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Posts posted by Lynneth

  1. Since I cannot find the vote for the new posting rules, Lynneth can you please show me where we voted on any of the changes you made to the posting rules.

    Originally, the rules on integrating land were that you have to make a new thread for every province annexed. There was no vote to change this to something more streamlines as outlined in the map thread. Would you like to go back to having to post a new thread for Najran, a new thread for Asir, a new thread for Jizan?


    Because I can do that.

  2. Have we figured out the deal with the map and Mogar's edit yet? It looks like the thread has been sort of put on pause ever since that happened. It isn't an inconvenience for me, I'm just curious to see how things are going.

    This is the deal with the map and Mogar's edit.


    Taking a few days' vacation from the IRC has improved my mood immensely. I recommend that every IRC-regular tries it at least once.

  3. Note: This post is subject to regular editing.
    If you are unsure about any rules, ask the GMs.
    Current GMs are Hereno, Markus Wilding and Ty/Californian.

    Protectorates will not be marked on the map, but I may make a list of them in this post.



    Player/nation list(last updated 23rd August-ish)
    North America:
    Dillon1102 - Cascadia
    Mara Lithaen - Plains Federation
    PresidentDavid - Plains Federation
    Ferdinand Foch - Plains Federation
    Vedran- Federation of the Atlantic
    Lord Hershey - Palaven Empire
    Lynneth: Principality of Tikal
    Supercheese - United Caribbean States
    Bear Islands of the Bear - Generalissimo
    South America:
    Curristan - State of Rio de Janeiro
    Greywall - United Guyana Republic
    rok - Antarctic Federation
    jimmyvbuck - Britannia

    Shave N Haircut - France
    Californian - Northlands
    Rudolph - Yugoslavia
    Lysergide - Sweden
    Markus Wilding - Alvonia
    Triyun - Great Britain
    Zoot - Sparta
    JEDCJT - Russia
    Euphaia - Hungary
    Mr Director - Belarus
    Imperator Azenquor - Zapadnaya
    Horo the Wise Wolf - Prussia
    Evangeline Anovilis - Romania
    Aggressivenutmeg - Cisalpina
    Tidy Bowl Man - Landfall
    Sarah Tintagyl - Hesse

    Biohazard - The Aidennic Council of Alexandria
    Yerushalayim - Great Lakes Republic
    Uberstein - Federal Union of South African Republics
    Centurius - Carthage
    Voodoo Nova - Novak
    Jarl Frost - Madagascar

    Mogar - Imperium of Japan
    Jesbro - Principality of Shanghai
    Margrave - New Zealand
    Maelstrom Vortex - Druk Yul
    Malatose - Persian Empire
    dotCom - Uriankhai Confederacy
    Protectorates (NOT a complete list)
    North America
    All White land - De jure under Tikal's Monroe doctrine
    Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia - Cascadia, Plains Fed. and Tikal

    South America
    All White land - De jure under Tikal's Monroe doctrine
    Ecuador, Peru - Tikal
    Argentina and Uruguay - Fed. State of Brazil

    Masovia, Lublin, Podlaskie - Belarus (all Prot. in Poland)
    Lesser Poland, Lodz, Swietokryzskie - Hungary-Slovakia
    Baltics - Muscovy
    Crimea - Muscovy, Romania
    Italy, Spain - Carthage
    Albania - Yugoslavia
    Azores, Iceland & Jan Mayen - Northlands
    Ukraine - Romania

    African white space - African League (basically all African nations are in it)
    Bahrain, Qatar, Rafah and Khan Yuris of Gaza - Novak
    Xinjiang - Druk Yul
    Malay peninsula down to Japan's holdings, Indochina - SEATO
    Northern Arabia, Turkey, Gaza, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, and Western India - Persia
    Australia, white Indonesia, Oceania, Philippines, islands in the South&East China seas - EastAsian Imperium
    Sakarya & Bilecik (Turkish Provinces) - Romania

    The Rules


    The rule set of CNRP2 is very simple.
    Keep in mind, if your nation is over 50,000 NS you will be capped at certain points.
    Starting a Nation in CNRP2
    There are three ways to start a nation.

    - The first is to find white space that is not labelled as a protectorate, and request a portion of land.
    - The second way is to find a protectorate and either request it of them private message its owner (there is a list of protectorate owners below) or find them in our Coldfront channel, #cnrp2.
    - You may also make a post in this map thread asking if there is any significant land. There is a rare occasion that someone will grant you a piece of their own (coloured) land, but this is, like I said, rare.
    If you don't see land in a continent you want, don't be discouraged. You can RP anything, anywhere. If you want any kind of culture where you're going, you can have it. You may have to discuss it with the protectorate owner, because they may object to you rping certain types of things in an area under their control.
    Do I have to have a place on the map to post in this forum?
    Nope. You do not have to be a part of CNRP to post here. You can do your own thing, not bothering with the map. However, as most people who post here are posting in CNRP2, you may want to add the tag "Non-CNRP2", to avoid any confusion.

    Your original claim may not be outside your ingame Sphere of Influence.

    Land Expansion:
    Land expansion requires a minimum of 7 posts, per RL country/province (whichever is applicable). This is on average a post every 2 days. Multiple posts on one day do not count - the fastest you can expand is a post every day, fulfilling the requirements within 7 days. Your claim can be disputed for a period of 2 weeks. Posts will be checked for the forum date using GMT+1, not the ingame timer, so make sure there's between 20 and 24 hours minimum between each.
    'Provinces' are the blue lines in this map: Click me, it's a reference map.
    An excessively large amount of provinces (Balkans, for example) may be combined into one 'region' if this region does not surpass 7.5 million people. Speak to the mapmaker about this to make sure it's legit.

    It is recommended but not necessary to make a new topic for integration or annexation of new territory, in case you don't want to clutter your news thread or equivalent. Every province requires its own paragraph of 2 sentences minimum. You cannot slap 5 provinces into 3 sentences.
    Until that time period is up, the land is considered contestable should any other nation put forth forces to contest it In Character.
    Like so:

    [Province 1 name, 3/7]
    [Province 2 name, 2/7]

    What are the rules?

    Activity Requirements
    A total of 3 weeks is the maximum allowed time to go between IC posting before you will be removed from the map, with GM notification this can be extended to up to 2 months, longer extensions may be granted upon GM discussion of the case to allow for extenuating circumstances. (Basic Training for example.)
    During longer extensions, called a "lock", nations that are locked cannot be touched via RP.

    Character crossing
    No crossing characters/nations. What happens to your in Barfistan, stays in Barfistan. If you reroll your nation and go right back to your old tricks, you deserve to get smashed. You need to remember that a new nation is a fresh slate, so don't roll a new nation to go pick fights with the enemies of your old nation.

    This goes for others, a new nation should not be viewed in the same lens as the old one just because the person rping it did something objectionable in their last nation.

    If a person rerolls and brings old characters into power in a new nation, that's another story. That's not a reroll, its a successor state and how it is treated is entirely up to the RPer.

    IC/OOC crossing
    This is hard to prove, but occasionally someone will catch wind of gossip or get shown a chat log of someone plotting on their nation. This chat log is out of character, it should not be acted upon in Character. If someone uses a conversation or argument that happens out of character as motive for attacking someone in Character, this is a problem.

    Nor should threads labelled as private be used to influence the actions of another player. Private means private.

    As IC/OOC crossing is hard to prove, allegations of such behaviour should not be made lightly. Further, neither should the community be forced to endure endless bleating sheeple claims of someone who thinks they are getting a raw deal.

    In short, some times you just have to sack up and role play things for reasons you don't like.
    However, should sufficient proof be shown, it should be discussed and dealt with on a case by case basis.

    Modifiers, Military, And Tech Scale
    1) Soldier Count Rules
    Your Soldier count is Ingame civilians times 10. If you have 40,000 citizens and 8,000 of them are soldiers, you have 32,000 civilians - giving you 320,000 soldiers for RP.
    If you're over 50k NS, you will be capped at the following numbers,

    50k-75k NS: 850k men
    75k-125k NS: 900k men
    125k NS: 925k men
    200k NS: 950k men

    Tanks, APCs, artillery, etc. are done on common sense basis. Don't get too insane with this.

    Soldier Floor
    Every nation gets a minimum of 50,000 soldiers should they not have the infra requirement to get that in game.

    Soldier Exchange

    For every 10,000 soldiers you subtract from your soldier count, you gain an additional squadron of twelve planes onto the total of 630 aircraft.

    This allows greater customization of military forces which is dependent on your terrain and size. A small island nation doesn't need a massive army, but it may need a larger airforce. It doesn't benefit any one group over another, it simply allows nations to sacrifice strength where its not needed, to reallocate it to somewhere it is. The soldier hard cap for a start massively prevents abuse and actually acts as a secondary cap on extra aircraft. For example a nation with 750k soldiers decided to only have a 50,000 man army, they would gain 70*12 aircraft, or 840 planes. This is then added to the standard cap of 630, giving them a total of 1,470 aircraft.

    2) Tech scale

    0 - 2001
    500 - 2003
    1000 - 2005
    2000 - 2010
    2500 - 2013
    3500+ - 2014

    3) Infra modifiers for Aircraft

    in-game aircraft limit...
    x2 IG numbers 0-2k infra. (realistically 100 to 120 planes) no wonders included
    x4 IG numbers 2k to 4k infra. (200 to 240 planes) no wonders included
    x6 IG numbers 4k+ infra (300 to 630 planes) with 630 as a max cap including all possible wonders and navy.

    1 stealth aircraft equals 2 ingame slots

    4) Naval Rules

    Your RP navy is based upon what you could own in game, based on infrastructure. You do not need to maintain the ships in order to have a RP navy.

    Additionally, there is a points system to "purchase" extra naval ships with, which is open to all CNRP nations (if they have an in-game navy or not) and is based on in-game stats.

    Everybody gets a base of 1,000 points. For every 1 tech level you have in-game, you get another 1 point, with points from tech capped at 3k. So the max amount of points you can get is 4k points; 3k from tech, plus the base 1k.

    What your infra level is in-game determines which ships you are allowed to spend your points on, regardless of how many points you have. For every 1k infra, you unlock another ship that you can buy, with 0-999 infra persons being allowed to purchase corvettes only. The tiers are:

    Corvettes (under 1k infra), Diesel Submarines & Frigates (under 2k infra), Destroyers (under 3k infra), nuclear attack subs & Cruisers (under 4k infra).
    Of course you can buy multiple of each ship, and their costs in points are: Corvette 200, Diesel Sub 300, Frigate 400, Destroyer 600, Nuclear Submarine(Attack, not ICBM)/cruiser 750.

    For Example:

    Nation A has 1.5k tech, 4,999.99 infra, and 2 frigates. They get 1k base points, plus 1.5k more from tech, for a total of 2.5k points. Their infra lets them buy any of the ships available, as they have at least 4k infra. Let's say they choose to buy 6 more frigates. This gives them 8 frigates total.

    Nation B has 6k tech, 10k infra, and 6 frigates, they get 1k base points + 3k more from tech, for a total of 4k points. Their infra lets them buy any of the ships available, as they have at least 4k infra. Let's say they choose to buy 10 more frigates. this gives them 16 frigates Total.

    Destroyers, Corvettes, and Frigates are multiplied by x2

    5) Nuclear Rules

    5MT yield for silo nukes, 1MT yield for submarine launched nukes.
    Spying and Spyrolls
    • Before a spyroll can be requested, there must be prior roleplay to establish that not only is there a mission to covertly infiltrate/wreak havoc/influence politics/steal intelligence from a nation, but that there is also an operative who will be conducting said mission. Use your head to determine how much is needed. A one-liner is not sufficient.
    • Upon needing the spyroll, a screenshot will be provided to the GMs with the odds against the in-game nation of the RP player you wish to conduct spy operations against. Be sure to hover over and give us the percentage so we can make an accurate roll.
    • Upon either success or failure, the effects of the spyroll should be appropriately roleplayed out. There are no instant wins, or instant detections. Neither side can immediately claim to know something based off of one successful roll, but it shouldn't be totally impossible in the case of a failure either
    GM roles and voting

    3 GMs are to be voted upon every 2 months after a 48 hour nomination period. You may vote for yourself for GM but you may not nominate yourself.

    The voting period for a GM is 48 hours, the same amount of time for a nomination period. GMs may not serve consecutive terms.

    The role of the GM is to not create a body of precedents.

    A GM makes rolls for spy attacks, makes SDI rolls, and if they are faced with an argument that is at a complete impasse, with both parties unwilling to resolve the problem, they can choose to make a 50/50 roll to resolve it.

    No one expects a GM to hold a degree in Weapons design, or for them to have served 20 years in the Armed forces. A GM's job is encourage roleplay to keep moving along. Further, they facilitate votes on rules, polls for rules, and discussion on problems relating to specific role players.

    GM decisions are a case by case situation as each RP is unique and the role players involved are different.

    Autoadvances are to be granted every 7 days after the requesting rper can demonstrate they attempted to make contact.

    Community Driven Rules

    The above set of rules is by no means complete. The members of the community have a voice in deciding what the rules are and how they should be applied. Members of the CNRP2 community can post discussion threads to talk about new rules, old rules, and/or changing the rules.

    Polls can be posted as well, however, GM polls are the official measure of the community's desire to modify, remove, or add new rules.
  4. "Thank you, but at the time I'm neither hungry nor thirsty." Though the Prince didn't ask for anything, two of the guards set aside their helmets to eat, and one of the servants would ask for a light snack as well.


    Once Wimbledon had finished, Ich'aak leaned back, the left elbow on the armrest so he could rest his chin on the hand. The thumb mostly, really.

    "Curious. We got requests for money and food, but nothing about sending further troops in. In fact, we were asked to stay our hand otherwise. And the things we were asked to send were in quite reasonable amounts. Furthermore, we received the query via electronic message, through the actual diplomatic channels. That makes me question whether the representatives you received were sent by the Venezuelan governors, and whether these men may act with ulterior motives." he shifted to the other side of the chair, now leaning on the right elbow.


    "And to our knowledge the situation certainly isn't deteriorating. Tikal has, as with the entire American protectorate, some troops in the region, generally less than a 50th of the local government's militias or armed forces. Observers. And those haven't reported anything out of the ordinary, other than an extraordinary amount of immigrants. Refugees, one could call them, I suppose, but they appear intent to stay for the time being, fleeing European conflict. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with things as they are now. With all due respect, Mr. President, but it appears to me that you have been misinformed, somehow."

  5. [Private]


    Two days later, the Principal Concorde landed on the tarmac of Cayenne's international airport. It transported the Prince, 4 personal guards of the Ba'ate'xiib, and 56 servants, though the servants would for the most part stay with the aircraft.


    The drive to the presidential palace would quite likely be uneventful, allowing the Prince to reach the meeting room without problems.

    "President Wimbledon, it is good to meet you. If you don't mind, perhaps we can get straight to why this meeting was initiated?"

  6. [Private message to the UGR]


    Recipient: President Wimbledon, United Guyana Republic

    Sender: DoD Clemente Rojas, Principality of Tikal


    Mr. President,


    His Highness, Ajaw ichil Tikal Chak Tok Ich'aak, has agreed to a meeting in regards to refugees coming to Venezuela. Only say where you would like to meet and it will be so.


    In regards to the Venezuelan delegates, we have indeed received a message requesting aid, though their Highnesses have decided to postpone a decision until after the meeting with you.


    With deep regards,


    Director of Diplomacy,

    Clemente Marroquín Rojas

    Principality of Tikal

  7. [Internal]


    "I think that a hat which has a little cannon that fires and then goes back inside the hat is at least a decade away."


    The Zakus were an excellent tool to engage enemy vehicles, while the Aantaj was a most useful addition to the arsenal in order to counter hostile artillery. However, a front-line walker capable of engaging infantry and light vehicles was still missing. This resulted in the creation of the Chak iik [Storm] Light Combat Walker.




    Much like its long-ranged cousin, the Chak iik was heavily automated, functioning with only one person. Its armour was the same as that of the Zaku or the May Ku'kalan, using specialised composite armour in such thickness that only dedicated armour-penetrating munitions would be able to penetrate or damage it with any success. Though looking imposing and large, it was considerably lighter than its relatives, at a total mass of 23.4 tons, making it lighter than an M3 Bradley. Hard Light Shield generators rated to protect against 80mm munitions were placed on each leg, while two slightly more powerful generators were mounted on the back of the 'tower', protecting the vehicle quite efficiently, the legs especially.


    The vehicle was able to shift its height easily, towering up to 4.5 meters above the battlefield or crouching as low as 2.26 meters, enabling it to duck behind cover. The main weapon was a 25 mm rotary autocannon in the vein of the GAU-12, though with 2 less barrels, resulting in a firing rate of 'only' 2,600 rounds per minute. The weapon was improved in various ways however, most of all improved accuracy of 1.9 milliradians compared to the GAU-12. The main munitions used are 'APEX' rounds. Secondary weapon was a 7.62 mm Minigun, or more precisely a GAU-2B/A. Able to fire up to 4,000 rounds per minute and with some improvements to range, it could make mincemeat out of any encountered infantry.


    Similar to the other walkers, the Chak iik used a miniaturised Harmonic Energy power plant and was uplinked to the Tikalian combat network, allowing it to ID and attack hostiles in record time. The vehicle can even perform anti-helicopter duties, though specialised shells need to be loaded. It can tilt the main body up to 45° upwards. As usual, the vehicle comes with the latest in imaging systems, from standard high-res cameras over thermal to night vision, allowing it to operate in all battlefield conditions.



    [OOC: As usual, optional, etc. M3 Bradley might be an equivalent.]






    While Tikal was largely unconcerned with the events in Europe, including the nuclear exchange between numerous states, some Europeans apparently weren't quite as unconcerned. A surprising amount of immigrants moved into one of the more organised states (major ones aside) in the Americas, Venezuela. Tens of thousands of Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Bosnians, Albanians and Macedonians were moving in a surprisingly short span of time.


    With the sudden influx of workers and people to feed, the state requested aid from Tikal and Guyana, in the form of money and food, the former mostly to finance new housing. The local government expected that the free market would in time create enough work for the immigrants, though if too many came to the state, they would have to intervene by forcing companies to expand, or invite foreign investments.


    Regardless of what happened, the Venezuelans would have to live with growing enclaves of these Balkan people.

  8. Question: if a territory is under contestment, can annexation posts still be made? Several south Indian islands are actively contested but Mogar continues to post #/7 posts.

    Just looking for clarification, don't mind either way.

    A territory's integration can be contested within 2 weeks after making the initial post. Keeping on with the #/7 posts in such a case would be against the rules.

  9. In addition, you can tell it's older because Milan is still on it.

    That too.

    Also, upon speaking with Cent, he will be allowed to add both Portugal and Andalusia to his nation, but from here-on out I will be more serious and strict about keeping people from annexing too much in too few posts.

    If you're unsure about the region you're annexing, speak to me. IRC and the forums both work.
  10. I was just informed of a discrepancy between the map I post and the map in the OP.


    This is inexcusable. Mogar, you did not have permission to add such huge swathes of Malaysia or Java to your territory. You did not make posts in the appropriate format in the thread and added it yourself without telling me as far as I see.


    Either use only the map I post or I shall be making a new thread.

  11. Please mark what is left of Iberia as part of Carthage.
    Posts start here http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/122709-the-carthaginian-times/?p=3289400 and go down that same page.

    I'm afraid that there's 2 problems.
    First, Andalusia and Portugal are 2 significant enough regions to require their own respective 7 posts, so you'll have to choose one of the two. (I suggest Andalusia, makes more sense).
    Secondly, the last 2 posts are on the same day.
    6/7 is Posted Today, 03:07 AM
    7/7 is Posted Today, 04:34 PM
    And before anyone says anything about 'significant enough', we cannot possibly codify what regions are big enough or too small. You'll have to trust my judgement as mapmaker if it comes to taking too much in one swoop.



    Edit: As a general rule, if it's over 5 million, it probably needs its own integration-count.

    Keep in mind that 1st level Administrative Divisions (US States, German Länder, etc) are the lowest I'll go, so for example NYC would only need 7 posts.

  12. [Classified]

    Tikal's response was the same as before, down to the wording of the message. Five divisions, supplemented by 180 tanks and numerous other vehicles would be shipped back to Australia to keep the peace on the smallest continent - or largest island, however one wanted to look at it.

  13. [Private Reply to Mr. Davidson]


    Esteemed Mr. Davidson,


    your request is quite reasonable. After speaking with Their Highnesses, they have decided on granting Guyana permission for trading with the Falklands enclave. However, your vessels should keep to the western island. The east island is largely reserved for military endeavours. Bases, harbours, radar and all that stuff. While they wouldn't fire upon strangers, the detour would be a needless waste of time, hence the request to inform your supply vessels.


    If you need anything further, do not hesitate to ask.


    With deep regards,


    Director of Diplomacy,

    Clemente Marroquín Rojas

    Principality of Tikal

  14. ok i am apologize

    No worries. However, you'll have to write your Declaration of Existence before you formally get onto the map.

    Southern Italy parts laid out here:
    http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/123031-information-bureau-of-milan/?p=3291457  Coopted the process here at 3/7 when the southern provinces elected to join Sparta

    First, you're linking to the same post 3 times (links 2-4). Second, you don't get to take Hereno's progress on Italy and make it yours. You'll have to do the full 7 posts, Triyun. Thank you.


    Update will come later today or tomorrow, depending on how things work out over here.

  15. I'm not going to argue about realism this or realism that.


    The 7 posts/7 days for expansion are a tool. A mechanic exactly like IG planes being translated into squadrons of 12 planes each. A mechanic like the tech scale. It's a feature. And in my opinion, it's Working As Intended. Unless land is exchanged with mutual consent - 'gifting', as many call it - then the posts need to be made to integrate the territory in question properly. War is, despite what some may now say, not an exchange of land by mutual consent. Someone had to be invaded after all, and only then agreed to let go of land. That is taking by force.


    This is how it works in my eyes, and it is good. There is no need to change anything about this.

  16. Not only are these within two weeks, but when I look back through this thread, I can see people who have had multiple provinces counted in single posts.

    War movements do not count to annex territory taken in war. To count, the posts have to be made after conflict is over.

    Edit: The minimum timeframe is 7 days. The maximum posts that count is one per day. Multiple on one day count as one post.

  17. The following concerns several people to some degree: If you annex land, you MUST tell me in this thread. EVERY change to the map must be reported here.


    Otherwise I will not add it. I won't go through your threads to scour them for annexation posts. If you can't be bothered, that's your own goddamn fault.





    Mona: I'll add you in the next update, no worries.

  18. A very valid complaint, especially considering that Zoot then used the magic teleport to attack another player's assets, ie your fleet and island. Any of the mentioned parties would've at least stopped the Norse fleet to question their motives and destination.

    Also, in the Atlantic, Tikal would likely have seen the Norse fleet's movements, got curious and informed its allies about it.


    Zoot, do you have anything to add to this or defend your actions?

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