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The Arbiter

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Posts posted by The Arbiter

  1. So in essence, you can't control your members? Do you even screen your members on something as simple as reading and comprehension? Univeralis and PAIN look nothing alike. :wacko:

    Sauce has been a member of our alliance for a long time, I don't know how he did this. However, 240 members are a lot harder to control than 11.

  2. You use the adjective "offensive" in your description of the nuke... I wonder if you would clarify how a nuke could be defensive?

    I'll clarify for him. If you have just been nuked and are sending a nuke bakc.

  3. Just keep on repeating it and it might become true.

    Universalis declaring war on us because one of our nations accidentally attacked theirs is unrelated to GGA attacking Hyperion. 'Duh

  4. Here is what I've learned throughout this thread:

    1. A Legion member attacked a Univeralis member by "accident"

    That is impossible. When you declare a war in CN, you know what you're doing. If he went rogue, that's one thing, but that was never stated. This however, looks like the Legion had an attack list, and somebody went and messed up. Which leads to the next thing I learned.

    2. Universalis was given the opportunity to accept reparations from The Legion.

    Unversalis gave harsh terms, probably because they felt The Legion was planned to attack them ( See my explanation of point 1.) Universalis declined, which is totally acceptable.

    3. Universalis felt they were being aggressively attacked.

    Vanguard honored it's treaty, nothing more, nothing less.

    Bobboman, all I can argue is the facts that have been presented.

    1. I'm not sure how that was possible.

    2. You're right, it is acceptable that they declined.

    3. Wrong. Universalis was itching for war and aggressively attacked us.

  5. Get your story straight. I kicked and banned you, not Rafa Nadal. I did that only 15 minutes ago.

    Why? Because you and your ilk do not deserve to be in there. I'd rather not have my channel spammed.

    I never said Rafael kickbanned me I said someone did.

  6. LOL. Trying to drag us through the mud with dishonesty, nice. Is that what you told your allies, that I banned you from our public channel? You do realize that our conversation was in our public channel right? As in, anybody who was their at the time can vouch that you were not banned, you understand that right?

    I was kickbanned. You can even see I'm on the banned list.


    [iNFO] Channel view for “#vanguard” opened.

    [iNFO] You are banned from this channel.

  7. That tells me all I need to know. I don't need to worry at all, my NS is 0.000 and I've fought the best of the best in this game, you're nothing but a paper tiger. =D

    Nukes and CM's may ZI my nation but words will never hurt me. :awesome:

  8. And you're forced to live with his decision just as everyone else is forced to live with theirs. May I ask you why he made a mistake? Was there any intention of attacking, it's hard to mix up a name like Universalis with anything else.

    We're not sure why he did it, or how he did it. And we're not the ones with the predicament. It's you who should be worried.

  9. I have nothing to do with anything. It was their decision and they have to live with it, just as Vanguard does. To say that either of them declared an aggressive war is a down right fabrication.

    It wasn't our decision. That guy dec'd as a mistake.

  10. Our guy who attacked Universalis made a mistake. We contacted Universalis gov and told them this. They proposed harsh and extremely unreasonable peace terms. We did not accept. Vanguard, you are not defending Univeralis, you are attacking with them. As such, you must be killed.

    Ave Legio!

  11. You guys are a bunch of liars. Dishonorable, you will go down without mercy.

    <The_Arbiter[Legion]> what's your CB?

    <Deatvert> Hm?

    <Petrovich4> whats a cb???

    <The_Arbiter[Legion]> one of your nations

    <The_Arbiter[Legion]> are attacking one of ours

    <Petrovich4> thats not good

    <Deatvert> Casus belli

    <Deatvert> or something like that

    <Deatvert> fancy latin

    <Deatvert> for "why you declared war"

    <Petrovich4> i spek some english

    <Petrovich4> so thanku for clarifying

    <Rafael_Nadal> we'll deal with it arbiter

    <Rafael_Nadal> i need to wait for other government officials first though

    <The_Arbiter[Legion]> is he rogue?

    <Rafael_Nadal> i can't make any decisions on my own

    <The_Arbiter[Legion]> is he rogue?

    =-= Hungchang|sleep is now known as Hungchang

    <Rafael_Nadal> i think

    <Rafael_Nadal> we had target lists up, but i guess there was a mixup taking them down

    <Rafael_Nadal> sorry

  12. LegionFlag.png


    Imperial Decree from the New Purple Order

    It is with great pleasure that I announce to you the Legion's CN:TE alliance, the New Purple Order.

    Article 1:

    The new Purple order shall have an Imperial government with the Emperor having complete control. If the Emperor is unavailable then the Regent of all things Purple (RP) shall take over. The Minister of Hitting People with Sticks is awesome.

    Article 2:

    Recognizing that TE is a war torn battlefield, all nPo nations must have at least one war going on at all times for the purpose of building the alliance.

    Article 3:

    Any nation from the Legion on regular CN or their allies shall have no questions in joining as long as they in-game private message the Divine Emperor, the Regent, or the Minister of Hitting People with Sticks.

    Article 4:

    All members must vote for the Emperor for purple team senator and be on the purple sphere.

    If the Emperor has a good margin, then members are to vote for the Regent.

    Article 5:

    Totem owns the sporks so no touching

    Article 6:

    The Minister of Hitting People with Sticks is the coolest person ever.

    Signed on this Sixteenth day of August, 2008

    Minister of Hitting People with Sticks,

    Commander of all things Living,

    The Arbiter

    Minister of Eating things with a Spork,

    Regent of all things Purple,

    vodka (aka totem)

    Master of Grapes,

    Destroyer of raisins,

    His Royal Purpleness,

    Emperor new Purple order,

    King William IV

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