been no war. As further proof, one only look at the Polaris communications to all the nations in their alliance. It starts out with a well worded declaration claiming that VE and allies are only interested in Might makes right and so Polaris must stand up for the rights of others (*sniff* brings tears to my eyes). This is followed by later communications where they consistently rally the troops claiming Polaris has the numbers in nukes, nations, and strength (Hey, there's no way we can lose, trust us). And finally, even as close to 70% of their top 50 players head into Peace mode (supposedly to save money so they can help others rebuild later), they encourage the members to keep fighting the fight .. on their behalf. Not once have they communicated the reasons behind the war, or the true numbers in nations and strength, to any members. As a matter of fact, the threaten to punish members who speak on the forums without permission as part of their process to control the nations and try to obscure what is going on. Polaris used to be a honorable and grand alliance. But as past and current actions show, the leadership has become corrupt, more concerned with their own well being than the alliance, and very willing to compromise the alliances principles if it meets their goals. That's why I'm proud to be a PB POW right now. When I'm lied to right to my face, I had no choice.
  4. I Apshai (WKE235) resign from the New Polar Order and surrender to iFOK and allies Let me add that I have been a very loyal Polar til now. In the first war I fought, I was driven down to 10 Infra by wars end. In the second, I risked bill lock to rejoin the fight when pressure was needed to achieve victory. But this war .. well it's been fracked up since day one. I've never felt lied to before, like I do this time. Never felt so mislead like I was being used. Never felt betrayed or ignored, until now. Am actually sorry it has come to this. But quite frankly, I see no other choice.
  5. Me in game messages is empty. Every message is gone from received and sent. Even the ones from just as recent as about 3-4 days ago .. gone. I can understand if they delete messages beyond a certain age to save space in game. But everything just went *POOF*, gone. Anyone else have this happen? http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=237220
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