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Posts posted by Partisan

  1. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1318881068' post='2827288']
    Then lets all call a cease fire on chest thumping from both sides. Talking doesn't improve our war skills. It's tiresome to read after a week or so. Agreed?

    You have my sword. Running in circles yelling the same things at eachother has become tiresome.

    This forum is OOC, right?

  2. [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1318880741' post='2827285']
    Have you not had the memo? Sith are the best at the warz and we all have to go into PM ASAP.

    Funny how legion is suddenly trying to make up their past lack of testicular fortitude with large amounts of chest-thumping.

  3. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1318674075' post='2825548']
    So what you want us to believe is that LF accepted a tech package at 12:15 PM, then left TOP, applied to NSO, was accepted, and then DoW'd at 10:30 PM? So it's just a coincidence that the alliance NSO was at war with the very day that he joined was one that he's had a long standing feud with?

    That leads me to wonder, what is LFs membership status with NSO? And did TOP object to one of their former government members leaving? Since there's been some doubt cast on my assertion that LF is a rogue (fixed it for ya Chaoshawk) that leaves two possibilities for the quick switch. Either it was sanctioned by TOP or NSO has been doing some high level poaching. Offering a well known Legion enemy the chance to hit us during a full on war would be very tempting and a 100K NS nation with over 100 efficiency would be a very good get for NSO.

    He has applied to the NSO and apparently wants to be a member for one reason or another. Wether or not he joined for the war is irrelevant. His intentions are his own. The internal affairs of the sith are none of your business anyways. I believe its fairly well known that LF does not like you. Perhaps he wanted to be a sith, perhaps he wanted to hit you. It does not matter You are looking for conspiracies that arent there. If you care so much about his 100k NS nation maybe you should not have alienated him.

  4. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1318644490' post='2825361']
    Seeing as how both sides have objected to the addition of Mercs (a nation that joins an AA merely for the purpose of waging war) what should be done about it? Take the two case nations below:

    [URL="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=317239"]Lord Fingolfin[/URL] merc-ing in NSO from TOP, Current Team: Pink

    [URL="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=264283"]Albatros[/URL] merc-ing in Legion from Paragon, Current Team: White

    Should a Merc be considered a special type of rouge and sanctioned? Do you think either or both of these nations qualified for a Merc classification?

    Fingolfin actually applied to NSO.

  5. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1318620561' post='2825065']
    Go for it, let me know how the differences stack up ;) .. also, as for the one nation that joined 10 days ago (myself), know that I only left the AA for ~12 hours :rolleyes:

    The difference is smaller than you would think. These are the strengths of all nations that joined either alliance since the war started.

    Legion: 39k + 24k +15k + 8.5k + 7k + 6k +5k + 5k + 2k + 1.5k + 1.5k + 0.5k + =
    105k (+72k = 177k)

    Sith: 64k + 18k + 89k + 13k + 1.5k = 170k

    Counting you, legion would have added more than the sith. Even if we dont count your nations, the difference is still only 65k. Not exactly as big of a change as your post would make it seem.

  6. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1318597035' post='2824819']
    The only flaw I see is the part about NSOs culmulative strength loss... as you see [url=http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Page=1&Order=DESC&Field=Alliance_Date&Alliance=New%20Sith%20Order]here[/url] they have had ~200k NS added to their AA.

    then we must also take into account the nations that joined legion ehh?

  7. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1318329850' post='2822819']
    They were having a rest before round 2 but decided to kick it down the line a bit and left for a real alliance (rok)

    -Personal info edited out
    [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1318296826' post='2822588']
    What were Decomp and Alisonville doing in NSO anyways? They have too much class for that. Sulmar's invite is my guess, if he's still around.

    Don't worry about what we're doing.

    To clarify things, both of them were exodus members and came over with the merger. Alison came over slightly later due to her being raided while she was checking out her options and deciding to play along for a bit.

  8. [quote name='Pearl' timestamp='1317947445' post='2819081']
    I guess. But I think u mad about a war that sparta may, or may not, have had with an alliance that may, or may not, now be defunct.

    Not sure why he would be mad, given the fact that aside from us finding your alliance to be a bit incompetent on the field, and PMoses doing his thing, nothing "bad" happened on that front. At least bring in relevant facts.

    As for the war name: I like the IE war.

  9. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317848334' post='2817330']
    Forgot to finish my thought.. What I meant is its no matter because our upper tier will funnel aid into our lower one soon enough.

    You....forgot....to finish your thoughts before posting? :awesome:

    As for your upper tier: You once again imply that you have the money to keep up an aid stream. Even in the rare case you do, I am quite certain it will end up in our warchests given the incompetence of many of your lower-end members.

  10. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317847058' post='2817310']
    Yes, because declaring 3 offensive wars per nation just to make their blitz look more impressive won't come back to bite them in the ass.

    Most people have methrage blocked.

    When the NS advantage is stuck in the upper tier, that means you have a huge advantage numerically in the lower tier. No matter though.

    What an... [i]interesting[/i] perspective.

  11. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317814047' post='2817007']
    So basically I can't tell you that you suck because you are the worst in NSO :blink: .. at least the worst in Legion knows not to call attention to himself.

    You yet again miss the point :unsure:

    What he is saying, is that what is one of our 'worst' nation builders/fighters is still greater than what seems to be your average.

  12. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317812471' post='2816993']
    You're at 3.5k NS.. Spies or CMs or 'unnecessary stuff' is unnecessary for everyone at that stage.

    Just by glancing at your nation I know you have no idea how to war at a small level.. probably due to your reroll. Just wait until tech deals expire and we can aid our runts, and show you why they say wars at won at the upper tier.

    You assume you will still have leftover warchests by that time :lol1:

  13. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317808196' post='2816964']
    Added NsO.

    Added a stat to compare the NS change between the legion's side and Tetris' side. It's at the top, the higher the number, the more damage Legion is doing...

    They are currently taken 3 times the amount of damage away from the opposing forces than they opposing forces have taken from them.

    as pointed out in another thread, you are spouting BS.

    Tetris lost a 90k nation while you gained a 100k nation.

  14. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317798887' post='2816928']
    Really? Legion needs help dealing with 3 less-than-impressive alliances? You've proved my point exactly.


    Same response.

    Get your head out of your ass. If anyone has no room talking about being "less impressive", its the legion. You claiming others are bad at war is just laughable. I suggest proving that you are actually capable of a good war effort before throwing around smug bs like that.

    Within a couple of days most of your warchests will probably be depleted anyways. :smug:

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