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The Arbiter

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Posts posted by The Arbiter

  1. I made absolutely no bones about the fact that I wanted to move Legion out of the NPO's sphere of influence. I said exactly that. The bloc was intended to be military, not economic. Recently, Legion indicated to me that they would stick with NPO through thick and thin, and I cannot fathom this.

    I suppose I let my hatred of the NPO outweigh my love for the Legion.

    This is the real reason for the cancellation of ORPPLE, folks. I'm sorry to see us go our separate ways, but this cancellation was inevitable judging by ODN's recent cutting of all ties with ex-Hegemony.

  2. Hello Arcadian ;)

    I'm not trying to meddle in Legion affairs but I must ask. Why did you guys choose to replace the Arbiter with Siwelcela instead of Konkrage? With all due respect to Siwelcela and from what I heard from other Legionnaires that I've talked to, It seems to me that his economic policies are causing you guys to stagnate in the amazing sanction race. Doesn't this concern everybody else within the Legion? After all, you guys were doing an amazing job with regrowth back to sanction several months ago before the Karma war.

    As for questions that don't involve economics, how do you guys like your new system of government? Do you guys treat your Imperator Imperial with the same "God Emperor reverence" that Pacificans treat Trotsky's Revenge with?

    I'm just going to answer the econ-related parts of your question. Imperial chose SIWELCELA because he believed SIW was about econ, not just about power as Konkrage was. Also, there was a lot of issues between me and Konkrage that led them to choose SIW. SIW's economic policies per say are not what is causing our stagnation. The lack of SIW has. However, we have an extremely capable econ staff run by madalchemist. Madalchemist is by far the great CoFS the Legion has ever seen and will make an excellent MoE in the future. I for one am concerned with our growth, but I have rejoined econ and hope to guide them in the right direction. I know that the Ministry of Economics can succeed with a little push. We did take a hit in the Karma war, but that is no excuse for our lack of growth in the past few months. We changed our recruiting policy and are building a stronger member core so that is probably why in the last few weeks our ANS has risen and our AS has stagnated. In the next month or so this will balance out and the jetting will take place and you will see our score skyrocket. We plan to import massive amounts of technology (hopefully from you guys as well). All that said, I can assure you we will have a sanction in the next 5-6 months.

  3. It was a well fought war by our opponents, I regard them with the utmost respect and hold my head high as we walk away from this war.

    Ave Ragnarok.

    Ave Nemesis.

    Ave Legio.

    I hope this war has settled the hostile attitudes between ourselves and RoK and Hoo as we never wanted relations to be that way. Maybe things will be different now and we will be able to prosper together.

    All I can do now is offer a good luck to those still fighting and a congratulations to those who have won.

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