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Posts posted by Partisan

  1. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1309398517' post='2744565']
    1. We ordered spy ops, and then literally right as the order went out, it was recalled via our gov skype call due to exodus telling us you weren't hitting us after all. If you expected an entire blitz in a span of 30 seconds from spy order given to order canceled, well, I'd like to see NSO do it.

    2. Exodus gov told me you were collecting our warchest info from them. Are you calling them liars?

    3. I'm not on the same computer anymore, so no comp = no logs. Maybe someone else has them.

    [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1309398598' post='2744568']
    I'll ask around for the logs. As for the Exodus gov claims, who said it? And even if true, just collecting warchest info doesn't mean we were going to declare war on you- maybe we just wanted to laugh at how sad they were :awesome:

    I feel the need to contest this. I recall Exodus wasn't even allied to NSO at the time. To have them come in for us instead of their own allies (who were bound to enter or get hit) would just be silly. On top of this comes the fact that telling you, our adversary at the time that they were coming in wouldn't have been a good strategic decision :P

    I was a triumvir at the time and I never heard anything official about NSO entering for us. Neither has there been anything official in our gov. forums in which it was discussed. Whoever told you they would enter was talking out of his ass.

  2. [quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1309113090' post='2742029']
    We troll for fun, ill admit I do it. But I definetly don't go past my limits and im sure you guys know that. PMoses always takes things to seriously. I always keep it calm until he starts !@#$%*ing about my alliance which he does do it out of hand. That is what ticks me of. Ill randomly be lurking iin #exodus and then he'll say my name and start talking trash out of the blue. So yea.....there goes the "immaturity". :awesome:

    I've watched things getting out of hand multiple times. Sometimes it starts with moses, sometimes it starts with you. Each time, both parties look silly. When you troll an alliance in their own channel you're bound to get in a slugfest. You just literally claimed that you troll us 'for fun' but you cant take it when someone 'starts !@#$%*ing about your own alliance' (your words, not mine). Why the double standards? Seems pretty immature.

  3. [quote name='xR1 Fatal Instinct' timestamp='1308986096' post='2741039']
    The way I've seen you act in SUN's channel, PMoses, is pretty diplomatic (sarcasm). I hope your nation keeps getting destroyed until you learn some manners.

    While I agree with you that PMoses does indeed run his mouth, I must also point out to you SUNs constant attempts at trolling Exodus' public IRC channel. This happens on almost a daily basis and generally ends in a PMoses v. SUN slugfest.

    When you point at one party, look at the other as well. SUN has proven to me time and time again to be incapable of normal discourse with parties they consider to be 'opposed' to them. Their immaturity, the disrespect they show to others and their inability to come to diplomatic agreements will surely get them in serious trouble at some point.

  4. [quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' timestamp='1308880971' post='2739852']
    When I ask myself at night did I make the right decision to leave Exodus post war? The answer always falls right at my feet. Thank you god. :rolleyes:

    Hey now, that hurts :P

    PMoses hasn't been in Exodus for quite some time and as such we have nothing to do with this one.

  5. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307987329' post='2730643']
    [color="#0000FF"]What is this all about? TIO upgrading with NPO or something? Is that why IAA canceled? I don't know. Can't people just say it in the announcement. I really don't see the point in trying to hide it.

    That said, get over it IAA. Others suffered at the hands of the NPO too and got over it. I find it utterly absurd that you're feeling sore over things that happened years ago. Though that may perhaps be due to the fact that a rational man such as myself cares more for what is going on presently than what is happening in 2008.[/color]

    Judging from recent wars, I find it hard to believe these others got 'over it' :awesome:

    On the topic at hand: I guess this breakup is for the better.

  6. [quote name='Melancholy Culkin' timestamp='1307699772' post='2728530']
    It was only a matter of time before one of [i]these[/i] happened. It's just too bad it was between two alliances of this calibre.

    You're right, it was indeed a matter of time before one of these happened. Too bad your alliance is still far below the calibre you speak of. :smug:

  7. [i]As he leaned against his favorite tree, located on top of the ceremonial hill he closed his eyes. Mental images appeared of those dark days. It was as if he had returned to the great battle. He could hear the whistling and subsequence explosion of enemy artillery shells. The artillery that had taken so many of his soldiers' lives. So many of his friends. In his mind the image of the burning soldier he found in the trenches kept resurfacing. The soldier hadn't been able to help himself because his legs had been ripped off by a shell fragment. He never stood a chance. Partisan opened his eyes and the image disappeared.

    Four months had passed since the Exodians had stood proud in the face of death. They had waged their war despite being outmatched and outnumbered. That war, sometimes referred to as the "Spartan Insanity war" had however left its marks on the Exodus.

    At the conclusion nothing had been the same. Before the war, Exodus had been a thriving community with great aspirations. The war had ravaged its industry and destroyed its infrastructure. Food was scarce and crime rose to extreme levels. Nothing seemed to be left of the once-great Exodus. Yet, they had never given up hope and they had kept going until things started improving. As he lifted his head to take a glance at the city beneath him, he thought of his members. How they had picked up their shovels and axes without hesitation when the war concluded and went back to work. How they sang songs of freedom in a world filled with tears. He remembered how it had filled his heart with pride.

    As he glanced down upon the city he identified the factories that had just been completed. He turned his attention to the east, where his men were in the process of transforming a military airfield into a civil airfield.[/i] "What progress we made" [i]He thought to himself and he closed his eyes again.[/i]

    "Sir!" "Sir!"

    [i]He wasn't sure how long he had slept but as he opened his eyes he recognized his personal assistant, waving a couple of papers around. The assistants eyes lightened up as he noticed the awakening of his boss.[/i] "What is the matter with him? He's never been this excited", [i]Partisan thought to himself.[/i]

    [i]As the assistant walked closer he handed Partisan the documents.[/i] "We did it sir, we're back!"


  8. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306485927' post='2718918']

    Here's the thing: in order for one to be a member of any club or society, they must have that honour bestowed upon them by someone who is already a member of that club or society. Henceforth, you being the one that gave me that kool IdiotKlub membership card... :awesome:

    Hey psst, Hadrian....ChefJoe gave you the card. Ironchef was simply pointing and laughing.

    And here I was thinking you had already hit rock bottom....Guess i've been proven wrong :awesome:

  9. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1306101198' post='2716730']
    Which is why I think reps at all is stupid. Problem #1 is that an agreement between the offender and offended party =/= an agreement with the alliance on the whole. Now, I know King James was PMed and all SHOULD have been resolved, but there are times when communication breaks down, especially when you are leaving messages for people; they don't always check them before acting. Both parties should have just called it even and moved on IMO.

    That would have happened had they been reasonable throughout the negotiations. Instead they pushed their luck and went for war, assuming that their protector would back them and jump in the fire at their wim. They only came to their senses AFTER RoK dropped them, at which point we at X were completely done negotiating with a rock. :ph34r:

  10. [quote name='hewhoisgod' timestamp='1305814387' post='2714925']
    The reason we PZI'ed el_barto is irrelevant to this discussion. You accepted a nation that was at war with us. The reason we were at war doesn't matter. This is a laughable offense on your part. They you somehow try to say that this was an attack on exodus and that we owe YOU reps?

    This only serves to demonstrate how pathetic Exodus really is.

    We're not the ones who contacted random alliances in the hope of getting support. We're not the ones trying to weasel ourselves out of the deal made just one night after signing it. Heres another fun fact: SUN actually tried to get IAA to support them, without checking their treaties. Had they done so they would have known that the IAA is an ally of ours.

    The reps are owed for the 2 attacks on our AA without clearance (the first attack is left aside) and your sheer stupidity. Had you acted reasonable from the get-go we would have been far more easy on you. At the beginning of the talks, all asked for was for you to pull your guys back. You were hell-bend on going to war and probably would have done so if it wasn't for Ragnarok dropping you. Only after that did you come to your senses.

    And you call us pathetic?

  11. [quote name='green muffins' timestamp='1305796528' post='2714853']
    well reguardless you shouldn't have asepted someoneon a zi list so what if he pland on joining before hand and thatyou like him he couldhave said hi to them anthey zid him for alli care. if you have a problem u shovldhave declared waron them istead of asking for reps iagree itsa dumb reason 2 pzi though andsun are lame for payingthe reps butit was verry honerable andi respect them forthat. el barto i loled u fool butstill love ya bro :P

    You dont want to know how close we came to that. Are you saying that we simply should have rolled them instead of giving them a final chance to get off? It would have been a curbstomb that would probably mean the end of SUN. I'll keep it in mind for next time in a similiar situation though.

  12. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1305768582' post='2714670']
    "Spying" that you have only coincidental "evidence" of, something I was told by your leader, and now you're "letting him sell his infra." You went after him because you thought he was a spy and now are backing off that side of the argument to claim something different because you realized you have no real evidence that it even took place, and conveniently ignoring the fact that Elbarto and Dacian both left opposing alliances within, what, a week of each other? And now you claim that they "left under different circumstances." Given the fact that Elbarto was the reason the current things are taking place, I would say that puts his leaving right smack dab in the center of things, absolutely no different than Dacian leaving.

    Something else you keep making a point of is that Dacian was government. Guess what, folks? Elbarto was, too.

    Good grief, you really have fallen far.

    Congratulations. You just got me to the point where I am no longer able to follow your logic. :wacko:

  13. [quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1305751795' post='2714481']
    For all of you that want to talk !@#$ about us, go ahead. We could care less.
    We had our reasons for what we were doing since El Barto could not admit to his mistakes and left without causing to much trouble. However he decided to and from our side of the story we were right. I agree we were making a stupid mistake for PZI'ing him or atleast saying it but we wanted our chance at him. I sent out a message to all nations in Bartos range to attack him the previous night and one of them attacked WHILE HE WAS UNALLIGNED. I was at school coming back to realize that Barto had switched back to Exodus and another 2 nations still attacked him. If I knew he was going to do this, I would of held the attacks back. However even when Exodus accepted him into the alliance while they had the knowledge that he was going to be ZI'ed and HE WAS AT WAR with a SUN member, they still made no effort to come and contact us about this. Things wouldn't have turned out this way if you guys had done that. We could've negotiated this. As for Dacian, he came to SUN by his own will and was not a "spy". He simply did not agree with Exodus reasoning's. Then Ragnarok left us, if they understood our point of view I hope they wouldn't have but I guess they didn't. No clue what Exodus and allies told Ragnarok but it surely convinced them. We had 3+ alliances ready to hit us, and we did not want to put our other SUN nations at risk.

    However what happened, happened for the best. This is my point of view. Everyone has there own opinions about us. Feel free to think about whatever

    I just refuted your point that we never tried to solve the first attack 2 posts above. Its quite possible that your guy did not relay that message but that would still be an error on SUNs part.

    We told ragnarok nothing other than what we told you. Perhaps they saw the facts as they were.

  14. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1305746304' post='2714425']
    Don't tempt [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjfR6d_VEuA"]Mad Shatt[/url]; his eyes are wide.

    I only see NSO with the endorsements.

    Paint? I'll have you know the Schloss Eggenberg Productions Support Agency uses Firework MX Education 2002.

    I like to think that by sticking to the truth I can transcend politics; everyone is welcome to join me up here :)

    What both of you need to understand is that when you accept a member with active wars and no alliance affiliation, you don't get some intrinsic right to demand "an apology and compensation of damage done" because the damage done was not to your member and the perceived wrong was not to your member. You accepted a nations in the process of being ZIed or PZIed--the distinction is immaterial to the circumstances of his application--and while many alliances might say "oh, ok, well you can have him" many (I dare say most) would not, and would tell you he's free from attacks when he gets to ZI (ie: <LA[SUN|XBOX]> i said you can have him, i did not say with infra).
    If it came down to Exodus decided that treaties with NSO, IAA, and Val meant they can tell SUN to get bent, fine. But the idea that you are owed reps for "6 - 7 subsequent hours of my night" is repugnant, and you and ironchef should resign your positions if you don't want to do your jobs.
    Don't get me wrong--I don't dislike elfarto, I don't dislike Exodus (yet), I don't like SUN, and I don't agree that a ZI or PZI is necessarily correct, but the simple fact of the matter is that your demands for compensation are absurd when it is Exodus which is breaking all protocol.

    [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1305746885' post='2714431']
    It's also common decency to not accept nations already at war* (which he apparently was). For one it's hard to distinguish between "is just ghosting" and "legitimately joined," but even then you have the loose ends of figuring out the war and why it was going on in the first place. That sort of thing should be resolved and dealt with before the person joins another AA. If it's not, you're pretty much consenting to whatever baggage they're bringing with them with the war. The war then becomes your responsibility, and the fact that they continued to attack with more wars is just something that Exodus set themselves up for.

    * = At least, I used to think it was. People actually do this to us all the time. But I suppose, if GOONs does it (it being "not accept nations at war"), it's the wrong thing to do.

    I see both of your points and would agree if it werent for the fact that the actual issue had been resolved. Ironchef sat down with el barto and the aggrieved "Founder" before we were even informed of his ZI sentence. (This was because of the war we noticed.) The two of them solved the issue under Ironchefs eye. All seemed well and we were of the understanding that peace would be offered soon. As such, Barto joined the Exodus AA and was accepted. At that point the other two attacks happened.

    To recap for those who apparently dont understand: We came to them when we saw something wrong and were led to believe that the issue was resolved. After that however, the attacks on barto were made WITHOUT clearance.

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