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Princess Doomee

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Everything posted by Princess Doomee

  1. Well done Mr. Miller. My compliments on your efforts and for fulfilling IRON's obligation. [img]http://snipertraining.killerdillard.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/girls_with_guns_9.jpg[/img]
  2. Happy Birthday young friends. I hope you get all the birthday pie you desire.
  3. [quote name='tamerlane' date='24 February 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1267071747' post='2202567'] Dearest FAN: Stop electing that relic Jack Tarr to Congress. Thanks, Tamerlane [/quote] Dear Cousin Tamerlane, There is no reason why you should disrespect your father like that. For shame for shame. PD Required Gun Pron: [img]http://handcartz.smugmug.com/photos/399099838_zVbHp-L.jpg[/img]
  4. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='31 January 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1264994605' post='2149338'] Congrats on actually doing something FAN. I am a bit disappointed that you decided to just be another bandwagon alliance. Not sure what that other declaration has to do with anything but okay, have fun. [/quote] [quote]Congrats on actually doing something FAN.[/quote] Thank you Ivan. [quote]I am a bit disappointed that you decided to just be another bandwagon alliance.[/quote] Oh hardly. This is a very special bandwagoning. Payback's a !@#$%* eh? [quote]I thought better of you.[/quote] Oh well. [quote]Not sure what that other declaration has to do with anything but okay, have fun.[/quote] Thank you again. That's why we play the game.
  5. Caesar, in the words of one of my favorite people John Blutarski, "You're a dead man!
  6. Please!!! Somebody tell me he's single. We could make incredible babies together!! :wub:
  7. IMO, CN fails to be a game when one group can for all intents and purposes prevent another group from participating for the length of time that some like FAN have been suffering. It strikes me that those that are so vendictive to allow this to happen are probably those people that used to get beat up in the school yard every day. Now they are at their computers where they can take revenge for that treatment by being cyber bullies. I am also somewhat surprised that the game administrators haven't taken a good hard look at the situation and perhaps acted on behalf of fairness. I understand this is a game of war and peace and that is fine. It is the periods of time elapsing here that strike me as very wrong.
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