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Blog Comments posted by Barkeaters

  1. It's a free Planet Bob but new players should not be starting alliances. They should seek out an established alliance that meets their gameplay style. It would be wise if they had experience in an alliance. Like I said who am I to say who can and can not start an alliance, but maybe wisdom comes from the school of hard knocks.

  2. Hopefully TSO shows its wisdom and evicts you very soon. You're lucky that, while at ACV, I didn't personally shove a nuke up your $@!, regardless of the consequences. Try to troll ACV again, and I'll give you one of the "history lessons" you love so much. Now anything else you'd like to spout out of that source of ignorance you call a mouth?

    Edited to make post less venemous


  3. Solidus117 will say "community" and I will refer to it as a family like "band of brothers" I think there are divergent ideas on the game and the point of the game. There are two camps that stand out to me. One is a blended game play and value of the social component of the game and then some that think the game is lame and are here just for the social aspect and are just existing.

    I think it's pointless to be in a group that is heading in a different direction. It only builds resentment which is counter productive for any family. You have been to a family reunion to see bitter factions. Yes it has lots of drama, but desiring drama is rather cold in my opinion.

    What is left is finding the place where you fit that has the game play you desire and a group that shares a core of values that you do. This combination of game play and values leads to a close bond between each other. You might call it "elitist" but I see it more as a "Band of Brothers" (fellow sisters of course).

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