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Posts posted by Partisan

  1. IC the war should be mean and bitter, as long as we all realize that it remains a game and are able to shake hands with eachother OOC.

    EDIT: Just read johnny's post. Damn you for beating me to it :ph34r:

  2. This is what happens when you see f*ck alliances join forces. Over the past 2 years I've seen your new hegemony (yes, I use the world hegemony as you are no better) commit all the crimes you once opposed. We've seen flimsy CB's, spying, bullying, threatening and now we finally see the last piece of the puzzle.

    You have degraded yourself to be the lowest of the lowest and the worst of the worst. Even the old hegemony was better than you. During karma you rallied around the banner of 'justice'. Where is this justice now? You have lost all the respect I ever may have had for you. Your actions will not be forgotten and one day you will burn.

    Pacifica, You have paid for your crimes in karma, a war from which you are still recovering. I didn't think I would ever say it, but I am rooting for you.

    Pacifica prevails.

  3. [quote name='TheyCallMeJeezy' timestamp='1295805894' post='2594071']
    Alliance's still have banks?

    very 2008

    For sparta, Bank = Nation with war chest?

    [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1295806116' post='2594077']
    1/2 day (12 hours) of war with Exodus:

    Exodus: 37 nations
    In peace mode: 7
    Rest: 30

    In anarchy: 17 (56.67%)

    Imagine a full day of war to be completed!

    Read my post above...thats hardly your doing and as such, nothing to brag about. Nukes do that to you ;)

  4. [quote name='CampinKiller' timestamp='1295805304' post='2594056']
    I don't know if you are joking or not, but so far there are plenty of Exodus nations in anarchy, and plenty on the verge of it. This morning a Exodus nation that I am warring with tried to surrender to Sparta. You call that losing?
    Bunch of annoyances

    haha, its called nuclear anarchy, and its not coming from Sparta. Remember that we are engaged in about 30 wars with RIA. We have 17 nations anarchied and most of them were certainly not by you.

    The nation you are warring is a newb that has been inactive for a while now and is still part of our academy I believe. Good job man!

    silly man.

  5. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1295773570' post='2593681']
    Apologies, I was typing up my previous reply and missed this one.

    If Sparta filled up every single one of those 79 slots, Sparta would be unable to stagger Exodus. That means the total is actually 60. 11 of these have been filled by RIA which means there are 49 slots open. As you have pointed out [I haven't checked lately myself] Sparta has declared 39 wars which is roughly 80%. Now, you must remember that Sparta have ~21 hours to fill the remaining 10 slots (time zones), and then another day to pick up the final stagger (30 slots). So actually, Sparta have Exodus well covered.

    As for anarchies, you are living in the past. We have nukes to deal with anarchy, and Sparta has rather a lot of them. Furthermore, Sparta is a large alliance and will always have ~10 anarchies because of its ghostbusting etc.

    We must also remember that Exodus is a very small alliance. Sparta would have only sent in a small portion of its nations to engage. This is because Sparta is needed elsewhere at a later date. Most of the Spartans ITT have so far not engaged. This is not because of inactivity, it is because Exodus is unconnected and of no real thread to our coalition.

    So next time, please, when you bring up facts and figures, do try to balance them properly. I have never said Sparta are en excellent alliance at warfare. They have done several things here incorrectly. But to say they are useless is simply not true.

    indeed, I forgot about the stagger. It's still early around here. However, You do not need a stagger for the 11 RIA nations. That means the actual total would still be 60 and 39 out of 60 for a 300+man alliance is still weak in my book. I know we are not relevant. Do not think for a moment that I do not understand how things work around here. It has however always been my impression that when one goes to war for his allies, the least he can do is actually try to take them out. They could easily spare the nations required to organise a full hit.

    I never said Sparta is worthless. I do say that their performance in the war so far is certainly not impressing.

  6. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1295766033' post='2593473']
    Any yet Exodus has an average of two slots per nation [what you would expect for a first night in any alliance] less than an hour after update. Yes, some are offensive wars and yes, some were declared on by RIA, but when you consider events such as 25 hour nuking and Exodus nations in PM, Sparta has done fine. Sparta are just as competent as any other mass recruiter [and, at least statistically, are actually superior to most mass recruiters in terms of wonders, tech and NS].

    Also the fact someone from the NpO is calling out Sparta is simply hilarious considering the effort your alliance has so far put up.

    Shall we look at the statistics?
    Exodus is currently engaged in 80 wars.[/b]

    30 of these wars were declared by Exodus
    Sparta declared 39 wars so far.
    Then there are 11 wars by RIA.

    [b]Exodus has 30 members in war mode[/b]
    That means 30x3 = 90 defensive slots.
    11 have been filled by RIA
    That leaves 79 slots.

    Sparta has 234 nations in war mode and only one opponent
    Sparta launched 39 wars (not even half of the possible slots they could get).

    Sparta has at least 5 anarchies on the screen, which will turn out to be more because it isn't updated.
    We have have a total of somewhere between the 10 and 15 anarchies, of which most are RIA nukes. (second day of fighting).

    How does that constitute 'doing well' again?

  7. [center][IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/cnstuff/ExodusFlag525x350.png[/IMG]

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEg5QMkw7tg obligatory song.

    [quote]Seems like these days the whole worlds on fire
    Things keep blowin the hell up
    And all these rubberneckers and lookie loo's stand slackjawed starin'
    The real men have the nuts to walk away!

    yeahh, cool guys don't look at explosions
    They blow things up and then walk away
    Who's got time to watch and explosion?
    Theres cool guy areas that they have to walk to!

    Keep walkin', Keep shinin'
    Don't look back, keep on walkin'
    Keep Struttin', Slow motion
    The more you ignore it, the cooler you look

    HAHAHA Where are we?

    Cool guys don't look at explosions
    They stride forward in their diamond covered boots
    They wear jumpsuits with glitter and rhinestones
    And walk away in slow motion

    Keep walkin; You're cruisin'
    Cherry Cherry.. Sweet Caroline
    Denzel walks, Will Smith walks
    Mark Wahlburg is wearin' a hat!

    Cool guys don't look at explosions,
    The flames are hot, but their heart is chill
    Walk fast from that boring explosion,
    And don't think about the people you killed
    2 3 4![/quote]

    Dear RIA...You're random, insane and you touched the IAA. Time to blow you up.

    Persuant to Article IV of the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97304"]Divine Intervention Accords[/url] , Exodus declares war on the Random Insanity Alliance.

    Godspeed o/


    ironchef, Triumvir
    Partisan, Triumvir
    Wu Tang Clan, Triumvir
    Lex Luthor, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    aboooe, Minister of Internal Affairs
    PMoses, Minister of Finance
    The Corrupt Teacher, Minister of Defense [/i][/center]

  8. [quote name='Rooman33' timestamp='1295383647' post='2581945']
    OOC: Dude, your default toolbar search engine is ask.com? Weak :P

    IC: It was only a matter of time until someone did something stupid to start a war... Here's hoping everyone has fun tossing nukes around. :D I'll try talking my citizens into wearing suntan lotion before going out under the green-tinged sky. :smug:

    OOC: you may kill me now. :P

    IC: to the popcorn machine, I guess..

  9. [quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1295382470' post='2581913']
    Clearly you fail to understand that lennox in fact did a service to VE. While he did spy on them, he went to great effort to construct an solid looking CB against an enemy they've had their eye on for a time. If anything this is cause for promotion.

    Oh, I understand it. I simply don't agree with it. hypocricy etc.

    [quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1295383124' post='2581935']
    [OOC]Yes it is. I'm not saying that users are pretending their rulers find these things abhorrent. I'm saying rulers do not find these things abhorrent, but pretend they do because, as rulers, they want to fight the opposing alliance. There is absolutely nothing OOC about that, and calling it OOC is not a [i]valid[/i] counter to the point that...[/OOC]
    Condoning spying, whether due to a set up or not, is a valid CB.


    They didn't fabricate a CB. They were handed a CB with a bright bow on top of it, but as far as the narrative they're trying to run with here, I kind of agree with you.

    Well, everything is pointing at this being a trap purposefully set up by VE, which would indicate that they did indeed try to 'fabricate' a CB.

  10. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295381362' post='2581881']
    It's absolutely amazing that people are arguing about this one, to be honest. Spying is one of the oldest and most cast-iron CBs around, and there's not really much space for diplomacy when the second in command of the alliance is directly implicated. (And Dajobo may have decided to try to 'come clean' after it was leaked that they were getting rolled, but he certainly didn't before 'oh crap' time.)

    It just annoys me that yet again the opponent has too small a top tier to actually provide slots for everyone. Some Polar ally please attack me.

    Edit: As Goldie says, what we may decide to do or not do internally with Lennox is not really your concern. But consider this: he put himself at considerable risk to tell us about the plan he was a part of and that will be taken into account.

    Its amazing that you managed to find out about the spy, judge the evidence, discuss war, prepare your membership/alliance, inform your allies, get said allies to discuss and make a decision and declare war, all in a timespan of 20 hours. All of this without taking the time to listen to the 'other side' of the story or trying to use any diplomacy to solve the issue whatsoever.

    As for your complaining about the 'lack of a top tier'....Perhaps you shouldn't have called in all those allies in if you wanted to have a piece of them. Just a suggestion.

    I'd call it hypocricy to punish an alliance for spying while letting the actual spy off the hook and still keeping him as a member. Double standards much?


    [quote]Yes. It was a set up. What's your point? It's still more than enough for a CB. If we waited around for alliances to actually do something as awful as we all pretend these things are, we would never get to fight.

    Although it is interesting that he was active today. I wonder how proud of himself he is that he stabbed a friend in the back to get his revenge.[/quote]

    My point is that VE should have had the balls to simply declare war without trying to fabricate some kind of CB. For an alliance that always prides itself on its 'honour', this is an incredibly low point. If you want to look good while curbstomping an alliance, at least try to cover up your story.

  11. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before yet but...what the heck is this?


    if you look at the top right of this screen shot you'd see that Lennox is still masked as a member. Really VE? You're attacking polar for 'spying' while letting the ACTUAL spy off the hook. In fact, you even let the person that fed your 'precious' war chest info to polar remain a member of your alliance?

    I call bull and set-up.

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