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Posts posted by Partisan

  1. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1289423984' post='2509630']
    I actually wondered this myself. I am beginning to fall under the assumption that MK likes to play the losers more than the controlling party. As such, this may all be a ploy to turn people “against” them in a sort of way to see where their true friends are, and who accepts them for what they are the most… Or it could be an attempt to draw support to opposing armies so they can lose the next war and have a reason to be vengeful…

    I just have such a high regard for MK I don’t want to take this as a blunder on their part, but rather a well calculated move… Given this is a stretch, by all means, and I’m really pulling this whole theory out of my @**, it is something to perhaps consider…

    I’ve been thinking about it since they cancelled all their treaties rather unexpectedly. In that event they saw how Athens reacted, and decided not to renew said treaty because of their lack of compassion for the Kingdom’s position. It showed them exactly who was understanding, and who their friends were… (again, given I have no real information on how Athens responded to the cancellation, this is all an assumption.)

    I could be completely off base this just doesn’t seem very MKish of them.

    You're cute when you speculate :wub:

  2. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1289339815' post='2508537']
    RV should have never agreed to those terms, if he thought it was extortion (which I do agree with completely) he should have told them to sod off and then make a big fuss about it on the OWF. But he didnt do that, and so he is stuck with paying the reps and is now being insulted by the creation of this topic. Really not much to be said here anymore.

    I would love to see NSO say no, for I o/ Drama.

    RV had his alliance to think of. NSO has been rolled a couple of times now and although I'm sure they like war, they need to rebuild at some point too. I assume that to be the reason why he did not refuse the terms. Any sane person knows that NSO is currently not capable of defending itself properly against any serious threats. To me it looks like the MK negotiators tried to use that to their advantage.

  3. [quote name='greatmagnus' timestamp='1289339337' post='2508527']
    MK is not asking for "unreasonable high" reps, RV himself said in this topic that the indicated amount was chump change. That point is over and not up for argument, especially since it came from RV who is the supposed victim.

    Yet, your very own Archon just admitted in this very OP that the reps demanded were to high, thus making them unreasonable.

  4. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1289338339' post='2508496']
    I'm not trying to make any arguments for MK, because like most people, I think they made mistakes as well. However, one thing I will say is that I truly believe that those who talked with NSO would have expected the exact same offer for the same situation if the shoe was ont he other foot. Maybe that's hopeful and naive of me, but that's what I believe.

    And sure, it was too high to start. That doesn't give me any more sympathy for those who convince themselves to not try.

    Even if NSO personally feels that the amount doesn't matter and that it's the principle, the reality is that the public outcry would have scaled down with the reps if they were lessened, as can be evidenced by the opinions of many people throughout both the the threads on the matter. The NSO's PR smear actually depended on keeping the reps higher.

    I don't really care about what the situation would have been if it was the other way around. The only reason I am siding with NSO here is because I honestly believe this to be wrong. Had NSO done the same to another alliance I would have protested too. If MK did not want a smear on their PR they should have asked for lower reps. Its simple as that: doing something bad results in bad PR. Start out reasonable and you gain good PR. CN for dummies :)

    It seems like we will have to agree to disagree on the sympathy bit.

    [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289338253' post='2508491']
    If you find it so outrageous and you fail to double-check, that is your fault. As for the word you're looking for, I think you need to reread the definition as I do not see the threat of war anywhere in those logs.

    I daresay your position on this is "Partisan".

    The only way for an alliance to 'demand' something is under threat of war. If an alliance demands a set amount of reps it is safe to assume that there will be consequences if the demand is not met. By percedent, this is usually war. (which in the end appeared to be true, given the deadline in the OP)

    As for your reference to my name: all I can say is: 'irrelevant'.

    EDIT: typo

  5. [quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1289338252' post='2508490']
    Backroomunreasonably much is not a word [img]http://thecastlehall.com/boards/Smileys/kickass/eng99.gif[/img]

    You know, when you try to be witty you should learn how to read. As you can see the 'read' was typed [b]within[/] the ( ), thus it was not an active part of the sentence and the words were not tied together. Nice try though.

    Perhaps you can you know, actively engage in the discussion at hand instead of searching every single sentence for typos like a real drone? :ph34r:

  6. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289337434' post='2508472']
    If you never try, you'll never know.

    Starting out with an unreasonably high number just to negotiate it down to another unreasonably high number (given the situation) is not what I call a sound diplomatic tactic. Though I probably would have tried a low number first if I were in RV's shoes I certainly see why he decided to not even try.

  7. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289337000' post='2508460']
    I'd say he was laying it on thick for his target audience as opposed to protesting in that one. Also, what I was referring to is that if you have a grievance with the way the underlings handled things, take it to the prince. Problem with the prince? Take it to the king. Problem with the King? Then you can go and cry foul. RV knew what he was doing when he dropped that line and he had no intention on pursuing the issue any further once he had got the piece he wanted to run with.

    When 2 of your underlings enter negotiations with official government authority it is safe to assume that they have the backing of your prince/king. As such, anything said or demanded by them will likely be taken as MK's word. When I am in a diplomatic discussion with officials representing another alliance I won't double check every single thing with their superiors either as I take their words as official.

    As for RV dropping that line: Ofcourse he knew what he was doing, otherwise he wouldn't have done it. It does not really matter though as the actual content of that line is basicly the truth: It was a backroom extortion. It was in a private channel (read: backroom) and (unreasonably much) money was being demanded under the implied threat of war. add it up and you get the word we're looking for.

  8. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1289336598' post='2508442']
    You don't know how much could have been taken off because you did not try. I have zero sympathy for those who do not take action in a situation because they simply [i]think[/i] that the outcome won't be favorable. A certain rogue spent over a month at war with us because he thought our only terms would involve wonder decommission or an impossible amount of reps, as we initially offered something along those lines. The final outcome was leagues away from his suspicions.

    You forgot the part where Corporation C repeatedly tries to deny any culpability in the situation, creating a false "all or none" scenario.

    To demand reps from the alliance as a whole at all would have been unreasonable. By giving you the go-ahead to hit the nation they lost any and all responsibility. You can speculate about them playing an evil trick on you by taking him back in after he rerolls all you want but thats just that: speculation. If they'd do that and you would find evidence you'd be in the right to demand reps. Now...you arent.

    Demanding 15 mil and 250 tech is simply a far to high start for such a petty issue, especially as NSO as an alliance was not in the wrong when the talks were initiated. For some reason I also doubt MK would allow for 15 mil and 250 tech to be negotiated down to 3 mil or 6 mil (which would still be unreasonable, but something NSO could have agreed on)

  9. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289325519' post='2508238']
    Its not because they called us out, they could have done that in private, and its certainly not extortion. I suppose the public sentiment has taken a radical U turn in regards to the way it views diplomatic decorum. :unsure:

    We Vanguards of Etiquette are finding it harder and harder to make our way in this increasingly barbaric world :(

    They did did call you out in private as you can see in the following quote:

    [quote]<Rebel_Virginia> You think this kind of shady back room extortion is reasonable?[/quote]

    Apparently it had no result, so he called you out again publicly.

    A good day, dear sir. :blush:

  10. Follow the path...Join the Exodus :awesome:

    We're an alliance of 580k NS and 32 members that founded less than a month ago. We have a high activity (on IRC and forums) and the potential to grow. Feel free to shoot me a pm for more info.

    I'm also going to send some of our better recruiters your way as I suck :P

  11. [quote name='Carnoly' timestamp='1288615276' post='2498940']
    Okay, I don't know why I am getting ripped on for wanting a different alliance. Lennox, you just left your alliance and was looking for as new one. Why am I the bad guy? I just want to see what alliance would benefit me the best. If you would like to get to know me better before you make assumptions please go ahead.

    The reason why you are receiving this amount of negative responses is fairly simple. Take a look at the following quote from the OP:

    [quote]I want to be Government right away or fairly quick, I want as much aid as possible and I want the alliance to be middle sized with a tight bond of nations.[/quote]

    If I make my opinion based on this post, as well as a quick glance on your nation, I would believe you are incredibly demanding while bringing little to nothing to an alliance yourself. First of all it is not a wise move to post a topic like this one while you are still in an alliance (if you are gov. its even worse). It makes you look unloyal.

    [quote]I want to be Government right away or fairly quick, I want as much aid as possible and I want the alliance to be middle sized with a tight bond of nations.[/quote]

    The quote above is far to demanding and sets a bad tone from scratch. 'Demanding' government right away coupled with 'as much aid as possible' is a bad way to start your list of criteria. It won't reflect on you well. I suggest changing your tone next time. Make it all look more friendly/inquiring and less demanding. For example, you could have posted it the following way:

    [quote]I am looking for an alliance that will help me grow through aid, tech deals or other means. My activity will allow me to spend quite some time on the alliance I decide to join, as such I would prefer an alliance that is willing to discuss government opportunities with me.[/quote]

    While I personally don't like asking total stranger for government positions, the above is, in my eyes, a better way to formulate it if you really want to put it out there.

    Given your nation set-up (as has already been said in other posts) and your alliance seniority it is safe for people to assume that you are not well-informed/experienced. Why should they give your
    To many alliances, this will come off as greedy and demanding. Perhaps its not your intention to sound as such but in the end, it is how the quote will be interpreted.

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