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Everything posted by Trace

  1. Well, I might point out to the insulted party, that if he hadn't come around where he had no real business to be, he wouldn't have been insulted. So I would then tell him he got what he deserved for that. If he has a hissy fit over this, then that's his own fault for not understanding that you can't always get your way.
  2. There were no insults until a head was stuck where it had no reason to be in the first place. And secondly no I don't consider it a bit Imperial. I consider it this wonderful little thing called friendship.
  3. Just because RoK wasn't willing to fight you over this, doesn't mean that it absolves you of having gone after the ally of a friend twice in just over a month now. One has to wonder, since in neither situation you had any involvement, just how high you value those friends.
  4. Well that's just the crux of the whole thing, now isn't it
  5. What? That has no relation to the comment you quoted. I don't think most folks are questioning the fact that you don't care about taking a bit of a beating. It's the situation you've put several of your friends in, that has people disgusted with you.
  6. I detest \m/ too, but this leaves a bad feeling in my mouth. Such disregard for friends of a friend twice now? Not cool in my books.
  7. Like the time they were willing to attack our MADP partner, MK be damned? Whoops.
  8. An ally who attacks your ally. That's a real good friend there.
  9. What? No seriously, what? Edit - You edited it as I was hitting quote
  10. Pretty sure Twisted is in PC. But uhm, yay for trying to appear smart?
  11. "Bring it" Love it. If you really wanted them, why didn't you just declare on them? Ohhhhhhhhhhh............
  12. No, for quite a few people this was not the right move.
  13. I know this was very tough for you to do FOK. Here's to happier tidings in the days to come. MK still gots yo backside (yes, the whole damn ghetto thing itself )
  14. Dude, it got through 2 pages of MK !@#$-spam. If it can't make it through this, then it's not worth keeping open.
  15. I dunno. People insult ODN, or people insult SOS. I know which option I'd rather take, and as we've managed to maneuver this from one to the other, I'm content.
  16. Your inability to use properly does not make me inclined to waste any more of my time on you. I've already let myself get dragged into speaking with you, and I feel like I should go hang out with Denial to make me feel better about myself because of it.
  17. I hope not, but knowing us, we'd also probably try to prove that the sky was green if we were hallucinating one day.
  18. Your second point does not make SOS look any better. Also, I'm not sure if you had heard, but ODN was recently accepted into that C&G bloc. Had you heard this?
  19. I would like the movies off which you are loosely based But seriously, I think we can all agree that Mario is awesome, while anime is just painful.
  20. Clearly not. You sir, are obviously unqualified to comment on ODN or anything pertaining to it. Stop spreading these lies and blasphemous thoughts.
  21. I have no idea what that means, so I'm going to assume it's a joke about the idiotic concept that his alliance is based about.
  22. I take that as a no, I'm not willing to risk my precious anime nation, then?
  23. How about this. We send 36 approximately the same size nations to the 'Complaints and Grievances' AA, and then they duke it out with you guys. Winner gets bragging rights and the loser has to cease all idiotic posts (thats ALL posts in your case) on the OWF for some period of time.
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